
zhuāng shì
  • decoration;decorate;trim;ornament;adorn;embellish;grace;deck out;dress up;emblazon;trappings;set off;fix up
装饰 [zhuāng shì]
  • [decorate;dress up;embellish;trim;grace] 指一般人日常生活中的化妆打扮

  • 交语速装束。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • [decoration;ornament] 起修饰美化作用的物品

  • 造型的轮廓和雕刻装饰

装饰[zhuāng shì]
  1. 花放在桌子上做装饰用。

    The flowers were put on the table for ornament .

  2. n.装饰;装饰物vt.装饰,修饰在橱柜门上有雕刻的装饰。……

    ornament There were carved ornaments on the cabinet door .......

  3. 这房间是把不同的绿色和蓝色搭配起来装饰的。

    The room was decorated in a combination of greens and blues .

  4. 洞穴壁上装饰着鹿和猎人的画像。

    Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls .

  5. 这房间是用红和橙这些暖色调装饰的。

    The room was decorated in warm shades of red and orange .

  6. 选用这种装饰格调是从一次印度之行中得到的启发。

    The choice of decor was inspired by a trip to India .

  7. 那房间以鲜艳的蓝绿两色装饰。

    The room was decorated in vibrant blues and greens .

  8. 房间内部以鲜明的蓝色和黄色作为装饰。

    The room was decorated in vibrant blues and yellows .

  9. 这蛋糕装饰得像一辆汽车。

    The cake was decorated to look like a car .

  10. 那房间是由鲜艳的红黄两色装饰的。

    The room was decorated in vibrant reds and yellows .

  11. 挑选和装饰格调一致的窗帘。

    Choose curtains that blend in with your decor .

  12. 他们用花和气球装饰了房间。

    They decorated the room with flowers and balloons .

  13. 这些屋子装饰着华丽昂贵的织物。

    The rooms were decorated with rich fabrics .

  14. 这些改革被视为是装饰门面。

    The reforms are seen as window dressing .

  15. 用圈状巧克力来装饰这个蛋糕。

    Decorate the cake with curls of chocolate .

  16. 桌子装饰着黄金镶嵌的图案。

    The table was decorated with gold inlay .

  17. 墙上装饰了绘画。

    The walls were adorned with paintings .

  18. 房间装饰得素素净净。

    The room was decorated in neutrals .

  19. 这镜子能照人,但也有装饰作用。

    The mirror is functional yet decorative .

  20. 这些烟囱管帽纯属装饰。

    The chimney pots are purely ornamental .

  21. 他们不惜一切代价重新装饰这房子,可后来又搬走了。

    They went to all the expense of redecorating the house and then they moved .

  22. 你要是按照我们的家居装饰诀窍行事,可以用很少的钱就产生奇妙的效果。

    You can work miracles with very little money if you follow our home decoration tips .

  23. 她用装饰性的薄纱遮住了脸。

    She swathes her face in a veil of decorative muslin .

  24. 整个地方被装饰成高档意大利咖啡馆风格。

    The place is kitted out in upmarket Italian cafe style .

  25. 14世纪,几何图形是风靡一时的墙壁装饰图案。

    Geometric designs were popular wall decorations in the 14th century .

  26. 我们在一家装饰精美的具有新艺术风格的美国咖啡屋吃的午饭。

    We lunched at the stunning art nouveau Caf é American .

  27. 我们怎么才能把这房间装饰得更有生气呢?

    How could we decorate the room to liven it up ?

  28. 房间非常简朴,几乎没有任何家具和装饰。

    The room was austere , nearly barren of furniture or decoration

  29. 在餐厅里,打褶装饰物能营造雅致的氛围。

    In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance .

  30. 闪光装饰片经常引起时尚引领者的鄙视。

    Sequins have often aroused the scorn of arbiters of taste .