
  • 网络cultural relativism;Culture relativism
  1. 根据文化相对主义(culturalrelatism)的观点,艺术作品的价值仅仅反映了当地社会和经济的状况。

    The values of artistic works , according to cultural relativism , are simply reflections of local social and economic conditions .

  2. 作者赞同SSK学者关于合理性及其标准的主张,同意其文化相对主义的立场,并对相对主义自我驳斥的批判进行了反驳。

    The author agrees SSK scholars ' claim of rationality and its standards , supports their grounds of cultural relativism , and refutes the criticism of relativist argument from self-refutation .

  3. 科学史研究中的地方性知识与文化相对主义

    " Local knowledge " and cultural relativism in the study of history of science

  4. 超越文化相对主义与文化普遍主义

    Hospital culture is an important position in hospital . Transcending Cultural Relativism and Cultural Universalism

  5. 他认为民族中心主义和文化相对主义就像同一枚硬币的两面。

    He believed that ethnocentrism and cultural relativism are opposite sides of the same coin .

  6. 从概念隐喻看文化相对主义

    Cultural Relativism Viewed from Conceptual Metaphor

  7. 辩论普遍主义对文化相对主义:文化的概念是如何被讨论的?

    Section 5 : Debating Universalism versus Cultural Relativism : How Is the Notion of Culture Discussed ?

  8. 虽然有些人持相反观点,但我觉得,文化相对主义这个问题并没有被解决。

    I don 't think , some do , that the question of cultural relativism has been solved .

  9. 只有在这个文化相对主义的视野下,文学作品的比较阅读接受才有了一个相对稳定的基准。

    Only in the cultural field of vision , would there be a steady standard for the compared literary reading .

  10. 文化相对主义的产生及其理论的应用,使美国文化人类学有了自己的理论体系,形成了自己的研究方法。

    With the theoretical formulation and application of cultural relativism-the American cultural anthropology has formed its own theoretical systems and research approaches .

  11. 在就业歧视、地域歧视的综合影响下,歧视所产生的刻板印象和文化相对主义,阻碍了社会流动,影响了外来劳动力的城市融入。

    Produced by discrimination of stereotypes and cultural relativism is hinders the social mobility and the impact of migrant workers into the city .

  12. 在研究方法方面,埃德蒙·金在文化相对主义分析模式的基础上制定出一副比较教育理论分析框架,并用相关实例给予解释说明。

    On research methods , Edmund King has established the analysis framework of comparative education on the basic of cultural relativism , explaining with related examples .

  13. 即以人类学所倡导的文化相对主义为准则,在相互尊重、平等互惠、谋求理解的原则指导下,进行开放式的国际理解教育。

    Under the principle of cultural relativity and the direction of mutual respect , equal benefit and understanding , an open-style international education is to be undertaken .

  14. 把文化相对主义误读为文化普遍主义必然导致真正的普遍性的匮乏,而普遍性的缺失,将使多种文化的沟通成为不可能。

    To misread cultural relativism as cultural universalism will inevitably lead to the lack of real universalism which , in turn , will make the intercommunication among cultures impossible .

  15. 在我国,虽然基本未见有人标榜文化相对主义者,但在具体的文化发展观上,却或多或少隐含了这一意蕴。

    In our nation , generally no direct abuse of the theory , but as an implication , it lies more or less in many specific views on cultural development .

  16. 由于鲍亚士及其门生对文化相对主义的不断充实与发展,使它替代了进化学说和传播理论,使其理论在一定时期成为权威性的解释而广为流传。

    As Boas and his students substantiated and developed the cultural relativism which had replaced evolutionism and communication theory - it became an authoritative explanation and wide-spread in a certain period .

  17. 罗尔斯的思想不同于与其同源的文化相对主义和情感主义,他同康德在最大程度上展示了西方的启蒙传统;

    Being quite different from cultural relativism and emotivism , Rawls and Kant represent the Western Enlightenment tradition in its full blown sense , although they are derived from the same origins .

  18. 我是学金融系的我们常常认为的文化相对主义的发生在国际商业公司的域名时,为了竞争,通过道德的国家,他们在运作。

    We often think of cultural relativism as occurring in the international business domain when companies , in order to compete , adopt the ethics of country in which they are operating .

