
  1. 山西省左权县野生种子植物调查初报

    A investigation of wild seed plants in Zuoquan county , shanxi Province

  2. 左权享有民歌海洋的称誉。

    Zuoquan enjoy " Ocean Songs " of praise .

  3. 天益子公司将买入左权县鑫瑞治金矿山有限公司额外的55.22%股权。

    Proposed Acquisition Of55.22 % Of The Equity Interest In Zuoquan Xinrui Metallurgy Mine Co. , Ltd.

  4. 而左权民歌作为山西民歌的代表性歌种,更有着独特的魅力特征。

    Zuoquan folk songs , representative of Shanxi folk songs , have more unique and charming features .

  5. 产权残缺:土地承包经营权流转的现实困境&基于山西太谷、左权的调查

    Incomplete Property Rights : Realistic Predicament of Land Contractual Management Right Transfer & Investigation on Taigu and Zuoquan of Shanxi

  6. 她几十年来一直致力于左权民歌的演唱与研究,形成了自己独具特色的演唱技巧与风格,积累了丰富的舞台实践经验。

    She for decades has been committed to the ZuoQuan folk song singing and research , accumulated the rich experience , and formed its own unique style of singing .

  7. 歌词美体现在朴实自然之美、浓郁的左权风味和地方特色之美、稚拙天真美、情感美、意境美五个方面。

    Body lyrics are simple and natural beauty , rich flavor and local color rotations of the United States , the United States along with the unique naive , emotional beauty of artistic conception five .

  8. 本文主要是对山西民歌的两大流派,即左权民歌与河曲民歌的发展现状及发展前景做一探析与对比研究。

    This paper is mainly to the shanxi folk songs of the two great schools , namely ZuoQuan folk songs and folk songs in hequ area of the present situation and development prospect this and comparative study .

  9. 河曲民歌与左权民歌,因为隔着汾河,历史和现实中都很少相遇,两者之间的对比研究即是本文的主要研究内容。

    Folk songs and then comes back ZuoQuan folk song , because across fenhe , history and reality are rarely meet , the contrast between the two studies are the main research contents is in this paper .

  10. 结论:山西黎城、山西左权、山西临汾和陕西太白苦参药材中氧化苦参碱含量较高,均大于3.0%,各地药材的苦参碱含量差异不大。

    Conclusion : Sophora flavescens growing in Licheng , Zuoquan , Linfen in Shanxi province and Taibai in Shaanxi province contained higher oxymatrine than 3 % . Content differences of matrine were smaller in different growing places .

  11. 左权民歌被大众接受的原因有三个方面的原因:审美观念趋向多元化、新创作技法对左权民歌的影响、现代媒体手段对左权民歌的宣传作用。

    Zuoquan folk song was accepted by the public because there are three reasons : ' aesthetic diversification , new creative techniques on the impact of Zuoquan folk songs , folk songs of modern media means Zuoquan advocacy role .

  12. 左权民歌自成体系:小调委婉妩媚、山歌高亢嘹亮,民歌中透着一股热辣轻盈、绮丽妩媚之灵气,其中最著名的就是开花调。

    ZuoQuan folk song , self-sustaining : minor charm , folk clear euphemism keen , folk songs in showing a cold hot lightsome , beautiful charm of the aura , and the most famous of these is the flowering tone .

  13. 本文以左权方言语音为研究对象,力图全面记录其语音系统,并对其中的一些语音现象进行描写和分析。

    Taken the dialect of Zuoquan County as the subject , this thesis aims to present a comprehensive record of the Phonology system of Zuoquan County and a description as well as an analysis of some of its phonetic phenomenon .

  14. 分析了山西省左权县现状供水存在的问题,详细介绍了左权县供水改扩建工程的工艺设计,分析了供水改扩建工程的经济效益。

    This paper analyzes on the problems existing in the current water-supply in Zuoquan County , Shanxi Province , introduces in detail the technological design of the reconstructed and extended water-supply projects in Zuoquan County , and analyzes on the economic benefit of these reconstructed and extended water-supply projects .