
  • 网络The Birth of Tragedy
  1. 对这个问题,尼采在《悲剧的诞生》中并没有提供一种很好的解决。

    On this issue , The Birth of Tragedy does not provide a good solution .

  2. 复归艺术叩问生命&尼采《悲剧的诞生》美学内核探析

    Art Reversion and Life Inquiries & On Aesthetic Views of Nietzsche 's The Birth of Tragedy

  3. 仿佛从来没有过公元前六世纪的文明,悲剧的诞生,

    as though there had never been a sixth century with its birth of tragedy ,

  4. 悲剧的诞生与悲剧的快感

    The Birth and Sensation of Tragedy

  5. 这是一个健康的产儿。《悲剧的诞生》是说不完道不尽的!

    This is a healthy baby . " The Birth of Tragedy " has lots to talk !

  6. 他认为尼采的《悲剧的诞生》就是这种困难的征服史。

    He claims that Nietzsche The birth of tragedy is the history about how to conquer the difficulty .

  7. 尼采在《悲剧的诞生》中提出了自己的酒神世界观,否定了苏格拉底的理性世界观。

    Nietzsche gave us his Dionysian world view , denial of the rational view of the world of Socrates .

  8. 翠姨悲剧的诞生是因为她自身有一种弱质性格,更在于她所处的是一个足以造成这种弱质性格的男权社会。

    The tragedy of Aunt Cui comes from her feeble character and the male power society which she lives in .

  9. 从他的第一部学术著作《悲剧的诞生》起,尼采就开始了对现代文明的批判。

    Nietzsche began his academic writings with work called " The Birth of Tragedy ", a critique of modern civilization .

  10. 1871年。尼采完成了他的第一本著作《悲剧的诞生》,这部作品主要是介绍他对学术社会的强烈憎恨之情。

    In1871 Nietzsche 's first book , The Birth of Tragedy , met with exaggerated indignation from the academic community .

  11. 这部著作从发生学的视角对古希腊悲剧的诞生进行了酒神式迷狂的解读。

    This book interpreted the birth of ancient Greek tragedy from the perspective of the occurrence , accompany with the Dionysian ecstasy .

  12. 《魔戒》:盎格鲁·撒克逊神话酒神精神:逃离启蒙辩证法魔圈的符咒&尼采《悲剧的诞生》的现代性解读

    The Lord of the Rings : Anglo-Saxon Mythology The Dionysus Spirit : The Invocation of Escaping from the Identity Logic of Enlighten Dialectic

  13. 《悲剧的诞生》是尼采第一部正式出版的著作,它预示了尼采一贯的哲学立场,即认为哲学是非政治、非学术的。

    The Birth of Tragedy is Nietzsche 's first published work which predicts his consistent philosophy , that is , philosophy is non-political and non-academic .

  14. 而理性世界观强调人生的意义在于无止境的追求科学知识。《悲剧的诞生》一书具有多重话语蕴藉。

    Rational view of the world emphasizes the meaning of life by the endless pursuit of scientific knowledge . " The Birth of Tragedy " has multiple discourse implications .

  15. 在《悲剧的诞生》中,尼采第一次提出构成艺术的两大元素,日神和酒神,并把它们解释为人生苦难的救赎方式。

    In his The Birth of Tragedy , Nietzsche highlights two impulses of art , the Apolline and the Dionysian , the two means for man to redeem from the horrible world .

  16. 在普法战争浓浓的炮声中,尼采构思着《悲剧的诞生》,神游于古希腊文明之间,思考着统一后的德国文化建设的问题。

    Nietzsche was designing his book named the birth of tragedy and thinking the issue about where the culture of unified Germany went through fugue between the ancient Greek Civilization during Prussian War .

  17. 其《悲剧的诞生》中审美主义视角,通过赋予艺术本体的地位,进而来肯定被祝福的非理性的生命激情和本能。

    The " aestheticism " perspective in " The Birth of Tragedy ," the status is given to the art itself , and then to assure those blessed lives of the irrational passion and instinct .

  18. 从他的作品中追寻其生命苦痛的根源,原来正是其酒神精神导致了他人生“悲剧的诞生”。

    If we trace the origin of the pains he suffered in his life from his works , we will find it was the Spirit of Wine God that led to " the birth of his tragedy " .

  19. 我们认为,悲剧的诞生恐怕既不能以群众对于道德思想的重视,又不能以无戏的观众这概念来说明;这个问题太深奥了,如此肤浅的概括甚至没有触到它的边沿。

    We suspect that the birth of tragedy can be explained neither by any reverence for the moral intelligence of the multitude nor by the notion of a spectator without drama , and , altogether , we consider the problem much too complex to be touched by such facile interpretations .

  20. 高度悲剧效果的诞生

    The Birth of Completely Tragic Effects

  21. 本论文尝试从人与自然的关系、悲剧诞生的生命体验和悲剧诞生的艺术诉求这三个角度来对悲剧的诞生进行论述。

    This paper attempts to interpret the reasons for the birth of tragedy from three sides : the relationship between man and nature , the life experience of the birth of tragedy and the artistic demands of the birth of tragedy .

  22. 尼采自称为第一个悲剧哲学家,在他思想发展的第一步《悲剧的诞生》中,他歌颂了生命的奋进与超越。

    Nietzsche called himself as " the first tragedy philosopher ", The Birth of Tragedy is the first step of his thought .