
  • 网络Left brain;left hemisphere
  1. 那么你的左脑发育会比右脑的好。

    Your left brain is better than your right brain .

  2. 左脑也许是通过语言的棱镜来看世界的。

    The left brain may view the world through the prism of language .

  3. 多数人的左脑比右脑大。

    In most people , the left hemisphere is bigger than the right .

  4. 科学家认为,女孩的左脑发育得比男孩快。

    Scientists believe that the left side of the brain develops faster in girls than in boys .

  5. 人们以为右脑更发达的人通常创造力更强,而左脑更发达的人通常分析能力和逻辑推理能力更强。

    And those who have their left side of the brain dominating tend to have better analytical8 and logical skills .

  6. 科学家分析了年龄在7岁至29岁之间的1011个人的大脑运作,结果没有任何迹象表明有人的左脑或右脑更发达。

    Scientists analyzed9 the work of 1011 brains . The participants were between 7 and 29 years old . They didn 't find any signs of left or right hemisphere domination .

  7. 而左脑损害流利性失语亚组、左脑损害非失语亚组与右脑损害组两两比较无差别(P>0.05);

    But no difference between left hemisphere damage fluent aphasia group left hemisphere damage non-aphasia group and right hemisphere damage group ( P > 0.05 );

  8. 左脑损害非流利性失语亚组的声调错误较左脑损害流利性失语亚组、左脑损害非失语亚组或右脑损害组多(P<0.05);

    The false tone expression of left hemisphere damage non-fluent aphasia group was more frequent than that of left hemisphere damage fluent aphasia group , left hemisphere damage non-aphasia group or right hemisphere damage group ( P0 . 05 );

  9. Kaufman智力模型中表现为左脑加工能力差于右脑加工。

    In Kaufman model , their right brain process was better than their left-brain .

  10. HI后18小时TUNEL染色在左脑皮质及纹状体见到阳性凋亡细胞;

    The distribution of positive apoptotic cells was not detected in cortex , striatum of the ipsilateral hemisphere until 18h after HI by TUNEL staining .

  11. 让我叫上面的这个-,带有Shelly,Kagan左脑的Jones的躯体-,我们叫他小左。

    Let me just call this top one Jones'torso with the left half of Shelly Kagan 's brain let 's call him Lefty .

  12. Step2:左脑与右脑左脑趋向于解决逻辑,语言,数字之类的问题;而右脑则擅长颜色,形状和音韵等。但是,另一个误区是创造力全是右脑的事。

    Step 2 : The Left & Right Brain The left brain tends to deal with words , logic , numbers etc , and the right brain tends to deal with colour , shapes , rhythm etc. However , it 's another misconception that creativity is purely right-brained .

  13. 结果:①大体病变特点:缺氧缺血后24h,右侧脑组织出现明显充血水肿,72h后出现明显梗死灶,而左脑及假手术对照组肉眼未见到明显异常。

    Results : Compared with that in the control group , the general appearance of right brain has notable hyperemia and edema at 24 and marked cerebral infarction at 72h after HI .

  14. 在Go/nogo序列反应中,编码加工体现为右脑优势,而抑制提取的加工负波集中在左脑前额和前角回区(ACC)。

    In the go / nogo sequence response , encoding is mainly the function of right hemisphere , but inhibition retrieval is concentrated on left frontal area and anterior cingulated cortex ( ACC ) .

  15. 结果表明,赛前一天,大脑中枢递质5HT、Ach和DA出现了特殊的空间构型,具体表现为5HT的右脑优势;Ach的前高后低走向和DA的左脑优势。

    The result showed that the DA , Ach and 5-HT presented specific temporal-spatial structure one day pre-competition , which was left brain-domain pattern in DA , anterior-domain pattern in Ach and right brain-domain in 5HT .

  16. 方法用失语症筛查表、洛文斯顿作业疗法用认知评定成套测验(LOTCA)对55例左脑损伤患者和43例右脑损伤患者的认知功能进行评定。

    MethodsCognitive function of55 LHI patients and43 RHI patients were examined by aphasia screening test and the Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment Battery ( LOTCA ) .

  17. 那将有助于惯用右脑者对左脑导向型学科的理解。

    That would assist the right-brainers ' comprehension of left-brain-oriented studies .

  18. 那时我的左脑血管破裂,造成大量出血。

    A blood vessel exploded in the left half of my brain .

  19. 在美国,大多数管理者是语言思维方式为主的左脑思考者。

    Most managers in America are verbally oriented left brainers .

  20. 你脑子分两部分:左脑和右脑,左脑没一样是对的。

    Your brain has two parts : the left & the right .

  21. 大脑右半球被称为富有创造性的半球。这两个脑半球分别被称为左脑和右脑。

    These two hemispheres are known as the left and the right hemisphere .

  22. 我们的工作流程力求完美地结合左脑和右脑思维。

    Our process strives to perfectly integrate both left and right brain thinking .

  23. 我的左脑是一个截然不同的地方。

    My left hemisphere is a very different place .

  24. 我们左脑半球的思考是线性的,系统的。

    Our left hemisphere thinks linearly and methodically .

  25. 他的左脑没有正确的东西,他的右脑没剩下什么东西。

    His left brain has nothing right and his right brain has nothing left .

  26. 右手经常活动会使左脑的功能区域活动强度变弱。

    The left motor area activation intensity is reduced with normal right finger movement .

  27. 左脑了解世界的方式有逻辑且理性化。

    The left brain 's approach to understanding the world is logical and rational .

  28. 左脑发达的人通常时间观念很强。

    People with a developed left brain usually have a strong idea of time .

  29. 如果他的左脑出了什么事儿,他可能说话都有困难。

    If anything happens to his left brain , he may have problem speaking .

  30. 我们的左脑半球是逻辑思维模式。

    And our left hemisphere thinks in language .