
  1. 以兰渝铁路线上的渭河沟拱桥为例,运用Midas软件建立了其有限元模型,并进行了模态分析和动力时程分析。(3)减隔震装置的选取。

    Taking the Wei-he-gou arch bridge on Lanzhou-Chongqing Railway as example , this paper creats F.E.M model based on MIDAS to conduct modal analysis and dynamic time-history analysis . ( 3 ) Choice of seismic reduction and isolation device .

  2. 兰渝铁路兰州至广元段工程地质问题研究

    A Study on Engineering Geological Problems between Lanzhou and Guangyuan on Lanzhou-Chongqing Railway

  3. 兰渝铁路&重庆西拓的又一通道

    Lanzhou-Chongqing Railroad & Another Passage of Chongqing 's Opening up Towards the West

  4. 兰渝铁路沿线采风

    Local Customs and Landscapes Along the Lanzhou-Chongqing Railroad

  5. 兰渝铁路对沿线经济社会的影响

    Influences of Lanzhou-Chongqing Railroad on the Economy and Social Development of Areas along the Line

  6. 兰渝铁路的幕后

    Anecdotes Behind the Curtain of Lanzhou-Chongqing Railroad

  7. 兰渝铁路沿线区域多为老少边穷的地带,经济发展十分缓慢,沿线城市经济功能不健全,城市化程度低,城市规模小,产业结构滞后。

    The development of economy is very slow and the urban economic function is not perfect : the low degree of urbanization , small-scale cities , lagging industrial structure .

  8. 兰渝铁路作为西部重要的新建国铁,要求路基必须具有强度高、稳定性和耐久性好、不易变形等工程性质。

    Lanyu Railway , as a newly-constructed railway in Western China , demands a subgrade with such engineering properties as higher strength , stability and durability , but lower deformations .

  9. 高地应力软岩隧道大变形在兰渝铁路尤为突出,给隧道支护参数的确定和工程施工造成了很大的困难。

    The problem of large deformation of the tunnel caused by high crustal stress and soft rock is apparent in the Lan-Yu Railway , which caused great difficulty to determine the tunnel supporting parameter and project construction .

  10. 兰渝线铁路信号系统方案研究

    Study on Railway Signal System Scheme of Lanzhou-Chongqing Railway Line

  11. 兰渝高速公路和兰渝铁路对大熊猫活动及其栖息地保护的影响

    Impact of the Lanzhou-Chongqing Highway and Railway on the Movement of Giant Pandas and their Habitat Protection