  19. 作者认为,带有文化相对主义特征的引进地方性知识的研究,是对多元的历史的承认和尊重,是对其他民族和智力方式之合法性的认同,也更加有益于科学史研究的未来发展。

    The authors believe that such studies with character of cultural relativism are acceptance of multiple history and other people 's intelligence , and much more beneficial to the future of history of science .

  20. 从文化相对主义的理论视角进行两国国民性比较并解析其文化渊源,希望对于化解两种文化之间的隔膜、实现互利双赢作出积极的理论和实践方面的探讨。

    The essay tries to compare national characters of the two countries and analyse cultural origins based on the theory of culture relativism , which may be of great significance of realizing the mutual benefit and understanding between two countries .

  21. 文化相对主义认为没有一种文化生来优于或劣于另一种文化,吸收外来文化的同时也要输出本土文化,才能达到真正的文化交流,关注到文化间的异质性。

    Cultural relativism holds that no culture is intrinsically superior or inferior to another , and native culture should be exported while the exterior culture is imported , so that the cultural communication can be really achieved and cultural otherness can be noticed .

  22. 20世纪后期的科学哲学是对传统哲学的反叛,特别是它的译不准论题和观察依赖理论的论题,与普遍理性和方法的观念是尖锐对立的,并导致了知识相对主义和文化相对主义。

    Philosophy of science in late 20th century is a rebel against modern philosophy . Its thesis of indeterminacy of radical translation and that of observation dependence theory stand diametrically opposite to the idea of universal reason and method and lead to cognitive and cultural relativism .

  23. 本文从跨文化背景,文化相对主义视角,东、西文化沟通三个方面就普遍伦理的寻求意义、寻求原则、寻求方式等问题进行思考。

    From the culture-crossing context , the point of the cultural relativism , and the communication between the East and the West , the paper reflects the significance , principle and manner on seeking General Ethic .

  24. 解决这种矛盾存在两种文化理论:文化进化主义和文化相对主义,前者只求同而漠视异,后者又只求异而漠视同。

    Two cultural theories can be introduced to remove the contradiction , cultural evolutionism and cultural relativism , the former of which pursues unification only by neglecting diversity while the latter of which seeks diversity at the cost of unification .

  25. 20世纪西方文化哲学思潮中的文化进化主义与文化相对主义,在其演变过程中,一直试图寻求合理的文化价值模式,但是它们各有利弊,文化统一理想并没有建立起来。

    The Cultural Relativism and the Cultural Evolutionism of the western cultural thoughts in the 20th century has always tried to look for reasonable culture mode , but they failed .

  26. 文化无优劣论是缺乏文化形态学观念的文化相对主义;其用意在于抵制工业文化价值对于农业文化的影响;

    The idea of a neither good nor bad culture is in fact cultural relativism , which lacks cultural morphologic , and it intends to resist the influence of industrial culture in agricultural culture and therefore , hinders the transformation of Chinese culture .

  27. 当本文在展示文化中的不可通约性的时候,也就是展示文化相对主义的合理性存在的时候,但并没有忘记相对主义自身的相对性。

    When the author sets forth the incommensurability of culture , he also demonstrates the rationality exists in cultural relativism . Through the process , he did not forget tell us relativism has its own relativity .

  28. 在全球化语境中,对于文化和文学,有两个理论立场:文化进化主义和文化相对主义。

    In the context of globalization , there are two theoretical positions on culture and literature , that is cultural evolutionism and cultural relativism .

  29. 他们发现,这些原因不可或缺地包含了社会、政治和文化等因素,从而得出不同的文化情境会导致不同的科学合理性这样一个强文化相对主义结论。

    They find that these reasons indispensably contain social , political and cultural elements , consequently they educe a strong cultural relativism conclusion that " different cultural situation leads to different rationality of science " .

  30. 历史主义虽然正确批判了逻辑经验主义的种种缺陷,揭示了科学中存在的各种文化影响因素,但却过分的夸大了这些因素在科学中的作用,使科学陷入了文化相对主义之中。

    Although the historical logic of the right to criticize the shortcomings of empiricism , science has revealed the existence of various cultural factors , but too much of these factors has exaggerated the role of science so that science into the culture of relativism .