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  • 网络Liu Ling;liulin
  1. 以颂命名,但精神指向与现实用途恰恰相反的颂,如马融《广成颂》、刘伶《酒德颂》等。

    Song named , but the spiritual direction and realistic use are just opposite to praising spirit , like Ma Rong Guang Cheng Song , Liu Ling Liquor Song and so on .

  2. 如果说刘伶因醉酒而获得艺术的自由状态,那么阮籍则是在嗜酒中宣泄自己的情感,从而解脱束缚获得艺术创造力,阮籍饮酒对文风的影响则是以情为优。

    If Liu Ling drunken obtained free state of art , then it is the alcohol in Ruan express their emotions tied to free access to artistic creativity , Ruan style of drinking is based on intelligence is superior .