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  1. 颜延之的诗文及其表述的特点可以在他所处的社会环境、文学环境、生活经历、思想性格、文学修养中找到答案。

    The features of his works can be found in the social environment , literary environment , life experience , thought and character , literary training and so on .

  2. 由于他的一些作品写作时间不详,从而一定程度上影响了对诗文本身以及对颜延之的深入研究。

    However , the writing time of some of his works is still unknown , which has , to some extent , affected the in-depth research on him and his works .

  3. 南朝时期,多数作家与佛教有千丝万缕的联系,而历代研究者大多把眼光聚焦于谢灵运、颜延之、沈约等人。

    In the Nan Dynasty , there existed countless ties between most writers and Buddhism , but most researchers only focused their attention on Xie Linyun , Yan Yanzhi and Shen Yue .