
shí guān
  • sarcophagus
石棺 [shí guān]
  • [sarcophagus] 石制棺槨,常饰以雕刻

石棺[shí guān]
  1. 代表人物有摄像师伊曼纽尔?卢贝茨基(EmmanuelLubezki)(他设计出一台全新的LED照明系统,后来被称为“石棺”(TheSarcophagus));

    Chief among them are the cinematographer , Emmanuel Lubezki ( he devised a radically new LED lighting system that came to be called The Sarcophagus ) ;

  2. 乌克兰官员表示俄罗斯没有履行G-8核安全峰会所应尽的义务,没有带头为石棺超支的数亿美元筹款。

    Ukrainian officials say Russia has abandoned its G-8 duties to lead fundraising for the sarcophagus cost overruns , totaling hundreds of millions of dollars .

  3. 绿头苍蝇的学名是“Sarcophagi(中文意思为“石棺”)”,意思是“尸体食用者”。

    The blowfly 's scientific name is " Sarcophagi , " which means " corpse eater . "

  4. 哈特谢普苏特王后(QueenHatshepsut)就是一个典型的例子。她生活在公元前15世纪,可谓是埃及一个传奇人物。她石棺上的画像身材苗条,看上去体格健康,但历史学家们认为,她实际上是个秃顶的胖女人。

    A notable example is the legendary Queen Hatshepsut , who lived in the 15th century B.C. While her sarcophagus depicts her as slender and athletic , historians believe she was actually obese and balding .

  5. 我得把玻璃石棺整个的来研究。

    I had to study the fiberglass sarcophagus in one piece .

  6. 我已经抓住机会研究那个石棺。

    I 've taken the opportunity to research the sarcophagus .

  7. 一旦石棺被毁将不可能进行基因验证。

    Once the sarcophagus is destroyed , DNA testing will be impossible .

  8. 石棺已经挖出来了,她要我们过去。

    She finished excavating the sarcophagus and wants us there .

  9. 你去教堂寻找各种祭坛并且打开石棺。

    You go to church to search for various shrines and open sarcophaguses .

  10. 考古学家在墓室发现了一口古代石棺。

    Archaeologists found a sarcophagus in the burial chamber .

  11. 发现他的石棺后,人们分析出了很多疑问。

    When his sarcophagus was found and analyzed , it raised many questions .

  12. 石棺不像以前那样令他好转了。

    The sarcophagus does not make him better the way it used to .

  13. 而用来覆盖第四号反应炉的“石棺”

    and the sarcophagus , which is the covering over reactor number four ,

  14. 走进走出石棺,以满足亚瑟王光。

    Walk into the light coming out of the sarcophagus to meet King Arthur .

  15. 她的警卫把她放进了石棺里。

    Her guards put her in the sarcophagus .

  16. 石棺里你拿走的是他们的武器。

    And the artifacts you removed from the sarcophagus seem to be their weapons .

  17. 人们相信最大的石棺里安放着亚历山大大帝的遗体。

    The largest sarcophagus was believed to contain the remains of Alexander the Great .

  18. 走向石棺,并注意对水箱底部的锁了。

    Walk towards the sarcophagus and note the water tank on bottom left of lock .

  19. 这里是弗朗茨·约瑟夫国王、伊丽莎白(茜茜公主)以及他们的儿子鲁道夫的石棺。

    The sarcophagi of Franz Josef , Elisabeth ( Sisi ), and their son Rudolf .

  20. 他们的石棺上被下了咒语。

    A curse put on their sarcophagus .

  21. 然而,他的坟墓一直没有被发现,这是不知道如何到达开罗的石棺。

    By the time we pulled into Cairo , I didn 't know what to expect .

  22. 神殿里有4根巨大的神柱,包围着一个被水淹着的石棺。

    In the temple has4 giant god columns , is surrounding one is flooding the sarcophagus .

  23. 石棺由一块坚实的花岗岩制成,从里向外挖成。

    The sarcophagus was made from a solid piece of granite , hollowed out from within .

  24. 卡特和他的团队在从石棺中移动尸体时弄碎了很多木乃伊。

    Carter and his colleagues dismembered much of the mummy while removing the body from its sarcophagus .

  25. 一个篮子值这么多的谷子,一座石棺值那么多的母牛或者别的货物。

    A basket cost so much grain , a stone coffin so many cows or other goods .

  26. 辽东地区青铜时代石棺墓葬及相关问题研究

    Marks on the Stone Coffins Dated to Bronze Age of Dandong , Liaoning and Some Related Problems

  27. 我看见一个全副武装的骑士躺在石棺盖上。

    I could see a large stone casket with a knight in armor lying on the lid .

  28. 石棺上这样称呼他,所以史学家才称他为灵公。

    The stone coffin called him Duke Spirit in advance , so historian entitled him as Duke Spirit .

  29. 他的盖格计数器显示这座随时都会坍塌的旧石棺防辐射的效率已经岌岌可危。

    His geiger counter shows the limited effectiveness of the old sarcophagus , which is in danger of collapse .

  30. 有新石器时期的墓葬群,为我国最早的石棺葬遗存;

    The stone coffins dating from the Neolithic Age are believed to be the earliest of their kind in China .