
  • Adult Products;ADULT SUPPLIES
  1. 环球影业希望充分利用该书的同一批读者——乃至其他观众——自2011年《五十度灰》以电子书形式登场以来,这些读者令成人用品的销售额突飞猛涨。

    The studio wanted to capitalize on the same readers - and others - who sent sales of adult products skyrocketing after " Fifty Shades of Grey " had its debut as an e-book in 2011 .

  2. 制造性玩具和内衣的公司在将其产品运送到成人用品店的售货架上以及全球各个夫妻家庭之前,会聘用性玩具测试员来弄清楚他们的产品效果如何。

    Companies that make sex toys and lingerie hire sex toy testers so that they can figure out how effective their products are before they 're sent to the shelves of sex shops , and the homes of couples worldwide .

  3. 成人玩具专家说,很难准确估计这本书刺激了多少成人用品的销量或特别物品的销量,但他们的确能指出某些东西。

    Adult-toy experts say it 's difficult to provide an accurate estimate of sales or specific items inspired by the book . But they do point to a few things .