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chéng jiā
  • Start a family;get married;settle down;have a family;become an expert
成家 [chéng jiā]
  • (1) [settle down;have a family]∶建立家庭

  • 结婚成家之时

  • (2) [get married]∶今指男子结婚

  • 他已二十五岁,还没有成家

  • (3) [become an expert]成为某方面的专家

  • 成名成家

成家[chéng jiā]
  1. 我不知道是否现在就成家。

    I don 't know whether to get married now .

  2. 你打算什么时候成家,安定下来?

    When are you going to get married and ?

  3. 比方说,我们假设你成家了,还有两个孩子。

    Let us suppose , for example , that you are married with two children .

  4. 规规矩矩、结婚成家,有什么用?

    What is the point of going legit and getting married ?

  5. 他没有成家的理由是不想被捆住手脚。

    The reason he didn 't have a family was that he didn 't want to be tied down .

  6. 他才20岁,还没有成家。

    He 's not married yet , he 's only twenty .

  7. 入行容易成家难。

    It is easy to go into a profession but hard to become a master .

  8. 一旦你成家了,你的时间就不再全部属于你了。

    Once you have a family your time isn 't all yours anymore .

  9. 父母意外死亡时,我和妹妹还没成家。所以我不得不辍学养家。

    When our parents died in an accident , and my sister and I remained alone , I had to leave college and bring home the bacon .

  10. 以己二异氰酸酯(HDI)改性聚酯树脂与氨基树脂配制成家电用卷材涂料。

    The HDI modified polyester resin is developed for coil coatings of house appliance , which is cured with melamine resin for improvement of quality .

  11. 生长在加拿大的贾斯汀比伯告诉TMZ,希望自己成家后家庭也能在祖国加拿大。

    The native born Canadian told TMZ that he wants to raise his family in his homeland !

  12. 那么想必一旦她成家后就会更快乐,所以Alan揣测她永远都不快乐似乎是不公平的。

    Presumably , then , she 'd be happier once she was married with a family , so it seems unfair for Alan to presume she was permanently unhappy .

  13. 卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)泰珀商学院(TepperSchoolofBusiness)在线MBA学位负责人罗伯特•门罗(RobertMonroe)表示,在线学生与在校学生只存在一点根本区别,那就是前者为“职场人士”,其中不少人都已成家。

    Robert Monroe , director of the online MBA at the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University ( CMU ) , says there is only one fundamental difference between its online and campus-based students . The former are " working professionals , " many have families .

  14. 吉姆其实并不急于娶亲成家,生儿育女。

    Jim wasn 't fundamentally mad about a home and kids .

  15. 事实上,结婚成家并不一定会使人更幸福。

    The truth is that marriage won 't make everyone happier .

  16. 警察、前海军陆战队员、没成家、没负担。

    Decorated cop , ex-marine , no family , no commitments .

  17. 约翰·莎士比亚见长子成家心里很高兴,

    John Shakespeare was pleased that his oldest son was married ,

  18. 清楚什么时候成家什么时候单身

    knowing when to start a family and when not to .

  19. 我怀疑伯恩准备在那不勒斯成家。

    I doubt that bourne 's in Naples readyto start a fiamily .

  20. 一个真正想成家的好女人。

    A real think the good woman of the home .

  21. 在成家前他想拥有一份好工作。

    He wanted to have a good job before starting a family .

  22. 大多数男人在你们的年纪已经结婚成家。

    Most men your age are getting married and raising a family .

  23. 有时你得先立业再成家。

    Sometimes your career has got to come before family .

  24. 现在他已经安定下来结婚成家了。

    And now he 's settled down into married life .

  25. 大成家经营现状与竞争分析

    The Business Status And Competition Analysis Report Of DaChan Jia

  26. 他只有二十四岁,成家太年轻了。

    He is only four-and-twenty . That is too young to settle .

  27. 在那种情况下,他应该成家。

    He ought , in that event , to have an establishment .

  28. 我那时是有点问题,但现在我成家了。

    I was a troubled person then . I 'm married now .

  29. 正好这个年青人还未成家,把女儿嫁给他完全值得。

    As this man is single , he deserves to marry her .

  30. 那么你把哪里当成家,是纽约还是华盛顿?

    So do you think of New York as home or Washington ?