
  • 网络St Peter's Square;St Peters Square;Saint Peter's Square;Piazza San Pietro
  1. 圣彼得广场上人山人海,人们欢呼雀跃,乐队演奏了梵蒂冈和意大利国歌。

    The huge crowd in Saint Peter 's square cheered as the bands played the Vatican and Italian anthems .

  2. 它们包括:奶牛、乌龟、狗等等。它们聚集在圣彼得广场前接受红衣主教的祈福。

    Cows , turtles , dogs , and other animals filled the area in front of Saint Peter 's Square to be blessed by cardinals .

  3. 在圣彼得广场(StPeter’sSquare)自拍,已办。

    Selfie on St Peter 's Square , check .

  4. 2014年,虔诚的信徒还可以享受耗时数年之久的文物修复工程的劳动成果:圣彼得广场上贝尔尼尼的柱廊以及重新开放的凯旋大道公墓(ViaTriumphalis),这片古罗马时期的大型墓地群初次发掘于20世纪50年代。

    In 2014 , the faithful can also enjoy the fruits of restorations that have taken years , like that of Bernini 's colonnade in St. Peter 's Square and the reopening of the Via Triumphalis necropolis , a vast ancient Roman cemetery first uncovered in the 1950s .

  5. 教皇本笃的复活节弥撒在大雨滂沱的圣彼得广场进行,出人意料地以资深红衣主教AngeloSodano的辩护开场。

    Pope Benedict 's Easter Mass celebrated in the rain-swept St Peter 's Square began with a surprise speech in defence of the pontiff by Cardinal Angelo Sodano , a senior Vatican cardinal .

  6. 在梵蒂冈,教皇本尼迪克特在圣彼得广场作了一次户外公共布道。

    At the Vatican Pope Benedict tells an outdoor mass in St.

  7. 这位82高龄的教皇是在出席每周一次的圣彼得广场见面会时说这番话的。

    The82-year-old pontiff made the comments in his weekly appearance in St.

  8. 位于圣彼得广场的曼彻斯特图书馆大楼。

    Building of Manchester library on St peter 's square .

  9. 在罗马圣彼得广场传统的复活节弥撒期间他发表了这番讲话。

    He made his remarks during the traditional Easter Mass in St Peter 's Square in Rome .

  10. 教皇本笃十六世在圣彼得广场为教皇宝座送上了最后的祝福。

    Pope Benedict XVI bestowed the final Sunday blessing of his pontificate in St. Peter 's Square .

  11. 他在圣彼得广场差点被土耳其枪手暗杀,之后他赦免了这名刺杀嫌犯。

    Nearly killed by a Turkish gunman in St.Peter Square , he later pardoned his would-be assassin .

  12. 圣彼得广场,卡洛斯.马代尔诺的喷泉与贝尔尼尼的圣徒雕像之剪影。

    Silhouette of fountain by Carlo Moderno with statues of saints by Bernini , St Peter 's Square .

  13. 明天,教皇弗朗西斯将在俯瞰圣彼得广场的大教堂阳台发表圣诞致词。

    Tomorrow Francis delivers his Christmas message from the balcony of the Basilica overlooking St. Peter 's square .

  14. 梵蒂冈估计,有25万人聚集在圣彼得广场聆听教皇弗朗西斯一世在棕枝全日的讲话。

    The Vatican estimates 250000 people jammed St. Peter 's Square to hear Pope Francis celebrate Palm Sunday .

  15. 教皇弗朗西斯一世上周当选后首次在圣彼得广场做弥撒。

    Pope Francis gave his first Sunday blessing in St. Peter 's Square since his election last week .

  16. 今天,梵蒂冈圣彼得广场爆发示威活动,警方随即赶到并迅速制止了抗议行为。

    Vatican officials quickly ended a protest action in St. Peter 's Square today by a group of demonstrators .

  17. 今天上午,数千名民众聚集在梵蒂冈城的圣彼得广场参加复活节弥散。

    This morning , at Saint Peters Square in Vatican City , thousands of people gathered for Easter Sunday mass .

  18. 梵蒂冈圣彼得广场,教宗本笃十六世在风中,进行每周例行讲演。

    Pope Benedict XVI gives his weekly general audience in windy conditions on St Peter 's Square in the Vatican .

  19. 今天,摩托车迷与天主教徒聚集在圣彼得广场,教皇弗朗西斯也为他们送上了特殊的祝福。

    Bikers joined Catholic faithful in St. Peter 's Square today , and Pope Francis give them a special blessing .

  20. 今天,15万余人聚集在圣彼得广场,聆听教皇弗朗西斯的首次祈祷。

    More than 150000 people crowded into St. Peter 's Square today to hear the first blessing from Pope Francis .

  21. 这座教皇公寓可俯瞰圣彼得广场,自2月份上一任教皇辞职后就一直封印着。

    The papal apartments overlooking St. Peter 's Square have been sealed since the resignation of his predecessor at the end of February .

  22. 在梵蒂冈,教皇弗朗西斯在圣彼得广场呼吁广大信徒为马航失联飞机的乘客进行祈祷。

    At the Vatican , Pope Francis asked pilgrims in Saint Peter 's Square to pray for the passengers and crew of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane .

  23. 熙熙攘攘的人群为参加梵蒂冈的特别宣福礼弥撒而挤满了圣彼得广场,以及通向这个广场的大道及邻近的广场。

    Throngs of people jammed Saint Peter 's Square , the boulevard leading up to it and nearby piazzas for the special beatification mass at the Vatican .

  24. 成千上万的人聚集在圣彼得广场,等候看烟囱是冒黑烟和还是白烟来显示枢机主教的投票结果。

    Thousands of onlookers are gathered in St. Peter 's Square to await a signal of black or white smoke to indicate whether a pope has been chosen .

  25. 在广场上是热闹非凡的景象,五轮投票后最终结果出炉,白烟升起后在圣彼得广场的人群爆发。

    Extraordinary scene in the square , the five rounds of voting at the decision , and the white smoke rose , the crowd in Saint Peter Square erupted .

  26. 教皇本笃十六世在圣彼得广场面向150000的人进行深情的告别。

    Pope Benedict , the 16th has bid an emotional farewell to a crowd estimated at 150000 in the St.Peter 's Square for the pope 's final general audience .

  27. 罗马天主教教宗方济各将向聚集在圣彼得广场上成千上万的人和世界各地更多的人发表他担任教宗以来的第二个圣诞致辞。

    Pope Francis is set to deliver his second annual Christmas blessing to thousands of people gathered in St. Peter 's Square and many more watching from around the world .

  28. 如果没有胜者产生,他们会焚烧化学品散发出黑烟,告诉等在圣彼得广场观众新教皇尚未选定。

    If there is no winner , they are burnt with a chemical that gives off black smoke , telling the crowd waiting in Saint Peter 's Square that a new Pope has not yet been selected .

  29. 昨天,教皇本尼迪克特最后一次在圣彼得大教堂广场公开演讲。

    Yesterday , Pope Benedict made his final public speech in St.Peter 's Square .