
  • 网络Chenghua District
  1. 笔者通过个案研究对成华区发生了信誉危机的学校进行分析,为其他学校提高应对信誉危机的能力,提供了富有价值的实例和经验。

    By the analysis on several cases in Chenghua District , the study provides valuable examples and experience for other schools to improve their coping prestige crisis ability .

  2. 笔者以成华区中小学信誉危机为研究对象,借鉴企业危机的管理理论,分析了成华区中小学可能产生信誉危机的原因,将学校信誉危机的发展分为潜伏期、爆发期和恢复期。

    According to the management theory on business crisis and taking the school prestige crisis in Chenghua District as the research object , the author analyzed the causes of it and then divided the school credibility crisis into incubation period , outbreak period and restoration period .

  3. 最后,详细探索了成华区房地产业的发展如何带动城区经济可持续发展的战略,具体分析了该辖区房地产业发展对其宏观经济的预期效应。

    Finally , this paper explore how does the Cheng Hua real estate to drive the city zone economy developing , and analyzed the future effect on the macro economy from the real estate development .