
  • 网络Stendhal;Stendha
  1. 这儿始终是高级区,鲁本斯(rubens)、丁尼生(tennyson)、司汤达、巴尔扎克、李斯特、瓦格纳(wagner)、萨克莱、拜伦、济慈他们都待过这里。

    This has always been an upscale district . Rubens , Tennyson , Stendhal , Balzac , Liszt , Wagner , Thackeray , Byron , keats-they all stayed here .

  2. 一部小说是一面的大街上走的镜子。&司汤达

    A novel is a mirror walking along a main road . & Stendhal

  3. 而我的“司汤达时刻”则出现在菲拉格慕。

    But my Stendhal moment struck at Ferragamo .

  4. 司汤达是十九世纪现实主义大师之一。

    F.Stendhal is one of the most famous writers of critical realism in the19th century .

  5. 司汤达塑造的意大利性格是对世界文坛的一大贡献。

    The Italian character created by Stendhal is a great contribution to the literary world .

  6. 一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子。(法国作家司汤达)

    A novel is a mirror walking along a main road . ( Stendhcl , French writer )

  7. 司汤达,女权主义者?&从《红与黑》中的女性形象说起

    Stendhal , is he a feminist ? & Talk from two female images in Red and Black

  8. 自我意识的反射&司汤达的爱情和他的小说

    The conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion . Reflection of Self-consciousness & Stendhal 's Love and His Novels

  9. 法国小说家、《红与黑》的作者司汤达诞生于格勒诺布尔。

    1783 Stendhal , French novelist , author of The Red And The Black , was born at Grenoble .

  10. 按照司汤达的本意,小说书名中的红象征着于连想成为拿破仑手下一名士兵;

    According to Stendhals original idea , Red in the title symbolizes that Yu Lian wants to be a soldier under Napoleon ;

  11. 文章认为:于连形象集中地体现了司汤达的社会观、人文观与文艺观;

    It points out that the image of Julien focuses on Stendhal 's viewpoint of society , humanity , art and literature ;

  12. “一个民族表现其天才特质的首要工具便是其语言”,联合国教科文组织在其宣言中引用了司汤达的话如是说。

    " The first instrument of a people 's genius is its language ," UNESO points out in its proclamation , quoting Stendhal .

  13. 本文用新弗洛伊德主义解读司汤达代表作《红与黑》,以证实《红与黑》对人类灵魂的展示为现代心理学提供了诸多经典范型,并建构了完整的心理动力学体系。

    This paper tries to use Neo-freudism to decode Stendhal 's representative work The Red and the Black , and to demonstrate that the revelation of Man 's soul in this work provides paradigms for the modern psychology and constructs an integrated psycho-dynamics system .