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wǔ yán shī
  • Five character poetry;a poem with five characters to a line
五言诗 [wǔ yán shī]
  • [a poem with five characters to a line] 包括五言古诗,五言律诗与五言绝句,特点为每句五个字

五言诗[wǔ yán shī]
  1. 王粲为五言诗的发展做出了自己的贡献。

    Wangcan made great contributions to the development of the five speech poems .

  2. 汉末文人五言诗的源流与影响

    On the origin and influence of the Five Word Poem of the late Han

  3. 论汉代佚名文人五言诗的生命悲剧意识

    On Tragic Consciousness of Life in the Five-character Poems by Unknown Men of Letters in the Han Dynasty

  4. 最后一个重要的标准是:这些诗人都是写作五言诗的高手。

    Finally , an important criteria are : Five Characters of these poets are writing a master of poetry .

  5. 本文探讨了五言诗和四言诗句脚字声律的发展。共分为以下几个部分。

    The development of metrics of verse end in four-character verse and five-character verse are discussed in this paper .

  6. 道家思想与汉末文人五言诗

    Taoism and the Poems with Five Characters to a Line By the Literati at the End of the Eastern Han Dynasty

  7. 论建安五言诗女性题材的兴起&兼论《怨诗》的作者

    On The Rise of Female Theme of Jian An Five Characters Poetry & Also on the Author of The Poem of Yuan

  8. 第三章:从声韵角度分析了《文选》五言诗的音乐性,并结合具体作品重点突出了韵的音响效果,同时对双声叠韵在选诗中对音乐性的强化也作了说明。

    Combined with the specific works it highlights the sound rhymes ; meanwhile describe the strengthening of alliteration and assonance in selecting the music .

  9. 从词汇学的角度来看,四言诗与五言诗在不同时代的出现,是符合当时汉语词汇发展现状的。

    From the angle of lexicology , the rising of four-word-poems and five-word-poems in different times conformed to the developing situation of the time .

  10. 第三、在思想表达方面,文人五言诗在表达个人情感的同时,还蕴含了深沉的哲理性思想,发人深省。

    Third , on ideas expression , while five-character poems reveal personal emotion , it also has an implication of philosophical idea that set people thinking .

  11. 《古诗十九首》是汉末文人五言诗的代表之作,在汉末文学史上有着及其崇高的地位。

    " Nineteen Ancient Poems " is the representative poem of late Han Dynasty scholar . In the late Han Dynasty literary history , it has a lofty position .

  12. 汉代出现了新的诗歌形式&乐府诗、五言诗和七言诗。

    Han Dynasty had emerged the new forms of poetry & YueFu poetry , poetry with five characters in a line and poetry with seven characters in a line .

  13. 试图对五言诗中的单字动词的位置及该动词位置下诗句的句式结构特点作一解剖,以了解五言诗在动词位置安排上体现形式的匠心与美。

    The location of single-verb and the sentence features of corresponding syntax of Wuyan poem are analyzed , to understand the ingenuity of Wuyan poem , which manifests in the verb position arrangement .

  14. 东晋时期的诗人与散文家陶渊明(365——427)以他富有诗意想象和乡村生活趣味的五言诗而闻名。

    Tao Yuanming ( 365 - 427 ) , the poet and prose writer of the Eastern Jin , was famous for his five-character poems full of poetic imagination and the flavor of rustic life .

  15. 本章主要是从其五言诗常用的两种句式以及诗中大量出现的对偶句、叠字的运用分析其诗歌形式与技巧的特点。

    Combining with a large number of antithesis sentences , application of reduplicated words and two types of sentences that appear in five caracters'poems , the chapter analyses mainly the characteristic of the poems ' form and skill .

  16. 汉末五言诗对人生的讴吟直接影响着初唐诗人的心理和诗风;建安风骨更是以不可阻挡之势占据着初唐诗人的情感,这种骨气是支撑四杰的最强大的力量。

    The Cao Han Dynasty chant of life , a direct impact on the psychological and Tang Dynasty poet poetry ; an Style is an unstoppable momentum also occupy the emotional Tang Dynasty poet , this backbone is supporting " Four " the most powerful force .

  17. 本文主要从东汉末年代表文人五言诗最高成就的《古诗十九首》中所表现的生命意识研究汉魏之际文人生命意识的觉醒。

    This paper studies about the sense of life according to the Nineteen Ancient Poems of Eastern Han Dynasty to observe the occasion of literati and consciousness of life during Han and Wei . The poem was the representatives of the highest achievement of literati Five-character poem .

  18. 作为写五言诗的大师,陶潜被称为第一个伟大的田园诗(与当时盛行的山水诗相对)人。

    A master of the five-word line , Tao has been described as the first great poet of tianyuan ( " fields and gardens " ) , landscape poetry inspired by pastoral scenes ( as opposed to the then-fashionable shanshui " mountains and rivers " poetry ) .

  19. 他的五言小诗清新自然、含蓄蕴藉、风神摇曳。

    Five-character verses of his fresh and natural , implicit .

  20. 王梵志是唐初的白话诗人,他创作的数百首五言白话诗真实记录了唐代下层民众的生活和心态状况,展示了下层民众的鲜活的时代图景。

    He wrote hundreds of vernacular poems which reflected the lower-class 's life and mentality , and these poems showed the lively picture of Tang dynasty .

  21. 以女性眼光看待忧患与生命&从蔡琰的五言《悲愤诗》谈起

    Sorrow and Life in the Mind 's Eye of a Woman-Cai yan and her Five-character Poems of Sorrow

  22. 而产生于这个时期的著名选本《文选》却没有登录一首五言四句诗。

    Wen Xuan , as a famous selections compiled in this period , however , does not include even one poem of such pattern .

  23. 南朝诗歌在传播过程中对诗歌再创作产生了重大影响,它不仅影响赠答诗、五言八句诗的产生,而且影响到这些诗歌的语言、声韵、意象、结构、审美情趣等。

    Nan Dynasty 's poetry had a great impact on the production of poetry by means of the process in its communication . It not only brought about present-response poems and five-word-and-eight-sentence verses , but also influenced the language , rhyme , structure , aesthetic attitude of these poems .

  24. 游宴诗是最早兴起的五言诗歌题材,游宴诗开启了其他各类题材的写作,共同促进了五言诗的成立;

    Banquet poetry is the earliest springing-up theme of five characters poetry .