
  • 网络cultural elements;Culture Element;culture aspect;Social cultural Factors
  1. 这些异同点的产生都与文化要素有关。

    The generation of these similarities and differences are because of differences cultural elements .

  2. 中国神话研究与文化要素分析

    Chinese Mythology Study and Cultural Elements Analysis

  3. 传统节庆蕴涵的丰富文化要素具有重要的教育价值。

    The profound cultures of traditional festivals have important educational values .

  4. 组织知识管理中的文化要素分析

    An Analysis of the Culture Elements of Organizational Knowledge Management

  5. 论区域经济发展的文化要素和文化产业

    On Culture Elements and Culture Industry in Regional Economic Development

  6. 对城市社会文化要素经营的探讨

    On social - cultural factors in urban management

  7. 从文化要素的设计视角谈旅行社专线产品同质化现象的解决之道

    Solution for travel agency special route product 's same quality phenomena-From design angle of culture factor

  8. 体育俱乐部的物质文化要素主要由体育设施、体育空间等要素组成。

    The material and cultural elements of the sports club sports facilities , sports and space elements .

  9. 不过,它是商业和文化要素的混合物,法国人不一定会欣然接受。

    Still , it is a mix of commercial and cultural imperatives that may sit uneasily with the French .

  10. 论文化要素在旅游规划中的运用&以宁波梁祝文化产业园概念规划为例

    Application of Cultural Elements into Tourism Planning : A Case of Concept Planning of Ningbo Liangzhu Cultural Industry Garden

  11. 在居住区景观设计中适当使用当地文化要素,可增强地域文化氛围。

    Appropriate use of local cultural elements in the landscape design in the residential area , can enhance regional culture .

  12. 第三,从五个方面对韩中两国企业文化要素异同做了重点比较研究。

    Third , from five aspects , the two countries to Korean culture elements has made the key differences comparative study .

  13. 此外学术活动和传统习俗等文化要素对学校的分布和发展也有一定影响。

    At the same time , academic activities and traditional custom had an effect on education developing to a certain extent .

  14. 然而在众多的原因当中,文化要素的作用至关重要,这也是最发人深省的一个课题。

    But among so many reasons , the culture factor was very important , and it was also worth people thinking .

  15. 文化要素方面有文化要素及其文化词汇的概念以及中韩协同教学汉语文化要素的一些原则。

    Some principles of cultural elements and cultural elements of vocabulary concept of team teaching Chinese culture and China cultural elements .

  16. 在我国民族地区的经济发展中,文化要素成为越来越重要的因素之一。

    In the economic development of the ethnic regions of China , the cultural elements have become an increasingly important factor .

  17. 为了防止这种情况,冯军决定把自己“亲力亲为”的管理风格与某些西方企业文化要素结合在一起。

    To prevent this happening , Mr Feng decided to combine his hands-on management style with some elements of Western business culture .

  18. 文章着重从语言、社会风俗和购买心理这三个文化要素,分析了文化差异对广告翻译的影响。

    From the perspectives of language , social customs and purchasing psychology , this article analyses how cultural differences influence translation of advertisement .

  19. 作为文化要素的语言与其社会文化生态环境的关系等一系列的问题进行了研究。

    And the relationship between language as the cultural element and its social , cultural , natural environments after this hypothesis came out .

  20. 主要是以丰富的实例为基础,从认知和语义学的立场来探求蕴含在「牛」族语内部的文化要素。

    This paper is based on abundant practical corpus , and tends to seek the cultural elements in cow words in cognitive and semantic approaches .

  21. 对外汉语作为第二语言教学,其教学内容不仅局限在语言要素的教学,还涉及语言中蕴含文化要素教学。

    This makes the Teaching Chinese as a second language course material will not only include the language elements but also involve Chinese culture elements .

  22. 于是,透过这种语言与文学的互动来探究歇后语中的文化要素,成为本篇论文的主旨所在。

    Therefore , the main purpose of this paper is to explore the cultural elements of allegorical sayings through the interaction between language and literature .

  23. 提出在俄语教学中应注意的几个文化要素,包括:语言文化要素;国情文化要素;交际文化要素。

    It points out a few cultural factors called for attention in Russian teaching , including the cultural factors of language , national conditions and communication .

  24. 论文中引用的具体实例和设计理念,是对抽象的文化要素哲学理念的关系对照,以便易于理解。

    The paper cited specific examples and designs , which are the philosophy of the abstract elements of the relationship between culture in order to easy understand .

  25. 第三章回应前两章,提出了影响女神价值评价的诸多因素,并主张运用文化要素分析法多角度、多层次地对女神加以研究,从而得出比较客观的结论。

    I propose the method of analysis of cultural elements , and multi-angle , the multi-level study of the Goddess , in order to draw objective conclusions .

  26. 牧场新农村建设是以牧场苗族文化要素,传统养殖业为切入点作为突破口,全面带动牧场经济的发展。

    The new rural construction elements is base on the miao culture , with the traditional breeding industry as the breakthrough , thus to promote the farm economy .

  27. 不少学者都试图用制度或文化要素来解释经济增长中的问题,但并没有形成一个系统且令人信服的观点。

    Many scholars try to explain the problems in the progress of economic growth by system or culture , but there is not a systematic and convincing view .

  28. 并通过因子分析总结出了冰雪旅游资源价值的构成要素:经济要素、文化要素和生态要素。

    Through factor analysis , the forming elements of ice and snow tourism resources value are summed up , which are economic factors , cultural factors and ecological factors .

  29. 一类是精神文化要素,包括在学校体育活动中所形成的各种人际关系、学校中所形成的制度与非制度的体育文化、教师人格等。

    The other group is the key elements of spiritual culture which includes the relationship formed by people in schools in rules or non-rules and the teachers ' personalities .

  30. 影响知识管理的三个企业要素之间是相关的,包括文化要素、组织要素、IT要素。

    IT factor , Culture factor and Structural factor are the three different aspects of enterprise factor that can affect Knowledge Management . All of them are related with each other .