
  • 网络maoming;Maoming City
  1. 广东省茂名市中小学生HBsAg携带情况调查分析

    Survey of HBsAg carrying status in primary school pupils and middle school students in Maoming City of Guangdong

  2. 通过对茂名市生活垃圾的处理现状调查表明,茂名市平均日产垃圾1.2kg/人,总量达到350t以上,并且每年以10%的增长率递增。

    Through the investigation of life trash disposal of Maoming City , the result indicated that the Maoming City average daily trash is 1.2 kg / person , the total amounts is above 350 tons , and increases at a rate of 10 % .

  3. 结果表明,茂名市大气中检测出130多种VOCs,其主要成分是烷烃、芳烃、烯烃和卤代烃,其中14种是有毒污染物。

    The results show that 130 or more VOCs exists in Maoming , most of which are alkane , aromatic hydrocarbon , alkene and halohydrocarbon , and 14 of which are hazardous .

  4. 茂名市环境噪声污染现状

    The Current Situation of Environmental Pollution of Noise in Maoming City

  5. 茂名市人口城镇化进程研究

    Research on the Urbanization Procedure of the Population in Maoming City

  6. 茂名市油页岩废渣对环境的影响

    Impact of Oil Shale Waste on the Environment of Maoming City

  7. 传统与现代的交融&茂名市殡仪馆设计

    Blending of Tradition and Modern : Design of Maoming Funeral Home

  8. 茂名市青少年健康危险行为流行特征及防治策略

    Survey of health and risk behaviors in adolescents in Maoming City

  9. 茂名市灌溉渠道防渗技术及效果

    Techniques for Seepage Control of Maoming Irrigation Canals And Its Effect

  10. 茂名市2008年手足口病流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Hand-foot-mouth Disease in Maoming City in 2008

  11. 茂名市4号雨水泵站挡土护壁桩的设计

    Design of earth-retaining dado pile for 4 # rainwater pump in Maoming

  12. 茂名市环境污染对陆生植物的影响

    The Effects of Environmental Pollution on the Terrestrial Plants in Maoming City

  13. 茂名市雨水利用的必要性和潜力分析

    Necessity of Rain Water Use in MaoMing City and Its Potential Analysis

  14. 茂名市生活垃圾处理方式的比较研究

    The Comparison Research of Different Life Trash Processing Ways in Maoming City

  15. 茂名市大气污染防治规划医学人类学与血吸虫病防治

    The Prevention and Control Planning of the Air Pollution in Maoming City

  16. 广东水稻新病害橙叶病在茂名市发生流行

    Occurrence and epidemic of the rice orange leaf disease in Guangdong provined

  17. 无居民海岛生态旅游发展战略研究&以广东省茂名市放鸡岛为例

    The research on development strategy of eco-tourism on desert island

  18. 基于茂名市的消费者道德信念实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Consumer Ethical Belief in Maoming City

  19. 茂名市梅江水环境污染对浮游藻类的影响

    The Effects of Water Pollution of Meijiang in Maoming City on Plankton Algae

  20. 茂名市废旧电池的处理建议

    Disposal Suggestion of Used Waste Battery for Maoming City

  21. 茂名市生活垃圾处理技术的实际应用问题

    Practical Application for Techniques in Disposal of Municipal House Garbage in Maoming City

  22. 对茂名市农村宅基地流转制度改革提出建议。

    Give some suggestion in changing the rural residential land systems of Maoming .

  23. 茂名市大气二氧化硫污染状况的评价

    Evaluation of Atmospheric SO_2 Pollution Status in Maoming City

  24. 茂名市1950~1999年法定报告传染病流行动态分析

    Analysis of Incidence of Notifiable Infectious Diseases in Maoming , 1950 to 1999

  25. 茂名市农业环境质量常规性调查监测与评价

    Routine Monitoring and Quanlity Assessment of Agro-environment in Maoming

  26. 结论茂名市人群相关健康行为的形成率较高。

    Conclusion The rate of favourable behavior associated with health is relatively high .

  27. 当时,廖是茂名市纪委书记。

    Liao was the head of the city 's anti-corruption authority at the time .

  28. 论茂名市生态旅游的发展

    The Development of Ecological Tourism in Maoming City

  29. 茂名市疾病预防控制机构实验室生物安全现状分析

    Laboratory Biosafety in Disease Control Agency in Maoming

  30. 朴素·务实·高效&茂名市交通技工学校学生食堂方案设计

    Simplicity , Practicality and Efficiency & Student Cafeteria Design for Maoming Transportation Technical School