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  • 网络Sima Yi;Smile
  1. 曹丕在丞相司马懿的支持下建立了魏朝。

    Cao Pi established the Wei Kingdom with the support from General Sima Yi .

  2. 曹丕就位后,司马懿官就高位。

    When Cao Pi came to the throne , Sima Yi received steadily higher appointments .

  3. 司马懿和儿子司马昭率领军队冲进山谷后,发现一个人也没有。

    Sima Yi and his army burst into the gorge , but found no one there .

  4. 司马懿父子的卑劣人格:晋王朝松软的立国根基

    The mean personality of Sima Yi and his sons : the weak foundation of the Jin Dynasty

  5. 魏嘉平三年(251)司马懿卒,其子司马师、司马昭先后掌权。

    In 251 , Sima Yi died and his post was inherited by his sons Sima Shi and Sima Zhao successively .

  6. 司马懿去世后,他的两个儿子最终成为了王朝最重要的人物。

    After the death of Sima Yi , both of his two sons consequently became the dominant men of the kingdom .

  7. 其实,街亭之战本来是诸葛亮消灭司马懿的一个天赐良机。

    In fact , the war of Jie Ting fort was a good chance for Zhuge Liang to wipe out Sima yi .

  8. 晋王朝的实际建立者&司马懿父子,是以卑劣的政治手段,作为晋王朝的立国根基的。

    The real founders of the Jin Dynasty & Sima Yi and his two sons , founded the Jin Dynasty by dishonourable means .

  9. 诸葛亮、周瑜、司马懿与君主的关系及其才智的发挥

    The Relations between Zhuge Liang , Zhou Yu , Sima Yi and Their Respective Kingly Masters , also the Display of Their Talents

  10. 诸葛亮装得十分镇静,把司马懿给骗了。司马懿不知道这座城其实是空的。

    Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded in fooling Sima Yi who did not know that the city was really unguarded .

  11. 晋朝建立后,司马懿被追尊为晋宣帝,庙号高祖。

    After the founding of the Jin Dynasty , Sima Yi was posthumously honored as Emperor Xuan of Jin with the temple name of Gaozu .

  12. 司马懿(179-251),三国时期曹魏一名大将、军事战略家和政治家。

    Sima Yi ( 179 ~ 251 ) was a general , military strategist , and politician of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period .

  13. 其子曹睿继位,以司马懿为辅政大臣。此后,魏国大权逐渐落人司马氏手中。

    Sima Yi acted as Chief Minister to serve the emperor , then ttie control of government was gradually transferred to the hands of Sima family .

  14. 景初二年(238),司马懿镇压公孙渊并升任太尉。

    In the second year of Beginning Prospects ( 238 ) , Sima Yi put down the rebellion of Gongsun Yuan and was promoted to Grand Commandant .

  15. 司马懿深通兵法,指挥有度,与蜀国作战期间使诸葛亮难以取得决定性胜利。

    Sima Yi 's talents as military strategist and his able leadership prevented Zhuge Liang from gaining the upper hand in the battles between Wei and Shu .

  16. 司马懿是我国著名的军事家、政治家。他多次出兵汉中,与诸葛亮、姜维等蜀将交战,遏制了蜀国的北扩。

    Sima Yi was a well-known strategist and stateman in Chinese history , and in fighting against Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei , he succeeded in preventing Shu-Han from expanding northernwards .

  17. 公元265年,司马懿的孙子司马炎罢黜了魏朝的皇帝并建立了他自己的政权——晋,定都洛阳。

    In 265 AD , Sima Yan , the grandson of Sima Yi , deposed the emperor of Wei and established his own regime Jin , making Luoyang his capital city .

  18. 嘉平元年(249),司马懿发动兵变消灭独揽大权的曹爽。

    In the first year of Joyous Stability ( 249 ) , Sima Yi decided that the reign of the weak Wei Emperors needed to stop and pulled off a Coup d'etat .

  19. 司马懿的成功和后来地位的上升为他的孙子司马炎建晋朝铺平了道路。晋朝最后结束了三国鼎立的局面,统一了中国。

    His success and subsequent rise in prominence paved the way for his grandson Sima Yan 's foundation of the Jin Dynasty , which would eventually bring an end to the Three Kingdoms period .

  20. 曹丕信任和器重司马懿,封他为河津亭侯,后任丞相长史。

    Cao Pi had a great trust in Sima Yi and titled him Lord of Hejin Precinct . Later in his career , Sima Yi was appointed as Senior Assistant to the Prime Minister .

  21. 司马懿初为曹操的文学掾,在征伐张鲁时立大功。

    Sima Yi began his career as Secretary of Literature under Lord Cao . Sima 's first military action was against Zhang Lu in Hanzhong . Sima Yi 's strategies were a success and Lord Cao was greatly impressed .

  22. 司马懿是中国历史上杰出的军事家,略谋家和政治家。和司马懿同时代的政治家,军事家,以及以后一些史书,例如《晋书》,对司马懿都作出了极高的评价。

    In the history of China , Si Ma-yi is a famous strategist and statesman . At the same age , another strategies and statesmen and some historical books such as " Book on Jin " gave him a praise highly .

  23. 魏嘉平三年(251)司马懿卒,其子司马师掌权,司马师当时40岁,他率兵开展了一系列的伐吴和北方的少数民族的的战役,但没有很大突破。

    In 251 , Sima Yi left his position to his eldest son Sima Shi , then forty years old . Sirria Shi embarked on a series of raids and campaigns against Wu and the non-Chinese people of the north , but he achieved no breakthrough .

  24. 司马懿之兄司马朗早年跟随曹操东征西战,司马懿在汉朝供职,公元208年跟随曹操,作为曹操的军师与吴、蜀交战。

    Sima Yi 's elder brother Sima Lang had joined Cao Cao early in the civil war , and Sima Yi , who first held office at the puppet court of Han , followed his brother in 208 and served on the staff of Cao Cao * s headquarters .

  25. 嘉平三年(251),司马懿镇压王凌叛乱,并于当年去世,终年72岁。

    In the process , Cao Shuang and his sympathizers were put to death . In the third year of Joyous Stability ( 251 ) , Sima Yi eradicated Wang Ling who usurped against his authority . In the same year , Sima Yi died of natural causes at the age of seventy-two .

  26. 晋元帝司马睿,司马懿曾孙,袭父封为琅蚜王,都督扬州江南诸军事,由下邳移镇建邺(后又改名建康,今江苏省南京市)。

    Sima Rui , the great grandson of Sima Yi , granted as the King of Langya from his father , was in charge of the defense in south of Yangzhou ( now Jiangsu province ) and moved his headquarters from Xiapi to Jianye ( later called Jiankang , now Nanjing City ) .

  27. 三国时期,司马懿作为曹操的军师与吴、蜀交战,因其卓越的军事政治指挥才能,连续辅佐曹丕、曹叙、曹芳三帝,成为魏国的实权人物。

    While serving at Cao Cao , s headquarters to fight with Wu in the east and Shu-Han in the south , Sima Yi justified himself as a competent general and regent for emperors Cao Pi , Cao Rui and Cao Fang in succession , thus gradually gained the power of controlling the government .