
bēi guān zhǔ yì
  • pessimism
悲观主义[bēi guān zhǔ yì]
  1. 乐观情绪逐渐取代了悲观主义。

    Optimism was gradually taking the place of pessimism

  2. 在这项调查中,CFO天生的悲观主义展露无余:有45%的人表示,他们的CEO比他们乐观。

    The natural pessimism of the bean-counter was reflected in the finding that 45 per cent said their chief executive was more optimistic than they were .

  3. 他是悲观主义者,也是失败主义者。

    He is a pessimist and a defeatist .

  4. 我是天生的悲观主义者。我总是做最坏的打算。

    I 'm a natural pessimist ; I usually expect the worst

  5. 在宇宙里,即使是最坚定的悲观主义者也想像不出还有那么多暗淡无光的球状物。

    There are more dim bulbs in the universe than even the most hardened pessimist might have imagined .

  6. A.相比起乐观主义者,悲观主义者大概更接近事实真相吧。

    A. THE PESSIMIST IS PROBABLY more right about how it would turn out than the optimist .

  7. 然而,与悲观主义者的主张相反,不来梅雅各布大学(JacobsUniversityBremen)和密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)最近发表的一篇论文中的新数据显示,当今的世界幸福程度更高。

    Yet contrary to the assertions of pessimists , newly released data , recently published in an article with colleagues from Jacobs University Bremen and the University of Michigan , shows that today 's world is a happier one .

  8. 正如乔治奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)在1943年所写的那样:旨在推动人类进步的计划确实往往以失败告终,悲观主义者比乐观主义者更有机会说‘我早就告诉你会这样’。

    As George Orwell wrote in 1943 : Plans for human betterment do normally come unstuck , and the pessimist has many more opportunities of saying ' I told you so ' than the optimist .

  9. 《科学报告》杂志提到,研究者们说:因为悲观主义和神经质对于人际交往的构成、质量和稳定性有害,G等位基因和心理失调的联系可能会减少携带者约会的机率或者导致交往失败。

    Writing in the journal Scientific Reports , the researchers said : As pessimism and neuroticism are detrimental to the formation , quality and stability of relationships , this connection between the G allele and psychological disorders might decrease carriers dating opportunities or lead to romantic relationship failure .

  10. 《科学报告》杂志提到,研究者们说:“因为悲观主义和神经质对于人际交往的构成、质量和稳定性有害,G等位基因和心理失调的联系可能会减少携带者约会的机率或者导致交往失败。”

    Writing in the journal Scientific Reports , the researchers said : ' As pessimism and neuroticism are detrimental to the formation , quality and stability of relationships , this connection between the G allele and psychological disorders might decrease carriers " dating opportunities or lead to romantic relationship failure . "

  11. 在美林集团(MerrillLynch)被美国银行收购之后,这位悲观主义者便离开了美林,回到了老家多伦多,并成为GluskinSheff公司的首席经济学家。

    The longtime bear decamped from Merrill Lynch following the Bank of America ( BAC ) takeover and returned to his home city of Toronto , where he became chief economist at Gluskin Sheff .

  12. 担任公司财务顾问的珍尼•施密特(JeanneSchmidt)是个骨灰级的乐观主义者。她说,“我想不出有什么事情称得上是真正失败的。我无法忍受让那些不愿花心思费力气的悲观主义者执掌大权。”

    I can 't think of anything that I would call a true failure , ' says Jeanne Schmidt , a corporate finance consultant and black-belt optimist . ' I can 't stand it , ' she adds , when the why-bother pessimists take charge .

  13. 正象非支(Fiji)群岛的蛮族认为子杀其父,友杀其友是一种责任。于是,一种实践的悲观主义可能产生一种残忍的道德观,认为大屠杀是出于怜悯;——

    like the inhabitants of the Fiji islands , they had strangled their parents and friends -- a practical pessimism that might even have generated a gruesome ethic of genocide [ V ö lkermord . ] motivated by pity , and which incidentally is , and was ,

  14. 对未来发展进行预测的专家可分为悲观主义者和乐观主义者两类。

    Experts on the future are divided into pessimists and optimists .

  15. 因而他的悲观主义是彻底而绝望的。

    As a result , his pessimism is thorough and despairing .

  16. 因此,有人可能会觉得,这应归咎于系统性悲观主义。

    So one might suspect that systematic pessimism is to blame .

  17. 我们不要不管这些目标,也不要陷入悲观主义的泥潭。

    Let 's not dismiss the goals or slide into pessimism ;

  18. 正视它吧,雷,你是个完全的悲观主义者。

    Face it , ray . you 're a total pessimist .

  19. 资本输出,弹性悲观主义,以及人民币。

    Capital Export , Elasticity Pessimism , and the Renminbi .

  20. 尼日利亚推行教师资格标准的危机:一种悲观主义的视角

    Dilemma of Teacher Qualification Standards in Nigeria : From an Pessimism Perspective

  21. 对于悲观主义者来说,玻璃杯是半空的;

    To the pessimist , the glass is half empty .

  22. 从哈代的抒情诗看哈代的悲观主义

    On the Pessimism of Thomas Hardy-A Study of His . Lyric Poetry

  23. 悲观主义者提出,全球经济放缓可能会尤为令人痛苦。

    And pessimists argue that a global slowdown could be especially painful .

  24. 这很容易滑向对未来经济发展的悲观主义。

    This easily degenerates into pessimism about future economic developments .

  25. 叔本华悲观主义人生哲学的现实意义与局限性

    The Practical Significance and Limitation of Schopenhauer 's Pessimistic Philosophy of Life

  26. 悲观主义者则会想不开或放弃,因此每天的压力不断累积。

    Pessimists obsess or give up , so daily stresses build up .

  27. 他引述了很多有趣的事例,让这些悲观主义者看起来似乎有些可笑。

    He cites many amusing examples that make these pessimists seem absurd .

  28. 好的,我是雷,我是悲观主义者。

    All right . I 'm ray and I 'm a pessimist .

  29. 目前,悲观主义者可能看上去占了上风。

    At present the pessimists might appear in the ascendance .

  30. 这不是悲观主义的世界观。

    This is not a pessimistic view of humanity and the world .