
  1. 饭熟后,颜回将饭献给孔子。

    When the rice was ready , Yan Hui brought it to Confucius .

  2. 颜回好不容易弄到了一点米,连忙烧火做饭。

    Yan Hui managed to get some rice and cooked it in no time .

  3. 饭快熟的时候,孔子看到颜回抓了一把塞进口中。

    When the rice was almost ready , Confucius saw him taking a snatch at the rice and put it into his mouth .

  4. 孔子假装没有看见颜回抓饭吃,说想用这饭祭奠父亲.

    Confucius pretended that he had not seen him eating the rice , and said he wanted to use the rice as a sacrifice to his father .

  5. 颜回跟随孔子学习已经有许多年了。

    Yan Hui had been Confucius'student for a long time .

  6. 宥坐倾斜的样子,颜回倒水。

    The lenient stool tilts , and Yan Hui pours water in .

  7. 孔子与颜回在修行的路上是亦师亦友。

    Confucius was both Yan Hui 's friend and master .

  8. 孔子慢悠悠地从床上坐起来,对颜回说:

    Confucius slowly sat up in his bed and said to Yan Hui :

  9. 颜回提着简单的行李到孔子那儿去辞行。

    Carrying luggage Yanhui visited Confucius to say farewell .

  10. 颜回恭恭敬敬地来拜见孔子,请老师去吃饭。

    Yan Hui respectfully came to Confucius and asked him to take his meal .

  11. 颜回继续倒水,宥坐翻过去,水全部流出。

    Yan Hui continued to pour , the stool turned over , all the water outflows .

  12. 这些年来,颜回努力用功,从来没有懈怠之心。

    In the past many years , Yan Hui studied very hard and had never shown laches .

  13. 后来,弟子颜回好不容易弄到了一点儿米。

    Later , after much effort , one of his disciples Yan Hui somehow obtained some rice .

  14. 颜回是孔子三千子弟中最得意的弟子,是中国传统文化的重要代表人物之一。

    Yan Hui was the most favored disciple of Confucius , and one of the important master in Chinese traditional culture history .

  15. 颜回急忙说道:“先生,这米饭不干净,不能用来祭祖。”

    Yan Hui replied hurriedly : " Master , the rice is not clean , and it 's unfit for sacrifice . "

  16. 颜回突然伸手从颤里抓起一把米饭,塞进嘴里吞了下去。

    Yan Hui suddenly stretched out his hand to grab a handful of rice from the steamer , put it into his mouth and swallowed it .

  17. 如果这样,便跟颜回差不多;颜回也有这种美德,孔子在众弟子中,也最器重他。

    If so , he cannot be very different from Yen Huei , who had exactly that virtue and whom Confucius desperately admired among all his disciples .

  18. 颜回啊!恭喜你已修得坐忘,看来我自己要少些外务,多花些时间在修炼上才行了。

    Yan Hui ! Congratulation ! You 've gained'Forgetting Myself In Sitting ' . To myself , from now on I should reduce the outward affairs and spend more time in the practice .