
zhào yàng
  • all the same;after a pattern or model
照样 [zhào yàng]
  • (1) [after a pattern or model]∶依照某个已有的样式

  • 请你们照样重复一次

  • (2) [all the same]∶依然;依照原来的样子

  • 照样要谢谢你

照样[zhào yàng]
  1. 你领头,我来照样做。

    You go first , I 'll take my lead from you .

  2. 尽管当地居民反对,建筑工程将照样进行。

    The building work will go ahead , despite protests from local residents .

  3. 这件衬衫的袖口洗后照样挺括,不变形。

    The shirt 's cuffs won 't sag and lose their shape after washing

  4. 她在的时候,士兵们还是照样说粗俗的笑话,都懒得收敛。

    The soldiers did not bother to moderate their coarse humour in her presence .

  5. 詹姆斯没有向别人乞求周济照样过活。

    James lived on without begging alms from others .

  6. 7.Thisisthesimilarcasewith/when这恰如;正如;也会(比较类经典句)这恰如我们虽然看不懂莫扎特乐曲的总谱,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣,击节称赞。

    This is the similar case when the main melody can evoke6 a strong echo for us to clap our hands in admiration7 despiteour disability to understand the score of Mozart ’ s musical pieces .

  7. 当他在沉思中变老了,世界还是照样走它的路,亡命之徒仍然在修武德日渐壮大,在空地里猎鹿

    Still the outlaw band throve in Sherwood , and hunted the deer in its glades .

  8. 地球没了谁都会照样转动。Situationsarenotconduceofwhatyouwantforyourself.Conduce,得益于,导致。

    Situations are not conduce of what you want for yourself .

  9. 他还写过一本具有深刻见解的书:《如何为白痴工作:不炒老板照样成功》(HowtoWorkforanIdiot:SurviveandThriveWithoutKillingYourBoss)。

    He also wrote an insightful book called how to work for an idiot : survive and thrive without killing your boss .

  10. Paul不喜欢家里有很多人,不过管他呢,我照样要办。

    Mary Alice : Paul never likes to have people over but the heck with him I 'm doing it .

  11. 其余土壤养分指标:有效磷、有机质、全氮、硝态氮和土壤pH总体来看,相对于对照样地土壤无较大影响。

    Other indicators of soil nutrients : phosphorus , organic matter , total nitrogen , nitrate and soil pH had no great impact in general , professedly .

  12. 剔除拟合法的另一个优越性还在于它不受动校正速度的微小误差的影响,即使双曲线没有拉平,剔除拟合法对此也不敏感,照样能拟合出分辨率较高的P波剖面来。

    What is more , deletion fitting method is not influenced by slight error of NMO correction velocity . This method can bring a fitted high-resolution P-wave section even though hyperbolae are not flattened thoroughly ( it is not sensitive to this . )

  13. F1634现已手书成,我亦将我在梦里所见到的五个字照样写出来。

    F1634 is now in calligraphy , I also wrote the five words as I saw in the dream .

  14. 结果表明,磷酸化低值鱼蛋白酶解物中TCA-N得率与对照样相近,约46%,磷酸化对其酶解程度影响很小。

    Results showed that yield of TCA-N in phosphorylated fish protein hydrolysate approached to that of the control sample and phosphatization had little effect on hydrolysis .

  15. 经不同用量的漆酶处理的OCC纸浆手抄片的湿环压指数和湿抗指数与对照样相比均有明显提高,特别是漆酶用量为24U/g时,湿环压指数达到4.1N。

    Wet ring crush compression strength ( RCT ) and wet tensile strength of OCC treated with laccase showed significant increases compared to control hand-sheet . For instance , RCT of OCC treated with laccase dosage 24 U / g ( pulp ) was 4.1 N.

  16. 最后我终于发现,没有你,我的生活还是照样在转。

    I 've finally found that life goes on without you .

  17. 但是他们一动脑筋,便照样相信他们的老约。

    But when they did think , they trusted old joe .

  18. 不管你喜欢与否,这个世界照样存在。

    The world exists , whether you like it or not .

  19. 尽管她有困难,她照样继续工作。

    Despite her problems , she carried on working as usual .

  20. 我可以一个月不去上课还照样毕业

    I can skip every lecture for a month and still graduate

  21. 如果发生这样情况,别的国家一定会照样行事。

    Should this happen , other countries will certainly follow suit .

  22. 船还是照样沉了,结局也是一样。

    The ship still sinks ; it ends the same way .

  23. 使得没有工作经验的人员,照样可以找到其分界线。

    Makes no job experience , still can find their line .

  24. 你的葡萄园和橄榄园也要照样办理。

    Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove .

  25. 植物既无神经又无肌肉,但它们照样活动着。

    Plants have neither nerves nor muscles but they are working .

  26. 他很可能照样因为杀人罪被起诉,被处死。

    He was prosecuted and executed for murder just the same .

  27. 折皱回复角也比普通处理的对照样增大了13.3%。

    Wrinkles recovery angle is also increased 13.3 percent than normal processing .

  28. 《太阳照样升起》中勃莱特·阿施利无望的寻觅

    Brett Ashley 's Hopeless Search in the Sun Also Rises

  29. 你呆在家里,我照样支付薪水。

    You stay home , and I payyou , anyways .

  30. 耶稣说:“你去照样行吧。”

    Jesus told him ," Go and do likewise . "