- collected works

[collected works] 汇集一个作家的诗文而成的书
Study on Psychology by Comparing NeiJing and the Collected Works of Hippocrates
Secondly , the author uses the memorials to the emperors and collected works to analyze the measures and political assumption that the government , bureaucrats and gentry employed to settle the problem of Petty Officials .
This volume of essays was designed to accompany an exhibition in Cologne
This collection of essays is edited by Ellen Knight
This collection documents the different ways in which Asian governments have been pursuing economic nationalism even as they have been integrating with the world economy .
This complete but brief historical collection is certain to entertain readers young and old , and guaranteed to present even the biggest history lover with something new !
You 'll import this data into Classification Workbench to create a corpus file .
Classification Workbench provides a variety of features and techniques that allow you to fine-tune the corpus to optimize KB accuracy .
Classification Workbench builds such KBs automatically from a categorized corpus , and you do not have to explicitly specify its structure .
Only 8 per cent could name even one author of the Federalist Papers .
Both world views characterise Hobsbawm , who wrote in the preface to his 1997 essay collection On History that facts provide the point from which historians must start , however far from it they may end .
Then you can evaluate the KB using Classification Workbench reports and graphical diagnostics and improve its accuracy by editing the corpus you use to create the KB .
Both world views characterise Hobsbawm , who wrote in the preface to his 1997 essay collection On History that facts provide " the point from which historians must start , however far from it they may end . "
Maxine Hong Kingston [ Maxine Hong Kingston 1940 - ] is considered as the contemporary American writer who has won the widest range of readers , selected anthology and teaching material in Europe , North America and Australia .
Mr. Pamuk , who won the Nobel Prize in literature in 2006 , sought to tap into " the huzun of an entire city " in his nonfiction book " Istanbul : Memories and the City " ( 2005 ) .
LOITERING : New and Collected Essays . By Charles D'Ambrosio . ( Tin House , paper , $ 15.95 . ) D'Ambrosio stands here revealed as one of the smartest , most literary practicing today .
In the tower at Princeton , about 10 years ago , one economist decided to republish the collected articles that he had written over the past couple of decades .
It 's his first novel since " Freedom " came out in 2010 , though he 's published an essay collection and a translation of essays by the author Karl Kraus in the interim .
The translation choice is realized on the basis of a grammar tree and takes the context as a word bag , with the lexicon and POS tag information as context features . The Bayes minimal error probability is taken as the evaluation function of the candidate translation .
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Tai is a very well known prose piece in China .
The collection reflects the fertility of contemporary women 's art .
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It is an anthology that crackles with wit and wisdom .
Both collected works and complete works belong to ancient corpus .
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Deepen the Study of Literary Aesthetics Impel the Creation of Advanced Culture