
sī lìnɡ yuán
  • commander;commanding officer
司令员 [sī lìng yuán]
  • [commander] 军队干部职务,如军区司令员、兵团司令员等。中国人民解放军的各级司令员和同级政治委员均为部队首长。对部队的工作共同负责

  1. 汉克斯甚至还为他2020年的另一部电影《灰猎犬号》写了剧本,在片中他饰演一名二战时期的海军司令员,他的船被德国的U型潜水艇追赶。

    Hanks even wrote one of his 2020 films , Greyhound , in which he plays a World War Two Navy commander whose ship is pursued by German U-boats .

  2. 司令员称赞其部队官兵的勇气。

    The commander paid tribute to the courage of his troops .

  3. 司令员命令这个团拉出去准备投入战斗。

    The commander ordered the regiment to be drawn out for action .

  4. 司令员命令在河上架一座桥。

    The commander ordered that a Bridge Be Built over the river .

  5. 司令员下令强攻以占领敌人要塞。

    The commander gave orders to take the enemy fortress by storm .

  6. 司令员对地形作了仔细研究。

    The commander made a detailed study of the terrain .

  7. 司令员命令我们封锁敌人的后路。

    The commander ordered us to cut off the enemy 's retreat .

  8. 美国空军司令员决定将车速限制在每小时三英里。

    the USAF commander decided to reduce the speed limit to three m.p.h.

  9. 他们向战地司令员发送了一份报告。

    They dispatched a report to the field commander .

  10. 司令员派出一特遣队侦察这个地区看有没有水。

    The commander sent a patty to scout out the area for water .

  11. 司令员决定,夜晚之前进军收复失去的阵地。

    The general resolved on an approach by night recapture the lost ground .

  12. 司令员命令撤退所有平民。

    The commander ordered that all civilians be evacuated .

  13. 司令员表扬这名士兵的勇敢。

    The commander commended the soldier for his bravery .

  14. 董现在越出了他的翻译的职责,来表示赞同司令员的意见。

    Tung now departed from the role of translator to agree with his General .

  15. 司令员们命令所有的士兵作好最坏的打算。

    The military commands have ordered all the soldiers to prepare for the worst .

  16. 美丽的女间谍从国外回到自己的祖国,到司令部向司令员汇报。

    A beautiful female spy returned to her motherland to report to her commander .

  17. 这一猜测司令员正在燃用中国军方。

    This fueled speculation that the Varyag is being used by the Chinese military .

  18. 司令员把后备部队调了上来。

    The commander brought up his reserve troops .

  19. 刘司令员已经派部队等着从后面袭击敌人。

    General Liu has troops waiting to fall on the enemy from the rear .

  20. 司令员在检阅部队。

    The commander is reviewing his troops .

  21. 一个司令员必须时刻掌握他的军队的精神状态。

    A commander must always keep his finger on the spiritual pulse of his armies .

  22. 我们的司令员护着那张报纸,正跟护着他的眼珠子一样。

    Our commander guarded it ( the newspaper ) like the apple of his eye .

  23. 中国人民志愿军司令员

    Commander of Chinese People 's Volunteers

  24. 可见,中国是不是能够成为一个活跃的军事司令员实际上交舰,由于他是极坏。

    China could actually turn Varyag into an active military warship , since he is badly deteriorated .

  25. 司令员的核反应堆已不再被装了乌克兰国营克里米亚发电系统。

    Varyag no longer has the nuclear reactors that were installed by the Ukrainian state-run Generating Systems of Crimea .

  26. 随后白崇禧作为空军司令员和航空学院校长接管空军。

    Pai Ch'ung-hsi then took over as principal of the aviation academy and as commander of the air force .

  27. 第18届美国总统;美国内战时期联合军的司令员(1822-1885)。

    18th President of the United States ; commander of the Union armies in the American Civil War ( 1822-1885 ) .

  28. 因为多次出现汽车撞伤行人一类不甚严重的车祸,美国空军司令员决定将车速限制在每小时三英里。

    After a rash of minor vehicle pedestrian accidents , the USAF commander decided to reduce the speed limit to three m.p.h.

  29. 驻澳门部队司令员刘联华少将出席开营仪式并向夏令营授营旗。

    Major General Liu Lianhua , the Commander of the PLA Garrison in Macau attended the camp opening ceremony and gave the camp flag .

  30. 一个组织中的最高领导者(如司令员和高级军官)。由最高领导指派的军事活动。

    The highest leaders in an organization ( e.g. the commander-in-chief and senior officers of the military ) . an operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters .