
  • 网络Optimism And Pessimism
  1. 仅仅是相信自己有掌控生活的能力便能使你转悲观为乐观。

    Just knowing that you have some control is enough to change your perspective from hopeless to optimistic .

  2. 如果你想改变自己的解释风格,首先评估一下自己在从悲观到乐观的“频谱”上自己的位置。

    If you want to change your explanatory style , start by evaluating where you fall on the spectrum from pessimism to optimism .

  3. 每个人的生命中都有太多的幸运或灾难:充满着忧伤和快乐、无限的喜悦和痛苦&不论我们是悲观还是乐观,都有充分的理由。

    There is enough good and bad in everyone 's life-ample sorrow and happiness , sufficient joy and pain-to find a rational basis for either optimism or pessimism .

  4. 本文在比较现有悲观和乐观两类并发控制机制的基础上,针对悲观和乐观并发控制的不足,提出了一种自适应的并发控制的机制。

    Aiming at resolving the deficiency of pessimistic and optimistic concurrency control strategies in comparison with them , this paper proposes an adaptive concurrency control policy and presents a basic design and primary implementation .

  5. 该并发控制的基本思想是将悲观和乐观的并发控制机制引入到同一个应用中,系统会根据实际的情况自动调整并发控制的策略。

    The basic idea of the concurrency control policy is to mix the pessimistic and optimistic concurrency control strategies in the same system , which can adjust the concurrency control strategies automatically according to the actual situation .

  6. 做生活的领导者,而不是悲观者或乐观者。

    Be neither a pessimist nor an optimist , but a leader .

  7. 如果你改变想法,从悲观变为乐观,你就可以改变自己的生活。

    If you change your mind from pessimism to optimism , you can change your life .

  8. 在新加坡,受华文教育者对文化前景的看法,时而悲观,时而乐观。

    Chinese-educated Singaporeans have been wavering Between optimism and pessimism about the future of their ethnic language and culture .

  9. 意大利如果想把悲观派变成乐观派,仅仅满足像样的预期还不够。

    If Italy wants to convert those pessimists who want to be optimists , it is not enough to meet exalted expectations .

  10. 第一部分,追溯哲学史上历史悲观论与乐观论的论争及其思想,阐明现代历史悲乐论论争的历史根源;

    In the first part , history foundation of the contemporary controversy of pessimism of history theory and optimism of history theory is described .

  11. 在这份分析中,悲观者和乐观者都能找到希望,它为那些对科技公司当前估值感到纳闷的人提供了一个有帮助的视角。

    It is a bulletin in which both pessimists and optimists can find hope and it offers a helpful perspective for those wondering about the current valuations of technology companies .

  12. 基于上述模型和策略,研究了一种偏复制式混合体系结构下的悲观和有限乐观的并发控制方法,以及相应的并发控制协议实施技术。

    Based on the above model and strategy , both the pessimistic and optimistic concurrency control approaches are studied . The implementation techniques and algorithms of concurrency control protocol are described .

  13. 麦尔维尔处在一个乐观向上、扩张进取的时代,《白鲸》中浓郁的悲观主义与乐观向上的时代精神背道而驰,读者对作品主题的期待被彻底打破。

    Positioned in an era of optimism and expansionism , the intense pessimism in Moby Dick goes contrary to the optimistic spirit of the time . Readers ' expectations have been broken .

  14. 在分析和比较了传统的应用共享技术的基础之上,提出了基于悲观式和乐观式并发访问控制策略下的应用共享机制,并对混合式应用共享进行了深入的分析。

    Based on analysis and comparison on traditional application sharing , application sharing mechanisms are put forward for concurrent con-trol tactic of pessimism and optimism , and mixed application sharing is analyzed in-depth .

  15. 也就是说,不管你是悲观主义或乐观主义者,学习建设性地处理焦虑可能比只努力看光明的一面更重要,或者至少比较有帮助。

    That means , whether you are a pessimist or an optimist , learning to cope with anxiety constructively may be more important – or at last more helpful – than simply trying to look on the bright side .

  16. 结果:使958%的患者在治疗上由被动变为主动,631%的患者在生活观念上由悲观转为乐观,100%的患者在心理上得到安抚和激励。

    To evaluate the patients with the Hamiltom anxious measuring scale . Results : 95 8 % patients received treatment from passively to initiatively , 63 1 % patients became optimism from pessimism at life concept , 100 % patients were pacific and encouraged at physiology .

  17. 正如乔治奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)在1943年所写的那样:旨在推动人类进步的计划确实往往以失败告终,悲观主义者比乐观主义者更有机会说‘我早就告诉你会这样’。

    As George Orwell wrote in 1943 : Plans for human betterment do normally come unstuck , and the pessimist has many more opportunities of saying ' I told you so ' than the optimist .

  18. 对未来发展进行预测的专家可分为悲观主义者和乐观主义者两类。

    Experts on the future are divided into pessimists and optimists .

  19. 根据许多年前有些调查,世界的悲观者人数超过乐观主义者。

    According to some surveys many years ago , the pessimists of the world outnumber the optimists .

  20. 一些人既是悲观者又是乐观者,他们“抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算”。

    Other people are both pessimists and optimists.They hope for the best and prepare for the worst .

  21. 通过内容对比初步认为,在命运面前汉民族较为悲观,维吾尔族相对乐观积极。

    By comparing the content , we see that Han nationality is more pessimistic than Uigur nationality in face of the fate .

  22. 当代西方思想界出现了一场科技悲观论与科技乐观论的激烈论争。

    There is a heated controversy between optimism and pessimism on the development of science and technology in the contemporary western ideology field .

  23. 然而,在对待逆境问题上有两种大相径庭的态度:悲观主义和盲目乐观自欺。

    However , there are two attitudes towards adversity , which are poles apart : one is pessimistic and the other is unrealistically optimistic .

  24. 关于科学技术观,学者们提出了科技悲观论、科技乐观论和马克思的辩证科技观。

    Outlook on science and technology , scholars have put forward scientific and technological pessimism , technological optimism and the Marxist dialectic of Science and Technology Views .

  25. 从分析技术悲观主义、技术乐观主义与技术现实主义的基础上审视技术价值观的选择,实施可持续发展的生态文明模式;

    It scans the choice of technology value on the foundation of analyzing technological pessimism 、 technological optimism and technological realism to implement sustainable development ecological civilization mode ;

  26. 这可能是因为悲观主义者不像乐观主义者那样善于应付压力,从而影响身体免疫系统的正常工作并导致诸如高血压之类的健康问题。

    This may be because pessimists are not as good as optimists at handling stress , which taxes the immune system and causes other health problems , such as high blood pressure .

  27. 通过分析比较叔本华、尼采等西方哲学家对悲剧精神的不同理解或诠释,阐明了作者本人的悲剧观:悲剧的本质不是悲观主义,而是乐观主义;

    Through analysing and comparing of the different comprehension or annotation of Spirit of Tragedy presented by Schopenhauer , Nietzsche and some other western philosophers , the author expounds his own opinion on it : Essence of Tragedy is not pessimism , but optimism .

  28. 避免悲观情绪:我们大部分人要么偏向悲观,要么偏向乐观。你应该和后一种具有阳光性格的人呆在一起。

    Avoid pessimists : most of us have a bias towards either a negative or positive outlook . You should keep the company of these latter , sunny characters .