
jiǎn qīnɡ chǔ fá
  • Mitigation of punishment;mitigation of penalty below the minimum statutory prescript;mitigation of punishment below the minimum statutory prescript
  1. 根据刑法第17条第2款,无论从轻或者减轻处罚,都不能适用无期徒刑。

    According to Article 17 Section 2 life imprisonment can not be applied whether it is dealt with leniently or mitigation of penalty below the minimum statutory prescript .

  2. 第二节认为从重、从轻、减轻处罚的含义不明确、法定刑配置不当和量刑根据模糊是造成刑罚差异的立法原因。

    The Second section consider that the legislative reason of the discrepancy of criminal penalty lies in both the ambiguous meaning of heavier punishment , light punishment and mitigation of punishment below the minimum statutory prescript , and improper statutory sentence allocation and the ambiguous sentencing discretion grounds .

  3. 他指出,有人可以证明他的当事人品性良好,因此恳请减轻处罚。

    He pleaded in mitigation that his client had excellent character references .

  4. 减轻处罚的含义新探

    New Discussion about the Meanings of the Mitigated Punishment

  5. 减轻处罚若干问题研究

    Study of Several Problems in Mitigation of Punishment

  6. 对于从犯,应当从轻、减轻处罚或者免除处罚。

    An accomplice shall be given a lighter or mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment .

  7. 对于自首的犯罪分子,可以从轻或者减轻处罚。

    Criminal elements who voluntarily surrender may be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment .

  8. 应该减轻处罚。

    Should reduce the punishment .

  9. 对于黄某的所教唆的故意伤害犯罪,应从轻或者减轻处罚。

    For that Huang ' sintentionally hurt crime of abetting , may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment .

  10. 面对可能有6000人的避税者,该机构提供了30天的窗口期,让他们可以通过认罪换取减轻处罚。

    Faced with a potential 6,000 tax evaders they offered a 30-day window to confess in return for reduced penalties .

  11. 犯前款罪,行为人主动释放被绑架人的,可以减轻处罚。

    Committing crimes in the preceding paragraph , perpetrator proactive release of the abducted persons , to lessen the penalty .

  12. 意大利各种各样的媒体都推测,各支俱乐部都将减轻处罚。

    Speculation by various sources in the Italian media insist that all the clubs will see a reduction in their penalties .

  13. 审判过程中,她的律师试图证明存在减轻处罚情节,但法官可没买这份人情。

    During the trial , her attorneys tried to show that there were mitigating circumstances , but the judge didn 't buy it .

  14. 亲亲相隐是指亲属之间互相隐匿犯罪的可以不处罚或者会减轻处罚。

    " Shielding Relatives from Punishment " refers to the relatives of each other can conceal the crime without punishment or reduce the punishment .

  15. 新的法令规定,公司如果自己主动召回产品可以免于处罚或者减轻处罚。

    Companies that issue recalls on their own will face no penalties or less stringent penalties for safety violations , the new law says .

  16. 如果被教唆的人没有犯被教唆的罪,对于教唆犯,可以从轻或者减轻处罚。

    If the instigated person does not commit the instigated crime , the instigator may be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment .

  17. 但是,在没有相关司法制度保证的前提下,被告人可能以不赔偿来要挟被害方,要求判前赔偿从轻、减轻处罚,否则不赔。

    However , without the related judiciary systems'safeguard , the offenders may threaten the crime victims with no compensate if they cannot get light sentence .

  18. 据此,律师在审查起诉阶段所应选择的辩护方案按最优到次优顺序依次是不起诉方案、轻罪起诉方案、减轻处罚起诉方案以及从轻处罚起诉方案等;

    Accordingly , the choice for defending strategies at the trial stage ranks down from non prosecution to misdemeanor prosecution , penalty reduction and mitigation .

  19. 在量刑时,应当有所区别,可以能犯未遂从轻、减轻处罚。

    In sentencing , compared with the possible criminal attempt , the impossible criminal attempt should be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment .

  20. 但是在外国已经受过刑罚处罚的,可以免除或者减轻处罚。

    However , a person who has already received criminal punishment in a foreign country may be exempted from punishment or given a mitigated punishment .

  21. 对于未遂犯,可以比照既遂犯从轻或者减轻处罚。

    One who attempts to commit a crime may , in comparison with one who consummates the crime , be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment .

  22. 综上所述,建议在危险犯立法上增加一款主动悔罪条款,即:行为人主动排除危险状态的,应当减轻处罚。

    In conclusion , suggestions on increasing criminal confess terms , legislations : the behavior of getting rid of the dangerous state , be given a mitigated punishment .

  23. 对于中止犯,没有造成损害的,应当免除处罚;造成损害的,应当减轻处罚。

    One who discontinues a crime shall be exempted from punishment when there is no harm done or be given a mitigated punishment when there is harm done .

  24. 介绍贿赂人在被追诉前主动交待介绍贿赂行为的,可以减轻处罚或者免除处罚。

    Any person who introduces a bribe but voluntarily confesses the act before he is investigated for criminal responsibility may be given a mitigated punishment or exempted from punishment .

  25. 最后在量刑上,我认为处罚不真正不作为犯可以减轻处罚,并明确的规定在第二章的第二节的最后。

    Finally , in sentencing , I think the punishment of offense of non typical omission can be reduced , and explicit provisions of Section II of Chapter II .

  26. 考虑到行为的人的自首情节和犯罪动机应该从轻减轻处罚,无期徒刑的刑罚未免太重。

    Considering the behavior of the confession and the motive for the crime the perpetrator should be given a mitigated punishment , the life imprisonment penalty is too heavy .

  27. 已满十四周岁不满十八周岁的人犯罪,应当从轻或者减轻处罚。

    If a person who has reached the age of 14 but not the age of 18 commits a crime , he shall be given a lighter or mitigated punishment .

  28. (刑法)被告为了减轻处罚同意承认某一罪行同时原告同意放弃某一更加严厉指控。

    ( criminal law ) a negotiation in which the defendant agrees to enter a plea of guilty to a lesser charge and the prosecutor agrees to drop a more serious charge .

  29. 上述四家球会因为他们介入丑闻而被足球仲裁法院处罚,而此前,他们也已提起了一系列的上诉,目的是要减轻处罚。

    The four clubs were punished by a soccer Tribunal for their involvement in the scandal and have since launched a series of appeals before sport authorities to have the sanctions reduced .

  30. 特别是在对单功能量刑情节适用的研究中,进一步细化分类,详细论述了从重处罚情节、从轻处罚情节、减轻处罚情节和免除处罚情节的适用方法。

    Furthermore , in the research of the single-function circumstance , it be classified in detail , thoroughly illuminates the using of stricter punishment , lenient punishment , alleviative punishment and exempted punishment .