
  • 网络british expeditionary force;BEF
  1. 英国远征军平安渡过了英吉利海峡。

    The British Expeditionary Force was safely ferried across the channel .

  2. 春季进攻失败之后,德军行政军领袖、实战军事指挥官埃里希鲁登道夫相信在这个时候对西部战线最有力的联军--英国远征军进行军事打击将会为德军带来决定性的胜利。

    Background Following the failures of the Spring Offensive to end the war , Erich Ludendorff , Chief Quartermaster-General and virtual military ruler of Germany , believed that an attack through Flanders would give Germany a decisive victory over the British Expeditionary Force ( BEF ) , the most potent Allied force on the Western Front at that time .

  3. 英国远征军不过是一种象征性的支援。

    The British Expeditionary Force was no more than a symbolic contribution .

  4. 英国远征军奉命到比利时,在比利时南部蒙斯市遇上挺进的德军,寡不敌众,不久就被迫撤退。

    They met the advancing German army at Mons , a town in southern Belgium , and heavily outnumbered were soon forced to retreat .

  5. 一六五四年,英国一支远征军奉命攻取西班牙的牙买加,败得很不光彩。

    In1654 , a British expedition to capture Jamaica from the Spaniards suffered an ignominious defeat .

  6. 秋初,雷姆赛海军上将被英国参谋总长免去远征军海军总司令之职。

    In the early fall Admire Ramsay was relieved by the British Chief of Staff as the naval commander of the expedition .

  7. 英国的局势由于英国远征军奇迹般的撤退而大大改善了。

    British situation was vastly improved by miraculous evacuation of B.E.F.