
sī fǎ shěn chá
  • judicial review
  1. 透视WTO框架下的我国司法审查制度&兼及我国法制建设中行政法院的建构

    Grasp the Judicial Review of China under the Framework of WTO

  2. 建立与WTO要求相适应的司法审查制度

    On the Establishment of a Judicial Review System in accordance with WTO

  3. WTO与我国行政行为的司法审查

    WTO and The Judicial Examination in Our Administrative Activity

  4. WTO对中国司法审查制度的影响

    Influence of WTO on Chinese Judicial Review System

  5. 国内法院的反倾销司法审查与WTO的争端解决机制是相互独立的关系。

    The judicial review of domestic courts is independent of the DSM of the WTO .

  6. WTO协议司法审查原则与行政诉讼检察监督之回应

    Response to the Judicial Review Principles of WTO Agreement and the Prosecutorial Supervision of Administrative Litigation

  7. 对反补贴措施进行司法审查是WTO反补贴程序法的一项基本内容。

    Judicial examination on anti-subsidy measure is a basic item of contents for WTO anti-subsidy process .

  8. WTO具有完备的法律框架体系,司法审查就是其中一项很重要的制度。

    WTO possesses a complete system of law framework , in which judicial review is a quite important system .

  9. 因此,建立我国反倾销司法审查制度,是我国履行加入WTO时做出的承诺的义务。

    So to build the system is the obligations that China promised to shoulder when China joined the WTO .

  10. 为了迎接WTO司法审查程序的挑战,我国必须尽快完善司法审查制度。

    China should perfect its judicial review mechanism for meeting the challenges come from WTO 's judicial review system .

  11. WTO与我国司法审查范围民事抗诉中检察机关调查取证的范围

    WTO and China 's Scope of Judicial Review On the Scope of Investigating Evidence of Supervision Organs in Civil Counterappeal

  12. WTO的司法审查制度是指法院通过对行政行为进行审查,发挥司法权力对行政权力的制约作用。

    The judicial review system of WTO means that the judicial power should restrict the administrative power through the court 's reviewing administrative acts .

  13. WTO法律框架中对政府行为司法审查的制度安排无疑会对我国行政法制的建设产生深刻的影响。

    Therefore , judicial examination of administrative activity in WTO law framework will undoubtedly have a profound effect on our administrative legal system building .

  14. 此外,我国加入WTO以后,WTO的相关规定也对抽象行政行为的司法审查做出了相应的要求。

    In addition , our country has joined WTO , so the regulations of WTO have some requests on judicial review of abstract administrative act .

  15. 我国的税务行政诉讼制度与WTO的司法审查制度的要求是基本一致的,但仍存在不足和需完善之处。

    Our tax administrative procedural system basically tallies with the requirements of the WTO 's judicial examination system but some defects still exist in it .

  16. 如果依我国现行法律的规定,对部分抽象行政行为不纳入司法审查的范围,这与我国加入WTO做出的承诺是不一致的。

    If abstract administrative act is not brought into the scope of judicial review , the promises our country has made in WTO will be disobeyed .

  17. 本文第二部分,从WTO的司法审查制度的理论来源入手,对WTO司法审查制度的特点进行了详尽的论述。

    In the second part of the article , it has detailedly discussed the characters of judicatory censoring system from original theory of WTO judicatory censor system .

  18. 入世后,WTO的各项规则对我国法制建设产生了深远的影响,司法审查就是其中之一。

    After the entry into WTO , the various rules of WTO , especially the judicial review , have strong influence on the law construction of our country .

  19. 另外行政复审、司法审查和WTO争端解决机制也是中国对欧盟因我国的非市场经济地位而作出不公正裁决的有效救济途径。

    We can seek relief through administrative review , judicial review and WTO dispute settlement mechanism if EU make unfair decision due to non-market economy status of China .

  20. 我国应当按照WTO的要求和中国加入议定书的承诺,维持、建立和完善相应的司法审查制度,并尽快完善相应的司法制度。

    We should maintain , establish and Perfect our judicial review system and judicial system at large in accordance with the requirement of WTO and the Commitments of China .

  21. 行政诉讼是WTO司法审查的一种重要形式,WTO协定要求司法审查机构必须具备独立性,我国行政审判体制在形式上独立于行政机关,但实际上仍受到行政权的严重干预。

    Administrative litigation is the most important form of WTO judicial review . According to WTO agreements , the judicial review institutions must keep independence from the administrative agencies .

  22. 行政程序和司法审查程序是保证有关影响自由贸易的实体立法与WTO协议完全一致的有效方法。

    Administrative procedure and judicial examine procedure are the guarantee of a effective way to the complete unity between legislation concerning with free trade entity and WTO trade agreement .

  23. WTO是一个有关贸易的全球性组织,WTO以其完备的法律框架体系而著称,除了争端解决机制以外,司法审查制度也是WTO框架中很重要的内容。

    The WTO is a global organization of trade , which is well-known for its complete legal framework system . The judicial examination system is an important content within the framework of the WTO .

  24. 我国的司法审查制度基本符合WTO协议的规定,但亦存在需要完善之处,尤其是与WTO《反倾销协议》相联系的司法审查制度十分薄弱。

    It is held in this paper that the judicial review system of our country is basically in accordance with that regulated in WTO agreement , but there is something in it to be completed , especially the part that linked with WTO < Anti-dumping Agreement > is quite weak .

  25. 论我国行政裁决司法审查制度

    On the Judicial Review of the Administrative Adjudication in Our Country

  26. 论我国刑事侦查阶段的司法审查制度

    On Judicial Review System in Criminal Investigation Period in Our Country

  27. 司法审查是纠正行政不作为违法的一种有效手段。

    Judicial review is an effective way to rectify administrative omission .

  28. 首先,司法审查主体。

    First , the subject to exercise right of judicial review .

  29. 再次分析了专利权无效司法审查的特征。其审查的对象的特殊性,决定了专利无效司法审查的特征。

    Next has analyzed the object of patent invalidation judicial review .

  30. 卫生行政滥用职权的界定及其司法审查

    Definition on abuse of authority of sanitary administration and judicial review