
  • 网络training team
  1. 联合国流动维持和平训练队训练班

    United Nations Course for Mobil Peace-keeping Training Team

  2. 她参加了训练队,而我是队长。

    She joined the drill team , and I was the captain .

  3. 后备军官训练队租了我的房子做危险地形训练基地。

    Was rented by the ROTC for hazardous terrain training .

  4. 丘莉莉参加2006年亚运会,她是香港马术训练队的资深成员。

    The senior member of Hong Kong 's equestrian dressage team at the2006 Asian Games was LILY CHIU XI-LO .

  5. 大多数初中都有两三个项目的训练队,训练队开展情况比较好。

    Most of the junior middle school has two or three project training force in training force , better .

  6. 错过了那次后备军官训练队舞会并不意味着我们不能在这里举行我们自己的舞会&现在就开始。

    Just because you missed the ROTC dance doesn 't mean we can 't have our own right here right now .

  7. 训练队的前7名选手可以参加最后比赛,为学校拿分。

    Although the entire team runs , only the top seven runners have the potential to score points for the school .

  8. 内蒙古西部高校中6所高校已经成立了高水平训练队,教师和学生对此持肯定态度。

    West Inner Mongolia university in six universities have established a high level training force , teachers and students have positive .

  9. 本条例旨在就香港海事训练队分区委员会成立为法团及相关事宜订定条文。

    To provide for the incorporation of the Area Committee of the Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps and for matters connected therewith .

  10. 我十几岁时参加了加拿大皇家空军训练队,但很快被发现色弱,丧失了军事飞行的机会。

    I joined the Royal Canadian Air Cadets as a teenager , but soon discovered I was partially colorblind , wiping out any chance for military flying .

  11. 郑州市部分农村小学大都是在参加上级的体育比赛前,临时组建学校乒乓球训练队,在短时间进行突击训练。

    Part of rural primary school of zhengzhou city is mostly in the sports games in superior , temporary form school before in a short time , table tennis training force on assault training .

  12. 主要对这两个城市的足球学校、足球俱乐部和业余足球训练队进行了调查,以此来审视辽宁省以及我国大城市足球后备人才培养情况。

    According to the research of the football school , football club and part time football teams in these two cities , we will examine the player training circumstances in Liaoning and other big cities .

  13. 本研究选取辽宁省和吉林省4所体育运动学校、5所中学,年龄在14到20的共260名篮球训练队运动员,选择叶平编制的竞技动机量表来测量青少年篮球运动员的运动成就动机。

    This research chose four schools for sport and four middle schools in liaoning province and Jilin province , from which 260 sportsmen aged 14 to 20 are selected . Achievement Motive of adolescent are measured by using CMI .

  14. 作者通过调查发现,包头市中学有课余男女生排球训练队的学校近10所,并且其中有几所学校训练水平较高,比赛成绩比较突出。

    Through the investigation , the author discover that there are nearly ten middle schools organize teams of students to have after school volleyball training , and several of these schools ' training levels are high , as well as the competition results are quite prominent .

  15. 大多数女生没有经常参加课外体育锻炼的习惯,各校能结合实际组织课外运动竞赛,有些院校运动队参加各种比赛都获得了较好的成绩,但有些院校对课余体育训练队的重视程度不够。

    Most female students do not regularly participate in extra-curricular physical , schools can organize practical organization of extra-curricular sporting events , and some schools ' sports teams participate in various competitions and get fairly good results , but some school extracurricular sports training teams are not emphasized .

  16. 他训练奥林匹克队。

    He trains the Olympic team .

  17. 训练通常队对地拉雪橇的狗。

    A dog trained to draw a sled usually in a team .

  18. 你知道是谁训练那队受人称赞的秘密警察吗?

    Do you know who trained our secret police , that fine body of men ?

  19. 我们的足球教练训练这个队。

    Our football coach trains the team .

  20. 他偏爱游泳,在训练篮球队上则花时间不多。

    He has a bias towards swimming and spends less time coaching the basketball team .

  21. 教练训练后备队来接替代表队中即将毕业的队员。

    The coach trains the junior varsity team to get into the varsity team 's shoes when they graduate .

  22. 当我还小的时候,我父亲在育空山上训练一队雪橇犬。

    Back when I was a young man , my father ran a team of sled dogs up in the YuKon .

  23. 军训时,教官让我们把床整平正后出门站队。教练训练后备队来接替代表队中即将毕业的队员。

    During military training , the drill master asked us to fold the quilts neatly before going out and standing in line . The coach trains the junior varsity team to get into the varsity team 's shoes when they graduate .

  24. 史密斯先生训练这个足球队。

    Mr.Smith trains the football team .

  25. 私营部门发展、管理和职业训练问题工作队会议

    Task-force Meeting on Private Sector Development , Management and Vocational Training

  26. 如果你是足球教练,怎么训练中国国家队?

    If you were a soccer coach , how would you train Chinese team ?

  27. 到国外训练对美国队来说是件好事,对高军更是如此。

    Practice abroad has been a boon for the U.S. team , especially Gao .

  28. 他训练该足球队。

    He coaches the football team .

  29. 罗德曼是和一队将拍摄他训练朝鲜篮球队的纪录片摄制组一同旅行。

    Rodman is traveling with a documentary crew that will film him training the North Korean basketball team .

  30. 他们将负责训练克隆突击队的战斗及指挥技巧,并向其灌输曼达洛的价值观:铁律和忠诚。

    These sergeants will train the commandos to fight and lead , and instill in them the Mandalorian values of iron discipline and loyalty .