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  • 网络Zuo Si;Peter Koulizos
左思 [zuǒ sī]
  • [Zuo Si(Tsuo Ssu)] (约250-约305) 中国西晋文学家。字太冲,齐国临淄(今属山东)人。其诗《咏史》八篇为其代表作。曾构思十年写成《三都赋》(《蜀都赋》、《吴都赋》、《魏都赋》),当时豪富人家竞相传抄,以致洛阳纸贵。后人辑有《左太冲集》

  1. 左思的才性与《三都赋》的艺术特色

    The Talent and Spirit of ZUO Si and The Peculiarity of Art of San Du Fu

  2. 进而以文本为依据探讨左思既从史书方志、前人诗赋作品,以及寻访人物等广泛的资料来源。

    Thirdly , his reference sources are researched such as the history books , others'works and interviews with the relative people .

  3. 试析门阀制度及左思、鲍照的诗歌对它的批判

    Trying to Expound a Family of Power and Influence System and Criticism on it from Zuo Si and Bao Zhao 's Poems

  4. 父亲经常为这事发脾气,可是小左思仍然淘气得很,不肯好好学习。

    His father often got angry , and yet young Zuo Si was as naughty as ever and would not study hard .

  5. 左思《蜀都赋》的创作观及资料来源初探女性创业者积极心理资本与创业发展

    The Writing Idea and the Reference Sources about " Shu Du Fu " by Zuo Si The Relationship between Psychological Capital of Women Entrepreneurs and Venture Growth in Transition Economies

  6. 左思是西晋太康时期杰出的诗人,其诗作感情充沛,笔力雄健,后世对其评价很高。

    Zuo Si is an outstanding poet in the period of Tai Kang of West Jin , whose poetry full of emotion , vigorous , generations of people have high comments on it .

  7. 晋代文学家左思,小时候是个非常顽皮、不爱读书的孩子。

    In the Jin Dynasty ( 265-420 ) there was a famous writer whose name was Zuo Si who , however , was very naughty and did not like to study when he was a small kid .

  8. 所以,本书的理论结构是经不起演绎推理的&如果将雅基的理论用到班固、左思等人的作品上,是不是也将得出他们是伟大科学家的结论?

    Therefore , the theoretical construction of this book can 't experience the deduction and consequence : If we apply Jaki 's theory on Ban Gu , Zuo Si 's work , won 't we draw the conclusion that they were also great scientists ?

  9. 左思风格遒劲的《三都赋》在文人墨客中引起轰动,他的作品被不断印刷与传送,一时之间引得洛阳纸贵。

    The Ode to the Three Capitals ( of the Three Kingdoms ) , written by Zuo Si in a vigorous style , created such a stir among the men of letters that it was copied and passed from hand to hand , causing a shortage of paper supply in the capital city of Luoyang .