
piào qí bīnɡ
  • cavalry
  1. 我不能牺牲自己的骠骑兵。

    I can 't sacrifice my hussars . Bugler !

  2. 一位法国骠骑兵上校,看样子刚起床,骑着一匹漂亮的肥壮的大灰马,带着两位骠骑兵从村里出来了。

    French colonel of hussars , evidently only just out of bed , came riding out of the village on a handsome , sleek , grey horse , accompanied by two hussars .

  3. 化装成骠骑兵、太太、巫婆、丑角、狗熊的人在接待室里咳嗽几声,清清嗓子,擦干净挂了霜的面孔,然后进入人们急急忙忙地点燃蜡烛的大厅。

    The hussars , fine ladies , witches , clowns , and bears , coughing and rubbing the hoar-frost off their faces , came into the hall , where they were hurriedly lighting candles .

  4. 在波罗底诺战役前几天,尼古拉领到经费和文件,派出一个骠骑兵先行,嗣后他乘驿马到沃罗涅日去了。

    A few days before the battle of Borodino , Nikolay received the sums of money and official warrants required , and , sending some hussars on before him , he drove with posting-horses to Voronezh .

  5. 奥斯特曼·托尔斯泰伯爵迎着回来的骠骑兵,他叫来罗斯托夫,感谢他并说他将向皇帝报告他的英勇行为,申请授予他圣乔治十字勋章。

    Count Osterman-Tolstoy met the hussars on their return , summoned Rostov , thanked him and told him he would report his gallant action to the Tsar and would recommend him for the cross of St. George .

  6. 他以嗅觉感觉到,如果现在与骠骑兵一起冲向法军龙骑兵,他们会站不住脚的;可是,如果要冲锋,就得即刻冲锋,一分钟也不能拖,否则就迟了。

    He felt instinctively that if he were to charge with his hussars on the French dragoons now , they could not stand their ground ; but if he were to charge it must be that very minute or it would be too late .
