
shí kū sì
  • cave temple;Grottoes
  1. 巩县石窟寺新发现

    New Discovery of the Cave Temple in Gongxian

  2. 冯国瑞对甘肃石窟寺的研究及其贡献

    On the Contributions of FENG Guo-rui to the Study of the Monastic Grottoes of Gansu Province

  3. 《敦煌莫高窟的石窟寺:丝绸之路上的艺术与历史》(CaveTemplesofMogaoatDunhuang:ArtandHistoryontheSilkRoad,盖蒂保护研究所出版)。

    A more scholarly account of Dunhuang is " Cave Temples of Mogao at Dunhuang : Art and History on the Silk Road , " by Roderick and Susan Whitfield and Neville Agnew ( Getty Conservation Institute ) .

  4. 西域佛教石窟寺中的音乐造型

    Music Model of the Buddhist Cave Temples in the Western Regions

  5. 济南石窟寺

    The cave temples in Jinan

  6. 古文化遗址、古墓葬、石窟寺属于国家所有。

    Sites of ancient culture , ancient tombs and cave temples shall be owned by the state .

  7. (一)具有历史、艺术、科学价值的古文化遗址、古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺和石刻;

    Sites of ancient culture , ancient tombs , ancient architectural structures , cave temples and stone carvings that are of historical , artistic or scientific value ;

  8. 探明从北魏到北宋五百多年间造像类型及其佛教文化底蕴,对于我们更好地认识北石窟寺佛教文化的内容及发展轨迹有重要的参考价值。

    This paper digs into the style of statues and the Buddhist culture so as to provide readers with a better understanding of the development track of the north grotto .

  9. 另外,该工作对西北干旱地区石窟寺,土遗址中同类盐害问题的研究具有一定的借鉴意义。

    The result of the research can also be used for reference in solving the same salt problems of other grottoes and earth relics in the northwestern arid regions in China .

  10. 首先在丝绸之路西端出现,由西而东,从西域发展到中原,沿路留下了众多的石窟寺。

    It first appeared at the west end of the Silk Road , then from west to east , from the western regions to the central plains , the art left numerous grottoes .

  11. 遍及全国的石窟寺塑像和壁画,为汉文化的心理结构和民族精神注入的新鲜血液,成为源远流长的中华民族传统文化不可分割的组成部分。

    Statues and murals in cave temples throughout the country became the psychological structure of Chinese culture and Injected fresh blood into the national spirit , a long history of traditional Chinese culture , an integral part .

  12. 通过调查论证认为,北朝佛传故事大量出现在石窟寺雕塑、绘画等宗教艺术当中,是与北朝皇室的统治思想、宗教信仰密切相关的。

    By the demonstration that the story of Northern Dynasty Buddhist cave temples sculptures , paintings and religious art , which is the ruling ideology of the Northern Dynasty royal , religion is closely related to large numbers .

  13. 通过上述的研究方法,探讨出:一、陕西唐宋石窟寺在建筑选址、建筑构成、建筑布局方面的发展规律及特点。

    Through the research approach above , it can be concluded as follows : First , the development rule and characteristic of the Shaanxi grotto Temple of Tang and Song Dynasty in building site selection , building constructing and building arrangement .

  14. 本文结合西域历史和佛教发展史对西域石窟寺中音乐造型的来源、属性、功能和乐器形制等方面进行综合探讨。

    This paper , combining with the history of the Western Regions and the development history of Buddhism , gives an overall discussion on the origin , attribute , function and shape and structure of musical instruments in the cave temples of the Western Regions .

  15. 本文首次深入地对佛、道造像碑的源流、性质进行了探讨,认为其受中土传统碑石、寺庙、石窟寺中心塔柱等多元文化的影响,直接源流是石窟寺的中心塔柱。

    This article deeply discusses the origin and characters of steles with the images of Buddhism and Taoism for the first time , and reaches the conclusion that these steles were mainly derived from the stupa-shaped column in central grotto while were also influenced by Chinese traditional steles and temples .

  16. 而龙门石窟奉先寺中的“卢舍那佛”,则被不少学者认为是武则天44岁时的“写真”。

    Among them , a large Vairocana Buddha in Fengxian Temple is considered to be a " portrait " of Wu Zetian at 44 years old .

  17. 大同最著名的旅游产品如云冈石窟、悬空寺等均是宗教旅游资源。

    The most famous tourism product such as Yungang Grottoes and Hanging Temple in Datong City are both religious tourist resources .

  18. 在北魏洛阳地区佛教石窟中,虎头寺属于典型的民间义邑造像。

    The statues in Hutou Temple is the typical statues made by the folk Buddhism society of the Northern Wei Dynasty Buddhist Grottoes in Luoyang .