
  • 网络ART NOUVEAU;Art-Nouveau;Art Nouveau Movement;Jugendstil
  1. 记叙19世纪末20世纪初,发起新艺术运动的社会背景,工艺美术运动和各种美学思潮等业内影响而促使新艺术运动的产生,对以上因素逐一分析。

    The article introduces the social background of launching Art Nouveau at the end of 19th century and in early 20th century , and analyses the influence of Industrial Art Campaign and various aesthetic ideas on promoting Art Nouveau .

  2. 新艺术运动与现代主义设计之间相关性的探索

    Probe into the Relativity between Art Nouveau and Modernism Design

  3. 新艺术运动海报风格在现代设计中的演变

    The Poster Style of Art Nouveau in the Evolution of Modern Design

  4. 从新艺术运动谈设计的人文精神

    Humanistic Spirit of Art Design in Art Nouveau and Nowadays

  5. 而新艺术运动首饰则多取材客观、生动的自然物象。

    Art Nouveau movement jewelry is derived objective , vivid natural images .

  6. 新艺术运动对欧美服饰的影响

    Impact of the Art Nouveau upon European and American garments

  7. 浅析新艺术运动的建筑装饰风格

    A brief analysis on architectural style of " New art " move

  8. 西方新艺术运动与S形女装

    Study of Western S-Shaped Suit-dress during Art Nouveau Movement

  9. 新艺术运动对中国近代设计的影响

    Art Nouveau and Design of Modern China Analysis

  10. 然而关于青岛近代新艺术运动建筑的专门性研究还接近与空白。

    But on the Qingdao Modern Art Nouveau building of specialized study and close gaps .

  11. 新艺术运动之新

    The Freshness of Art Nouveau

  12. 浅析影响新艺术运动的因素

    On Factors Influencing Art Nouveau

  13. 古斯塔夫克里姆特是欧洲新艺术运动的代表,奥地利维也纳分离派的重要人物。

    Gustav Klimt is representative of European Art Nouveau and one of the important figures in Vienna secession , austria .

  14. 然后,以青岛城市形成与发展为背景,针对青岛近代新艺术运动建筑进行系统的研究与分析。

    Then , to Qingdao city formation and development as the background against Qingdao Modern Art Nouveau building a systematic study and analysis .

  15. 一百多年前,以新艺术运动为桥,欧洲成功地走出了艺术设计的困境。

    One hundred years ago , art design in Europe strived out of the morass of religionary restriction through the movement of ART NOUVEAU .

  16. 其中,以新艺术运动、装饰艺术运动和现代主义建筑为代表的西方现代建筑是20世纪上半叶欧美建筑发展的主导潮流。

    Art Nouveau ? Art Deco and Modern Architecture are the leading architectural development trend in Europe and U.S.A in the first half of 20th century .

  17. 克里姆特是维也纳分离派运动的元老,许多人将该派艺术视为“青年风格”,即德国与中欧的“新艺术运动”。

    Klimt was a founder of the Vienna Secession art movement that for many became synonymous with jugendstil , the German and central European version of art nouveau .

  18. 匈牙利以奢华温泉闻名于世,在20世纪初新艺术运动时期兴建于矿物热温泉旁的盖特勒浴堂,是一件了不起的杰作。

    Even in a country known for its luxurious spas , the Gellert thermal baths , built around natural mineral hot springs in an early-20th-century Art Noveau complex , are an amazing sight .

  19. 自然元素的触角延伸到了新艺术运动中的每一个角落,小至餐碟杯碗大至恢弘建筑,敏锐而细致的新艺术设计师们都用艺术语言进行了精心的诠释。

    Natural elements of feelers extends to the Art Nouveau of each corner , small to your plate glass bow big to grand building , sharp and detailed the art designers are with artistic language to elaborate interpretation .

  20. 新艺术运动是十九世纪末二十纪初欧洲工业化进程的产物,影响波及包括建筑在内的几乎所有艺术领域。

    The New Art Movement , an outcome of industrialization in European countries at the end of 19th century and at the beginning of 20th century , has its influences upon almost every field of arts , including architecture .

  21. 而新艺术运动对欧洲女装则产生了使其从传统的繁复和约束之美向简洁而自然的现代美的转化,对20世纪女装的发展起着毋庸置疑的推动作用。

    The movement made the women ′ s clothes in Europe transformed from beauty of traditional complexity and restriction to the beauty of modern naturalism and thus impelled the development of women ′ s clothes of the 20th century .

  22. 本文试图从观念、形式及理论方面来分析新艺术运动与现代主义设计运动的异与同,从而梳理出一个设计从传统工艺美术走向现代设计艺术的一个较为清晰的发展脉络。

    The paper is intended to analyze the sameness and difference between art nouveau and modernism design in terms of concept , form and theory and accordingly to get a clear path of development from traditional art to modern art .

  23. 终于,在20世纪80年代,又一股新的艺术运动&后现代主义在美国爆发了。

    Finally , in 1980s , a new art movement broke out in the United States , known as " Postmodernism " .

  24. “新艺术”运动的宗旨主要是对于机械的强烈反感,对于工业化的强烈挑战情绪。

    The purpose that " new art " moves is that intensity is antipathetic to machinery mainly , intensity to industrialization challenges a mood .

  25. 当一种新的艺术运动开始流行时,一种明智的做法是弄清楚他的倡议者们的真正意图。

    When a new movement in art attains a certian fashion , it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at .

  26. 中国在八十年代经历了「新浪潮」艺术运动。

    China in the1980s experienced its " New Wave " art movement .

  27. 本文分析了新世纪艺术体操运动的发展趋势,并对我国艺术体操集体项目现状和发展对策进行了探讨。

    This article analyses the development trend of would RG sport in the new century and discuses the present situation and the countermeasure of our RG group exercise .

  28. 并借鉴上海在保护历史建筑文脉工作中的新思路,对青岛新艺术运动建筑及其室内外环境的保护和更新工作提出相关意见。

    And learn from Shanghai in the protection of historical buildings in the context of new ideas , new art movement of Qingdao and the construction of indoor and outdoor environmental protection and updating of the comments made .

  29. 从早期在工业革命影响下对于新结构的探索,到新艺术运动和装饰艺术带动新建筑的高潮,从现代主义建筑对于新建筑技术的实验,到如今引领生态环保风潮的和谐绿色建筑。

    From the early influence of the industrial revolution to explore the new structure , to Art Nouveau and Art Deco-led " new construction " climax , from the modernist architecture of new construction techniques for the experiment to now lead the wave of eco-friendly green building harmony .

  30. 五四新文化运动以来,各种美术新思潮和艺术运动充塞中国画坛。

    Since the May 4th Movement of 1919 or the New Culture Movement , the whole Chinese painting world was filled up with various new ideas of painting and artistic movements .