
  • Lancome;benefit;LANCOME LANCOME
  1. 两年后,当潘的化妆教学视频在YouTube上迅速疯传时,一名兰蔻的高管偶然发现了她的教程。

    Two years later , as Phan 's videos began to spread across YouTube like wildfire , a Lancome executive stumbled upon one of her tutorials .

  2. 在美丽的方面,兰蔻公司找来为化妆品写文章的笔名为NicoleGege的网上尤为具有影响力的名人。

    On the glamour end of the spectrum , Lancome reached out to a particularly influential Internet celebrity stage-named Nicole Gege , who writes about cosmetics .

  3. 在她之前代言兰蔻的女星各个都“令人咂舌”,有茱莉亚·罗伯茨(诺丁山女演员)、凯特·温斯莱特(泰坦尼克号)、佩内洛普·克鲁兹(西班牙女影星)以及最近演绎事业如日升天的安妮·海瑟薇AnneHathaway等等。

    We are delighted by this new collaboration . ' Emma follows in the footsteps of other renowned actresses , such as Julia Roberts , Penelope Cruz , Kate Winslet and Anne Hathaway , who have also starred in campaigns for the brand .

  4. 苏格拉底、迈蒙尼德、所罗门国王、爱因斯坦、高斯、甘地、安妮迪芙兰蔻以及甚至Yoda都曾经对他们知道和不知道的持有过有理由的、虚假的观念。

    Socrates , Maimonides , King Solomon , Einstein , Goethe , Gandhi , Ani DiFranco , and even Yoda have held justified , false beliefs about what they did and did not know .

  5. 他们在全世界最受欢迎的社交网站上四处搜寻,为兰蔻(Lanc)、伊夫圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)等奢侈品牌寻找个人拍摄的突出这些品牌的照片,比如某只手袋或某款鞋子的图片,用于市场营销的活动。

    They scour the world 's most popular social media sites on behalf of luxury brands like Lanc and Yves Saint Laurent , hunting for photos taken by individuals that feature the brands , say an image of a handbag or pair of shoes , that could be used in marketing campaigns .

  6. 本人电子邮件兰蔻产品批号的瓶子,他们证实,它过期一年前。

    Ie-mailed Lancome the product batch number on the bottle and they confirmed that it expired a year ago .

  7. 电视广告的投放只是在近几年才有雅诗兰黛、兰蔻等品牌开始涉足。

    TV advertising only in recent years have Estee Lauder , Lancome and other brands began to get involved .

  8. 在设计学院上大一时,潘在当地一个兰蔻化妆品柜台申请了一份临时工作。

    Once upon a time , during her freshman year of design college , Phan applied for a gig at a local Lancome counter .

  9. 她这是在上课,但有一条建议是只给男士的:千万别在上班的时候涂兰蔻的果冻唇蜜。

    She is delivering a lesson but she has one instruction just for the men they must never wear Lanc ? Me Juicy Tubes at work .

  10. 但镇江是已经建起高档商场的城市之一,兰蔻于18个月前在七层高的八佰伴开设柜台。

    But Zhenjiang is one of the cities that has built luxury malls and Lanc ô me opened its counter in the seven-storey Yaohan 18 months ago .

  11. 能够成功实现这一外表(尤其是在酷暑),请确保你使用的是纯粹的腮红(如兰蔻的复古红色腮红)。

    To pull off this feminine look , especially in the heat of summer , make sure you use a sheer red blush like Lancome Color Design Blush in Retro Rouge .

  12. 为了让这个受人尊敬的品牌紧跟数字前沿,这名高管联系了潘,并最终签约让她成为兰蔻第一位官方的视频化妆师。

    In a bid to imbue the venerable brand with a digital edge , she reached out to Phan and ultimately signed her as Lancome 's first official video makeup artist .

  13. 欧莱雅旗下的兰蔻推出了一种根据客户需求定制粉底液的机器,名为肤色粉底定制仪,据说能用人工智能技术来找到“精确匹配”肤色的粉底液。

    Instead , L'Oreal subsidiary Lancome has come up with a custom-made foundation machine called Le Teint Particulier , which promises to find the " exact match " for your skin using AI .

  14. 年仅21岁的艾玛沃森在今年3月就和兰蔻签了6位数的代言合同。对她而言,剪掉长发是种解放的象征。

    For her part , 21-year-old Emma Watson , who in March this year signed a six-figure deal to promote cosmetics brand Lancome , says cutting off her long hair was incredibly liberating .

  15. 研究报告的合著者特蕾西瓦兰蔻对《环球邮报》说,根据她和同事设计的“恶毒等级”,女性的恶意“显而易见”。

    Speaking with the Globe and Mail , the report 's co-author Tracy Vaillancourt said the women 's bitchiness , according to a'bitchy scale'she and her colleague had set , 'was so obvious .

  16. 中国护肤品网购市场前10名品牌依次为:雅诗兰黛、玫琳凯、兰蔻、雅漾、海蓝之谜、倩碧、资生堂、高丝、雅顿、美体小铺。

    In2010Q2 , the top10 brands in China skincare online market are : Estee Lauder , Mary Kay , Lancome , Avene , La Mer , Clinique , Shiseido , Kose , Elizabeth Arden and The Body Shop .

  17. 首先,兰蔻的咨询师会用一个手持色度计(一种数字扫描仪)测出你的脸部肤色,然后把结果输入电脑,电脑会用一种专有算法在2万种色号中做出选择。

    Lancome 's consultants first work out your facial skin tone using a handheld colorimeter - a type of digital scanner . The results are then run through a computer , which uses a proprietary algorithm to choose from 20000 different shades .

  18. 1990年由化妆品大品牌兰蔻推出的香水璀璨女士是兰蔻的核心产品,也是兰蔻推出的香水系列中最有名的一款。这款香水是许多世界级大美女的钟爱。

    Tresor , Lancome ( 1990 ) The fragrance at the very heart of the Lanc ô me brand , Tr é sor is the most successful perfume in the house of Lanc ô me.Since its launch in 1990 this iconic fragrance has been embodied by some of the world 's most beautiful women .