
  • 网络interior design;decoration design
  1. 目前已经开设装潢设计专业。

    Interior design major is now open .

  2. 现代装潢设计正日益走向产业化,发展速度迅猛,对人才需求非常旺盛。

    Modern interior design is increasingly toward industrialization , rapid pace of development is very strong demand for talent .

  3. CAD技术在包装装潢设计领域的应用

    Application of CAD Techniques for Designing of Packaging Decoration

  4. 包装装潢设计方案综合评价AHP模型

    AHP Model of Comprehensive Evaluation of packaging Decoration Scheme

  5. 本文讲述了包装装潢设计的特点,包装CAD组件的定义以及这些组件的属性和特点。

    This article recounts characteristics of packaging upholster design , definition , attribute and characteristic of packaging CAD subassembly .

  6. WPSOffice办公软件包装装潢设计

    Packaging Design of " WPS Office " Software

  7. ELITE的优势是既能用专业的装潢设计、严谨的施工、环保的材质,体现独特的风格,又能保证结构的安全使用,让客户无任何后顾之忧。

    ELITE 's strength lies in the ability of providing hassle-free solutions that integrate structural safety into the creative design that satisfies client 's unique needs .

  8. 动态场景的模拟是计算机图形学中的一个热点分支。它被广泛应用到电视广告,实时渲染,3D动画和游戏,装潢设计,虚拟场景等。

    Simulation of dynamic scenery is a hot research branch in computer graphics , which is widely applied to television advertising , real-time rendering , 3D animation and games , upholster design , virtual scene and so on .

  9. IDEO公司是设计思维方式的倡导者。为了激发创造力和合作精神,哈素•普拉特纳设计学院的装潢设计很独特,内部看起来就好像是为成年人准备的幼儿园游戏室:色彩明亮的家具、开放式的空间、各种颜色的即时贴比比皆是。

    Designed to ignite creativity and collaboration , the d.school 's interior looks like a preschool playroom for grown-ups : Colorful furniture , open spaces and neon Post-it Notes abound .

  10. 第3届中南星奖包装装潢设计评比展览会金银奖作品选登

    Works from the Third Middle South Star Competition for Package Design

  11. 谈名优卷烟的包装装潢设计

    On the Packaging Design of Famous Brand and High Quality Cigarettes

  12. 知识经济时代的现代包装装潢设计

    Modern Packaging Decorative Design in the Age of Knowledge Economy

  13. 商品包装装潢设计的依据

    On Basis of The Graphics and Design for Commodity Packaging

  14. 本公司承接室内装潢设计业务,设计完美一流。

    Our company undertakes first class designing for interior decoration .

  15. 我们被这所公寓的精致的室内装潢设计吸引。

    We are fascinated by the delicate interior design of the apartment .

  16. 浅谈装潢设计中的色彩

    A Brief Talk on the Color in Decoration Designing

  17. 第5届华东地区包装装潢设计评比展览交流会优秀作品选登

    Selected Works from the 5 th Package Design Competition for East China Region

  18. 浅析包装装潢设计中的疏密运用

    Simple Analyse the Density Appilcation in Packing Decoration Design

  19. 老板放手让装潢设计家装修他的办公室。

    The boss gave the interior decorator a free hand in furnishing his office .

  20. 探析新的读图时代包装装潢设计中女性形象的功能

    Analysis of the Function of Female Image in Packaging Design in Map Interpretation Age

  21. 自然科学美对装潢设计的启示

    The Relation of Scientific Beauty to Graphic Design

  22. 视觉传达设计中的秩序感&以包装装潢设计为例

    The order in the visual communication design & Taking the packing design for example

  23. 包装装潢设计及其计算机处理

    Package decorating design and its computer processing

  24. 包装装潢设计多媒体组合教学的认识与实践

    The Recognition and Practice of the Multimedia Instruction in College Course Packing and Decorating Design

  25. 基于联系数学的包装装潢设计方案综合评价模型及应用

    Model of packing design plan for comprehensive evaluation based on connection mathematics and its application

  26. 包装装潢设计的表现形式

    The Expressive Form of Packaging Decorating Designing

  27. 纹理贴图在装潢设计中的应用

    Application of texture mapping to decoration design

  28. 装潢设计专业的教学改革与研究

    Teaching Reform and Research of Packaging Design

  29. 刍议色彩设计与包装装潢设计

    On Color Desingn and Packing Design

  30. 传统书法艺术与现代装潢设计

    Traditional Calligraphy and Modern Decoration Design