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  1. 280年,司马炎成功征服吴国,统一了中国。

    In 280 , Sima Yan succeeded in conquering the Wu kingdom and reunifying China .

  2. 司马炎在265年正式登基并建立晋朝(265——420)。

    Sima Yan formally seized the throne in 265 and established the Jin Dynasty ( 265 - 420 ) .

  3. 于是司马炎就下了决心,任命杜预作征南大将军。

    So Emperor Wudi made up his mind , and appointed Du Yu the Grand General for Conquering the south .

  4. 太熙元年(290),晋武帝司马炎病故,由次子惠帝司马衷继位。

    In 290 , Emperor Wu of Jin died and his second son Sima Zhong became the emperor later called Emperor Hui .

  5. 他的一生经历丰富,分为三个时期:魏晋之交时期、晋武帝司马炎时期、晋惠帝司马衷时期。

    His life was divided into three periods : the Wei and Jin Period , the Emperor Wu Emperor Wudi Period , and the King Hui Sima Zhong period .

  6. 公元265年,司马懿的孙子司马炎罢黜了魏朝的皇帝并建立了他自己的政权——晋,定都洛阳。

    In 265 AD , Sima Yan , the grandson of Sima Yi , deposed the emperor of Wei and established his own regime Jin , making Luoyang his capital city .

  7. 司马懿的成功和后来地位的上升为他的孙子司马炎建晋朝铺平了道路。晋朝最后结束了三国鼎立的局面,统一了中国。

    His success and subsequent rise in prominence paved the way for his grandson Sima Yan 's foundation of the Jin Dynasty , which would eventually bring an end to the Three Kingdoms period .

  8. 司马昭放心南下征伐蜀汉,公元264年,打败蜀后,自封为晋王,同年秋司马昭死,其子司马炎时年30岁即位。

    By 264 victory in the west was complete , and Sima Zhao took title as King of Jin . In the autumn of the year Sima Zhao died , he was succeeded by his eldest son Sima Yan , then thirty years old .