
  • 网络St. Paul’s Cathedral;St Paul's Cathedral;St. Paul's Cathedral;ST PAUL’S CATHEDRAL;st.paul's cathedral
  1. 在圣保罗大教堂为他修了一座纪念碑。

    A monument to him was erected in St Paul 's Cathedral .

  2. 24年前一个冬天的早晨,我与一位上了年纪的男性在圣保罗大教堂(StPaul'sCathedral)附近的一间地下室里会面。

    One winter 's morning 24 years ago , I had a meeting with an elderly man in a basement room near St Paul 's Cathedral .

  3. 人们在圣保罗大教堂为王子的意外康复举行了感恩祈祷仪式。

    The Prince 's unexpected recovery was celebrated with a thanksgiving service in St Paul 's.

  4. 她的葬礼将于下周末在伦敦圣保罗大教堂(StPaul'sCathedral)举行。

    Her funeral will be held at the end of next week at St Paul 's Cathedral .

  5. 唐宁街(DowningStreet)说,撒切尔的葬礼将于下周在伦敦圣保罗大教堂(St.Paul'sCathedral)举行,之后将举行私人的火葬仪式。

    Downing Street said Mrs. Thatcher 's funeral service will be held next week at St. Paul 's Cathedral in London , and will be followed by a private cremation .

  6. 接下来是一名骑着浅粉色Brompton折叠自行车的女子。她在圣保罗大教堂(StPaul’sCathedral)旁闯红灯,逼得行人纷纷避让。

    And then there was a woman on a baby-pink Brompton going through a red light just by St Paul 's Cathedral forcing pedestrians to step out of her way .

  7. 哈利和梅根尚未公布结婚地点,但是绝大多数王室都在威斯敏斯特修道院(WestminsterAbbey)、圣保罗大教堂(St.Paul'sCathedral)或温莎城堡(WindsorCastle)的教堂举办婚礼。

    Harry and Meghan have not said where they will marry but most senior royals marry at Westminster Abbey , St Paul 's Cathedral or the chapel at Windsor Castle .

  8. 圣保罗大教堂是英国圣公会教堂Ludgate山,在伦敦金融城,与所在地的主教伦敦。

    St Paul 's Cathedral is the Anglican cathedral on Ludgate Hill , in the City of London , and the seat of the Bishop of London .

  9. 圣保罗大教堂的低音钟重62长担。

    The tenor bell in St paul 's Cathedral weighs sixty-two hundredweight .

  10. 电并不像圣保罗大教堂一样是件东西。

    Electricity is not a thing like St.

  11. 伊丽莎白女王的婚礼是在威斯敏斯特大教堂举行的。查尔斯王子和已故的戴安娜王妃则是在圣保罗大教堂举行的婚礼。

    Charles and the late Princess Diana tied the knot at St Paul 's Cathedral .

  12. 伦敦时,我们去圣保罗大教堂做礼拜。

    We went to a service at St paul 's Cathedral when we were in london .

  13. 我看到它的第一时间,在伦敦的圣保罗大教堂举行。

    I saw it for the first time in London at the Saint Paul 's Cathedral .

  14. 撒切尔的葬礼将在圣保罗大教堂以最高军事荣誉礼仪举行。

    Thatcher will receive a full ceremonial funeral with military honors at St Paul 's Cathedral .

  15. 圣保罗大教堂发现自己陷入了一种看上去绝对是两难的境地。

    The cathedral found itself trapped between what must have looked like equally unpleasant courses of action .

  16. 该建筑的正式名称是圣彼得和圣保罗大教堂。

    The official name of the building id the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul .

  17. 游览曾是英格兰最大的天主教堂圣保罗大教堂,此教堂拥有欧洲最大的地下室。

    Visit St Paul 's , once the largest cathedral in England , with the largest crypt in Europe .

  18. 而在圣保罗大教堂,教皇弗朗西斯为穷人和无家可归的人祈祷并且谴责腐败。

    From Sao Paulo 's Metropolitan Cathedral , Pope Francis prayed for the poor and the homeless while condemning corruption .

  19. 正是在此期间,他设计的建筑,他是最出名的可能是,圣保罗大教堂。

    It was in this period that he designed the building that he is perhaps best known for , St Paul 's Cathedral .

  20. 占据抗议在圣保罗大教堂外意外地结束了,竟变得满载着新的宗教意义,这是有争议的。

    It 's arguable that the Occupy Protest , which accidentally ended up outside St Paul 's Cathedral became newly freighted with religious meaning ,

  21. 金融危机爆发至今已有4年多的时间,但直到现在,才兴起反资本主义抗议(抗议波及到了圣保罗大教堂)。

    It is over four years since the financial crisis began . Yet only now are anti-capitalist protests emerging , including at St Paul 's Cathedral .

  22. 这些功能为作为首都乃至国家的大教堂&圣保罗大教堂补充了额外的意义。

    These functions take on an additional significance for St Paul 's , the cathedral of the capital city and , by extension , of the nation .

  23. 在新落成的圣保罗大教堂举行第一次星期日礼拜。

    Enmity Mentality And Life Choice Of Scholars Who Fail In An Imperial Examination The first Sunday service was held in the new St Paul ′ s Cathedral .

  24. 全世界的政要权贵齐聚伦敦圣保罗大教堂。民众们聚集在道路两旁目送撒切尔夫人灵柩。

    Dignitaries from around the world gathered at St. Paul 's Cathedral in London and the public lined the streets to catch a glimpse of Thatcher 's coffin .

  25. 由于对反资本主义活动的处理不当,圣保罗大教堂的主任牧师引咎辞职,而活动者们的帐篷已经十分靠近大教堂的楼梯。

    In London , the dean of St Paul 's Cathedral resigned over the handling of an anti-capitalist camp that has pitched tents close to the steps of the building .

  26. 来自170个国家的政要名流将参加前英国首相撒切尔夫人的葬礼,伦敦圣保罗大教堂星期三戒备森严。

    World leaders and dignitaries from 170 countries will attend the funeral of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher amid heavy security at St. Paul 's Cathedral in London Wednesday .

  27. 目前一项耗资几千万英镑的圣保罗大教堂翻修工程已完工。协调相关工艺工作,协调大型设备维护项目,承担小型维修任务。

    St Paul 's cathedral has been given a multi-million pound facelift . Coordinate relevant process activities and major maintenance projects , carry out small plant maintenance and repair activities .

  28. 每一个人在事件过后都能变聪明,并且会由于圣保罗大教堂和英国圣公会不知道如何解决公众利益和抗议活动这种不可能完成之事,而对它们、尤其是前者大加奚落。

    Everyone has been able to be wise after the event and to pour scorn on the cathedral in particular and the Church of England in general for failing to know how to square the circle of public interest and protest .

  29. 后圣保罗大教堂里的一次宗教仪式上,雾霾实在太浓重,讲坛上刻着的字(“我是这世上的光”)都看不见了。

    to learn of a post-World WarI service inside St. Paul 's Cathedral when the fog hung so thickly that the text ( " I Am the Light of the World " ) boomed down from a pulpit that was lost from view .

  30. 许多人在旅行期间仍不忘健身,而在拥有众多公园和景点的伦敦,似乎更应该跑上五英里或十英里,同时欣赏沿途的风景,比如威斯敏斯特宫或圣保罗大教堂。

    Taking one 's fitness regimen on the road is a must for many travelers , and London , with its parks and attractions , certainly seems just the place to take off on a five - or 10-mile run while enjoying views of , say , the Houses of Parliament or St. Paul 's Cathedral .