
  • 网络Lankao;lankao county
  1. 菏泽5.9级地震前河南省兰考县水气异常显示

    Anomalies of underground water and gases in Lankao County before the Heze earthquake of M5.9

  2. 兰考县一私人孤儿院发生火灾致7名儿童死亡,随后民政部门下发通知,要求用一个月时间,开展一次民办机构收留孤儿情况大排查行动。

    The month-long campaign is to inspect private orphanages after seven children were killed in a fire at an orphanage in Lankao county .

  3. 以河南省兰考县为试点,进行动态模拟研究,探讨县一级的社会、经济和能源发展。

    The society economic and energy evolution are discussed in a county level waging dynamic model research to the case of Lankao county Henan Province .