
  • 网络mao county
  1. 基于GIS四川茂县儿童结核病探索性空间数据分析

    The exploratory spatial data analysis of childhood tuberculosis in Mao county based on Geographic Information System

  2. 茂县震后房屋破坏形式的认识和思考

    Considerations and thinking of Mao county house damage form after earthquake

  3. 汶川大地震对四川省茂县土门乡村民偏头痛发作的影响

    Influence of Wenchuan earthquake on migraine prevalence in Mao County of Sichuan Province

  4. 5·12震后茂县建筑物受损初步调查与分析

    Initial investigation and analysis on the damage of building after 5 · 12 earthquake

  5. 茂县大沟生态研究站改扩建工程用地地质灾害危险评估

    The Geological Hazard Assessment of Enlarging the Building for Ecological Research Station at Dagou Gully

  6. 但是信息部门说能源在受灾较重的北川、茂县和卧龙县仍旧中断。

    But power was still out in the worst-hit Beichuan , Maoxian and Wolong counties , the information office said .

  7. 关于西部民族地区九年制义务教育办学模式的思考&从茂县羌族义务教育办学现状看西部民族教育改革

    The Thought of Model for Running Schools on Universalizing Compulsory Education in the Areas of the National Minority of Western China

  8. 茂县羌族中小学生1985年与2005年生长发育指标比较

    Comparison of Growth and Development Index Among Qiang Nationality Pupils and Middle School Students in Mao County from 1985 to 2005

  9. 茂县花椒农民协会发展项目是世界自然基金会帮助大熊猫保护区周边社区开展的众多社区可持续发展项目中的一个。

    Mao Pepper Farmer Association Development Project is one of many sustainable community projects implemented in surrounding communities around panda nature reserves .

  10. 本文基于对茂县北部山区太平的田野调查,主要关注的内容首先是面对如此巨大的自然灾害以及由此引起的生活危机,羌族传统社会是如何发挥作用来帮助村民渡过难关。

    The first concern is how the Qiang traditions play a role in helping the villagers face such great natural disasters and the resulting crisis of life .

  11. 家乐福与茂县“六月红”花椒专业合作社开展直采项目,使得当年的花椒节项目更具有深远的意义。

    Carrefour and Mao " June red " pepper cooperatives to carry out direct mining project , making the pepper section of the project then more far-reaching significance .

  12. 本文采用问卷调查法调查了汶川、茂县等极重灾区的灾区中学生,探讨地震后中学生的灾难暴露、控制感和创伤后应激障碍的关系。

    The paper studied the relationship between Traumatic Exposure , the sense of control and PTSD of secondary school students after the earthquake disaster * This study adopted questionnaire method .

  13. 岷江上游干旱河谷带山地灾害对水质影响研究&以茂县龙洞沟流域为例

    The Research on Mountain Disasters ' Impact on Water Quality in Drought Valley Areas of Minjiang River 's Upper Stream & A Case Study of Longdong Gou Valley in Mao County

  14. 汶川地震极重灾区中小学校的心理援助现状与需求&以茂县、汶川县和都江堰市为例

    The Status Quo and Needs of Psychological Assistance of the Primary and Secondary Schools in Severely Affected Areas in Wenchuan Earthquake : Take Mao County , Wenchuan County and Dujiangyan City as Examples

  15. 而青花椒在四川境内各地均有产,但主要的产地集中的茂县、汶川、雅安、凉山、金阳、汉源等地。

    And green pepper are produced in parts of Sichuan Province , but the main focus of the origin of Maoxian , Wenchuan , Yaan , Liangshan , Jinyang , Chinese sources and so on .