
zuǒ lún
  • revolver
左轮 [zuǒ lún]
  • [revolver] 转轮手枪的一种,装子弹的轮能从左侧旋转

左轮[zuǒ lún]
  1. 那有一支左轮就给他用。

    I 've got a revolver there which he can have .

  2. 他现在认为带一把左轮枪比较稳妥。

    He now considered it prudent to carry a revolver .

  3. 她拔出左轮手枪对准我。

    She drew a revolver on me .

  4. 市警方称那名男子携带了一支左轮手枪。

    City police said the man was armed with a revolver .

  5. 他这把左轮手枪只有7梭子子弹。

    He had only seven rounds of ammunition for the revolver .

  6. 他的手没劲儿,扳不动左轮手枪的扳机。

    His hands were too weak to cock his revolver .

  7. 歹徒用左轮手枪威吓他。

    The robber menaced him with a revolver .

  8. 这一切给资产负债表带来致命损伤,该公司于1933年3月破产,3个月后,斯蒂贝克总裁阿尔伯特?厄斯金(AlbertErskine)带着一把左轮手枪来到浴室,朝着自己的心脏开了枪。

    This all fatally damaged the balance sheet , the company collapsed in March 1933 and three months later Albert Erskine , Studebaker 's president , took a revolver to the bathroom and shot himself through the heart .

  9. 他回到了马赛,警方在火车站进行例行检查时拘留了他,他被发现带着一支AK-47突击步枪、一把左轮手枪和330发子弹。

    He was back in Marseille and detained in a routine police check at a railway station that found him carrying a Kalashnikov rifle , a revolver and 330 rounds of ammunition .

  10. 两个旋转元素被称为“左轮手枪”。

    The two rotating elements were known as " revolvers " .

  11. 这款袖珍的左轮手枪只有5.5厘米长,口径只有2.34毫米。

    SwissMiniGun has total length of5.5 cm and is2.34 millimetres caliber .

  12. 看到被告正用左轮手枪向四处开火。

    And saw the defendant fire one round from a bulldog .

  13. 戴克放掉操纵杆,伸手去拿左轮枪。

    Dyke released the levers , reaching for his revolver .

  14. 那是真正的科尔特牌左轮枪,是吗?

    That is an authentic colt , is it not ?

  15. 他打开抽屉拿出了一把左轮手枪。

    He opened the drawer and took out a bulldog .

  16. 老天是啊你的左轮手枪带了吗

    God , yes . Did you bring your revolver ?

  17. 拿起一把从没用过的左轮手枪。

    And retrieve a revolver that had never been used .

  18. 他拿起那把左轮手枪,放入衣袋。

    He picked up his revolver and put it in his pocket .

  19. 我们扭打在一起争抢那枝左轮,直至那枪走火。

    We struggled for the revolver , until at last it went off .

  20. 那人从衣袋里掏出一支左轮手枪。

    The man produced a revolver from his pocket .

  21. 我用一把藏在我睾丸附近的小型连发左轮手枪干掉了他。

    I shot him with a small revolver I keep near my balls .

  22. 强盗用左轮手枪威胁出纳员。

    The robber threatened the cashier with a revolver .

  23. 我还带了我的左轮手枪和一把刀。

    I also had my revolver and a knife .

  24. 有胡子的人又把左轮枪收了起来。

    The man with the beard replaced his revolver .

  25. 上尉用左轮手枪把他给结果了。

    The captain finished him off with his revolver .

  26. 被害人的确有一把特工专用左轮手枪,上面刻有政府编号。

    The victim did have a service revolver with U.S.government numbers on it .

  27. 那是把.38口径左轮手枪

    The gun is a . 38 caliber revolver .

  28. 把左轮手枪递给我我突然需要用一下

    Pass me your revolver , I have a sudden need to use it

  29. 她从一名军官的手枪皮套中夺得左轮手枪,把他打死了。

    She seized an officer 's revolver from its holster and shot him dead .

  30. 他打掉了敌人的左轮手枪。

    He struck off the enemy 's revolver .