
  • 网络Airbus;Airbus S.A.S;Airbus SAS
  1. 美国飞机制造商继续指控空中客车公司不正当竞争。

    The American plane makers continue to accuse Airbus of unfair competition

  2. 德国飞机制造业的巨大希望就是欧洲空中客车公司。

    The great white hope for the German aircraft industry was the European airbus .

  3. 波音的竞争对手空中客车公司向潜在的买家展示自己的空中客车A380双层客舱的飞机。

    Boeing 's rival Airbus put on a show of its own , with its A380 double-decker soaring above potential buyers .

  4. 这款发动机成为新型庞巴迪C系列(BombardierC-Series)的唯一选择,也是通用电气(GE)一款同类产品的强劲对手。后者是空中客车公司(Airbus)最畅销机型A320-neo的发动机提供商。

    It 's the sole choice on the new Bombardier C-Series , and a strong rival to an engine produced by a GE GE 0.04 % partnership on the best-selling Airbus A320-neo .

  5. 坠毁的A330客机是欧洲航空业巨头空中客车公司生产的。空客表示,将更换所有安装在A330和A340型飞机上的航速测量仪。

    The A330 aircraft in question is made by European aeronautics giant Airbus , which announced it would replace old speed sensors on all its A330 and A340 models .

  6. 因两者合作开发的商谈未果,波音公司正加紧推出747扩展型;而空中客车公司也在设计全新的A3XX型客机。

    Now that talks on a joint project have broken down , Boeing is pushing a stretched version of the747 , and Airbusis designing an all-new aircraft , known as the A3XX .

  7. 像空中客车公司这样的大型制造商更愿意让供应链保持简单。

    Big manufacturers like Airbus prefer to keep supply chains simple .

  8. 空中客车公司可以帮助新的航空公司在飞机采购,采购和配送管理。

    Airbus can assist new airlines in aircraft sourcing , acquisition and delivery management .

  9. 波音公司和空中客车公司都有去年商务客机订购数量的记录。

    Boeing and Airbus each had record numbers of orders last year for commercial airplanes .

  10. 通用性&空中客车公司的飞机设计特点

    Common Use-Design Feature of Airbus Company

  11. 空中客车公司进军维修市场

    Airbus Moves in to MRO Market

  12. 由法德控制的飞机制造商空中客车公司的英国供应商必须遵守现行的标准。

    The British suppliers to Airbus , the Franco-German aircraft manufacturer , have to comply with exacting standards .

  13. 空中客车公司的数字化维修技术

    Airbus Digital Maintenance Technology

  14. 今天,日本航空公司宣布将从欧洲飞机制造商空中客车公司购买20余架宽体客机。

    Japan Airlines announced today it will buy more than two dozen wide body jets from European airplane maker Airbus .

  15. 美国波音公司和欧洲空中客车公司已经根据该标准研制出了成熟的产品,并且投入了使用。

    Both Boeing and Airbus have explored the commercial Ethernet technology to put it into use and have already developed mature products .

  16. 在空中客车公司全球市场预测提供了一个广阔的分析航空器经营的发展,今年全球流量由最大的一年,世界船队的发展。

    The Airbus Global Market Forecast gives a broad analysis of the global traffic developments and year-by-year fleet evolution of the world 's largest aircraft operators .

  17. 空中客车公司和波音公司在未来五年内要靠印度的300个订单来抵消欧美市场减缓的需求。

    Airbus and Boeing , for example , had counted on orders of300 aircraft from India in the next five years to help offset slower demand in Europe and America .

  18. 但是看起来波音777客机不久将逐渐退役更换,而日本航空公司则历史上首次从欧洲的空中客车公司订购客机。

    But as it looks to replace the Boeing 777 jets that will soon retire , JAL turned to Europe 's Airbus for the first time in the company 's history .

  19. 泰国政府11月24日威胁欧盟说,有可能推迟日前通过的从法国飞机制造集团空中客车公司购买8架大型客机的计划,其目的在于促使欧洲购买泰国更多的农产品。

    The Thai government is threatening to delay a deal to buy eight European Airbus planes for its national carrier in an attempt to persuade Europe to buy more of its agricultural products .

  20. 空中客车公司展示了他们“概念机舱”的一张透视图,它采用一个更轻的重量的仿鸟骨的仿生结构和开放的全景。

    Airbus shows a image of a see through view of their " Concept Cabin " which uses a bionic structure mimicking bird bone , allowing for a lighter weight structure and open panoramic views .

  21. A320系列是欧洲空中客车工业公司研制的双发中短程150座级客机,包括A318、A319、A320及A321四种机型,它们拥有相同的基本座舱配置。

    A320 Series are150-Seat airbuses mabe by European airbus industry company . A318 , A319 , A320 and A321 are included , and they all have the same seats .

  22. 空客的雄心是成为行业领袖&访空中客车中国公司总裁马乐德先生

    Ambition of Airbus Is to Become the Leader of the Industry & Interview of Mr. Guy McLeod , the President of Airbus China

  23. 为什么说空中客车和波音公司更像是要向一个方向会聚而不是兵分两路?

    Why Airbus and Boeing are more likely to converge than to diverge ?

  24. 但这并未阻止德维尔潘对空中客车及其母公司提出建议。

    But that didn 't stop Prime Minister de Villepin from offering advice to Airbus and its parent company .