
sī fǎ xínɡ zhènɡ
  • administration of justice;judicial administration
  1. 司法行政和赔偿问题工作组

    Working Group on the Administration of Justice and the Question of Compensation

  2. 联合国内部的司法行政

    Administration of Justice in the United Nations

  3. 切实加强司法行政基层建设工作

    Earnestly Reinforcing the Construction of Judicial Administration at the Local Level

  4. 司法行政部门在仲裁发展中的作用

    The Effect of Judicature Administrative Department in Development of Arbitration

  5. 论司法行政权(下)

    On the Power of Judicial Administration ( part II )

  6. 联邦司法行政部,柏林,德国

    Federal Ministry of justice , berlin , germany , 2001

  7. 依法推进司法行政工作的理论思考

    Reflections on Theories of Promoting Judicial Administration According to Law

  8. 智利司法行政体制及财务管理

    The Judicial Administrative System and Financial Management of Chile

  9. 简论社会控制与司法行政的社会作用

    A Brief Introduction to Social Control and the Social Functions of Judicial Administration

  10. 继续深化司法行政体制改革

    Further Deepening Reforms in the System of Judicial Administration

  11. 司法行政权的界说及其合理配置

    The Definition and Rational Distribution of Judicial Administration Power

  12. 司法行政工作要为构建和谐社会作出新贡献

    Judicial Administration shall Make New Contributions to the Construction of a Harmonious Society

  13. 司法行政反腐败功能初探

    Tentative Discussion on the Anti-corruption Function of Judicial Administration

  14. 司法行政权配置探微

    Exploration into the Allocation of Judicial Administrative Power

  15. 牢固树立社会主义法治理念依法履行司法行政各项职能

    Upholding Socialist Legal Conception and Performing the Functions of Judicial Administration according to Law

  16. 加快司法行政工作改革发展步伐

    Accelerating The Reform and Development of Judicial Administration

  17. 加强司法行政系统的依法执政能力建设

    Reinforcing the Capability Construction of Holding Power According to Law in Judicial Administrative Organs

  18. 公证处受司法行政机关领导。

    The notary office shall be under the leadership of the judicial administrative authorities .

  19. 我要告诉他们有关司法行政部的真相。

    I am going to tell them the truth about their ministry of justice .

  20. 司法行政官是按英格兰的模式创立的。

    Sheriffs were introduced on the English model .

  21. 第三明确司法行政机关作为社区矫正的执法主体。

    The third clear judicial administrative organs as the law enforcement community correction subject .

  22. 认真做好司法行政新闻宣传工作

    Seriously Engage in the Journalist Work and the Awareness Campaign Relating to Justice Administration

  23. 关于司法行政服务和保障社会主义和谐社会建设的思考

    Reflection on Judicial Administration Work Serving and Guaranteeing the Construction of a Socialist Harmonious Society

  24. 司法行政机关在构建和谐社会中大有作为

    Judicial Administrative Organs Will Play an Important Role in the Construction of a Harmonious Society

  25. 构建和谐社会视野下司法行政的几个问题

    Reflection on Some Issues in Justice Administration from the Perspective of Building a Harmonious Society

  26. 夯实司法行政事业的基础

    Reinforcing the Foundation of Judicial Administration Undertakings

  27. 广东司法行政警察绩效考核问题研究

    Research of Guangdong Judicial Police Performance Evaluation

  28. 前进中的浙江司法行政工作

    Advancing of Zhejiang elisor administration work

  29. 坚持科学发展观创造性地做好今年的司法行政工作

    Upholding the Concept of Scientific Development , and Creatively Improving the Judicial Administrative Work of 2006

  30. 据此司法行政化是与现实的宪法精神相违背的。

    Accordingly , judicatory with administrative characteristic is reality runs counter to the spirit of the Constitution .