
  • Les Miserables;Les Misérables;Misérables,Les
  1. 最佳女配角:安妮海瑟薇《悲惨世界》

    Best supporting actress : Anne Hathaway in " Les Miserables "

  2. 最佳化妆与发型:《悲惨世界》

    Best makeup and hairstyling " Les Miserables "

  3. 在星期六晚上他们再次献唱《悲惨世界》原声《Stars》。

    On Saturday night they sang Stars from Les Miserables , the song performed the character Javert in the long-running musical .

  4. 在12月10日《悲惨世界》首映式上,安妮·海瑟薇穿着TomFord的黑色丝质裙装和高筒凉鞋,看起来美极了。

    Hathaway looked stunning in a black silk Tom Ford dress and high sandals at the Les Mis é rables New York premiere on Dec. 10 .

  5. 凭借在《悲惨世界》中的角色,Anne获得了金球奖、奥斯卡奖和美国演员工会奖。

    For her role in Les Mis é rables , Anne got a Golden Globe , an Oscar , and a Screen Actors Guild Award .

  6. 在根据维克多·雨果的小说改编的音乐剧《悲惨世界》中,安妮·海瑟薇扮演Fantine。

    Anne Hathaway played the role of Fantine in the musical Les Mis é rables , based on the novel by Victor Hugo .

  7. 作为好莱坞星光大道留名的第2487个明星,这位44岁的澳洲演员欢乐的和妻子摆着POSE,他在《悲惨世界》中的合作演员安妮海瑟薇和阿曼达赛弗雷德也双双到场祝贺。

    After the unveiling of the 2487th star on the Walk of Fame star , the 44-year-old actor happily posed with wife Deborra-Lee Furness and his Les Miserables co-stars Anne Hathaway and Amanda Seyfried on Hollywood Boulevard .

  8. 凭《悲惨世界》(LesMisérables)赢得奥斯卡奖,并在诺兰的《黑暗骑士崛起》(TheDarkKnightRises)中饰演角色的安妮·海瑟薇(AnneHathaway)饰演团队中的探险者布兰德(Brand);

    Anne Hathaway ( an Oscar winner for " Les Mis é rables " and a co-star of Mr. Nolan 's " The Dark Knight Rises " ) as Brand , a fellow explorer ;

  9. 摄影师安妮莱柏维兹为12月的VOGUE杂志拍摄了一组名为梦中梦的照片,悲惨世界的众卡司们仅仅用眼神和姿势展示了剧中角色的感知-包括安妮海瑟薇,罗素克罗,休杰克曼。

    In the December issue of Vogue , the stunning series of images have been dubbed Dreaming a Dream by the photographer and feature the star studded cast - including Anne Hathaway , Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman .

  10. 周一清晨,这位曾出演《悲惨世界》的女星在Instagram上分享了一张照片。照片上的她身着红色比基尼,用手托住愈发明显的孕肚,面朝镜头,笑容灿烂。

    Early Monday morning , the " Les Mis é rables " star shared a picture on Instagram , in which she 's seen posing in a red bikini while holding her growing belly . She 's absolutely beaming in the pic , flashing a huge smile for the camera .

  11. 高中的时候,我扮演过《悲惨世界》里的芳汀。

    In high school , I portrayed Fantine in Les Miserables .

  12. 欢迎到悲惨世界,那是我悲惨的生活

    Welcome to the tragic universe that is my sad life .

  13. 音乐剧《悲惨世界》主要人物形象塑造分析

    The Musical Play Miserable World Major Character Personage Mage Molds Analysis

  14. 试析《悲惨世界》的叙事特色

    A Brief Study on the Narrative Characteristics of Tragic World

  15. 我们不需要以悲惨世界作为每个国家业务回顾的开篇。

    We do not need to preface every country review with dire economic forecasts .

  16. 西方文化必读书籍之《悲惨世界》


  17. 最佳音响效果:《悲惨世界》

    Best sound mixing : " Les Miserables "

  18. 雨果《悲惨世界》中生态环境透视

    Ecological environmental perspective in Hugo Tragic World

  19. 本文拟从女性主义的视角对雨果的《悲惨世界》做一个全新的解读。

    This article intends to interpret Hugo sLes Miserables from the view of the feminism .

  20. 电影《悲惨世界》纽约首映礼

    Les Mis é rables New York premiere

  21. 他的成功作品包括《悲惨世界》、猫》、星光列车》、尼可拉斯·克勒比》以及《日落大道》。

    His credits include Miserables , Cats , Starlight Express , Nicholas Nickleby , and Sunset Boulevard .

  22. 麦考夫答应带他们去看日场《悲惨世界》的.还想把我也拉去

    Mycroft promised to take them to a matinee of Les Mis.Tried to talk me into doing it .

  23. 不过我相信这个想法从来没有像在《悲惨世界》里用的这么壮观。

    But the idea , I believe , has never been used as ambitiously as in Les Miserables .

  24. 从人到恶魔,从恶魔到天使&试论《悲惨世界》中的人性问题

    From Human to Devil , from Devil to Angel : On the Human nature of Les Mis é rables

  25. 雨果是法国文学史上最伟大的作家之一他的《巴黎圣母院》《悲惨世界》是不朽的名著。

    Hugo is among the best writers in french literature whose masterpieces are Notre Dame de Paris and Les Miserables .

  26. 麦克罗夫特保证带他们去看日场的“悲惨世界”还想连我也捎上

    Mycroft promised to take them to a matinee of Les Mis . Tried to talk me into doing it .

  27. 海瑟薇因为在音乐剧《悲惨世界》中演绎了一位无私奉献的母亲而夺得本届美国演员工会奖的最佳女配角。

    Hathaway garnered a SAG for supporting female actor for her portrayal of a devoted mother in the musical Les Miserables .

  28. 不过竞争也非常激烈,他的对手还包括《悲惨世界》男星埃迪·雷德梅尼、休·丹西和《雷神》汤姆·希德勒斯顿。

    However , he is facing tough competition from Les Miserables star Eddie Redmayne , Hugh Dancy and Thor 's Tom Hiddleston .

  29. 《悲惨世界》已在44个国家演出,观看人次达七千多万,打破了全球票房纪录。

    Les Mis é rables has broken box office records worldwide , seen by more than 70 million people in 44 countries .

  30. 随着今年由海瑟薇主演的两部大制作&《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》和《悲惨世界》的上映,她俨然已经成为好莱坞的黄金女郎。

    With two big projects out this year , The Dark Knight Rises and Les Miserables , Hathaway is Hollywood 's golden girl .