
sī jī shì
  • driver's cage;driver's cab;operator cab;cab
司机室[sī jī shì]
  1. 规范化设计后的司机室为司机提供了高效、舒适、安全的工作环境,大大提高了人机系统的效率。

    The driver 's cab with standardized design provides the drivers a highly efficient , comfortable and safety work space , improving greatly of the efficiency of man-machine system .

  2. 这一新系统的使用,不仅提高了机车性能和可靠性,方便乘务员的使用与检修人员的检修,而且使工矿型机车的司机室向铁路标准化司机室模块靠拢。

    The application of the new system have not only improved the performance and reliability of locomotive , but also have resulted in a fact that conventional industrial locomotive driver 's cab is converted progressively to the standardized railway locomotive driver 's with modular design .

  3. 德国MAN公司桥式起重机活动司机室安装结构的改造

    Reconstruction of mounting structure of mobile cabin of overhead travelling crane made by German MAN company

  4. Inventor在高速列车司机室侧窗设计中的应用

    Application of Inventor software in design of side-windows on high speed train cab

  5. DF(7G)模块化机车司机室的空调设计

    Design of the air-conditioning system of modular driver 's cab of DF_ ( 7G ) locomotive

  6. 对SS9改型机车司机室振动与噪声的控制方法作了简要介绍,通过运行试验和对试验结果的讨论分析,证明其方法是有效的。

    Through analyzing the results of running tests , The methods are showed to be effective .

  7. 以8K型电力机车为例,结合现场测试,分析研究了列车在不同运行情况下司机室的主要噪声源及其噪声频谱特性:常速下,呈低频特性;

    Exampling type 8K electric locomotive and combining with a field testing , this paper analyzed and researched the main noise sources and the noise characteristic of the cab under various conditions .

  8. 在激励频率200Hz时,司机室右侧墙对驾驶员右耳处噪声的贡献最大,声学贡献系数为51.8%。

    At frequency 200 Hz , the noise contribution of the right side panel of cab is the biggest for the right ear noise of main driver , whose acoustical contribution coefficient is 51.8 % .

  9. 应用SSSI和EID两个人机界面设计理论分析了德法两国高速列车司机室中速度表的优缺点,并通过实验进一步验证了理论假设。

    The advantages and disadvantages of the in cab speedometers for ICE and TGV high speed trains were analyzed , using SSSI and EID man machine interface design theories and the theoretical assumptions were further confirmed through the experiments .

  10. 通过计算分析以前DF7型机车司机室通风系统存在的缺欠,提出了DF7G型机车司机室空调系统新的设计理念。

    The shortcomings of the ventilation system of the old DF_7 locomotive driver 's cab are pointed out through calculating and analyzing . A new design concept for designing DF_ ( 7G ) locomotive driver 's cab air-conditioning system is proposed .

  11. 机车故障诊断系统中的司机室显示屏

    Display Screen in the Cab for the Locomotive Fault Diagnosis System

  12. 煤矿用单司机室调速电机车控制技术改造

    Technical Reconstruct of Single-driver Regulating Speed Locomotive Used in Coal Mine

  13. GB/T3450-1994铁路机车司机室噪声允许值

    Allowed value of noise inside driver 's compartment of locomotive

  14. 进行钢骨架板梁厚度优化设计。优化设计后的复合材料混杂结构司机室在满足安全性要求的前提下,比原钢制司机室减重约40%。

    The beam thickness of the steel framework was optimized .

  15. 轮胎式起重机司机室座椅振动的人机学研究

    An Ergonomic Research on Seat Vibration in the Cab of Wheel Crane

  16. 动车组司机室人机几何适配性设计规范应用研究

    Application Research on Man-Machine Matching Design Specification of EMU Driver 's Cab

  17. 车速对机车司机室空调器制冷系统性能影响初探

    Study on the influence of velocity for the performance of locomotive air-conditioner

  18. 规范化机车司机室操纵台参数化设计系统

    Parameterized Design System for Standardized Manipulative Table in Locomotive Cab

  19. GB6770-1986电力机车司机室特殊安全规则

    Special safety regulations for driver 's cabs of electric locomotives

  20. 桥式起重机活动司机室结构动态特性研究

    Research on structure dynamic character for an overhead crane 's movable cab

  21. 三茂铁路动车组司机室外形及结构设计

    Dynamic Car Team Cab Shape and Structure Design of Sanmao Railway Line

  22. DXZ32/900造桥机有限元分析司机室操纵桥式起重机

    Finite element analysis of DXZ32 / 900 bridge fabrication machine

  23. 高速列车复合材料司机室混杂结构有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of composite cab for high speed trains

  24. 司机室操纵台仪表及显示装置的优化布局研究

    Study on the optimized position of devices and display units in cab

  25. 司机室台阶灯在任何模式下均运转。

    The cab step light is operative in all modes .

  26. 本文阐述了内燃机车司机室吸附式空调系统的设计原理及部分实验研究结果。

    The working principle and some experimental results are present .

  27. 电力机车司机室的噪声特性研究

    Research on noise characteristic of cab of electric locomotive

  28. 基于偏相干分析法的装载机司机室噪声源识别

    Identification of Loader Cab 's Noise Sources Based on Partial Coherence Analysis Method

  29. 电力机车司机室空调负荷的计算

    The Calculation of Aircondition Load in the Steering Room of an Electric Locomotive

  30. 模糊分析理论在司机室设计性能评判中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Theory in the Comprehensive Evaluation of Cab 's Design Performance