
  • 网络assembly line;Moving Assembly Line
  1. 微型电泵装配流水线的技术研究

    The Technology Study of Assembly Line for Micro Electric Pump

  2. 动作分析法在减速器装配流水线设计教学中的应用

    Application of Motion Analysis in the Teaching of the Design of Speed Reducer Assembly Line

  3. 根据某轿车总装配流水线的实际物料需求,设计了混流装配线分布式物料管理信息系统的功能模块,以及基于J2EE平台的软件架构,开发的信息系统已应用于某企业。

    The function module and J2EE-based software architecture of material management information system for the mixed model general assembly line were developed according to the material demand of some real automobile assembly line , and the material information system has been put into practice in one assembly enterprise .

  4. 例如,制造业的装配流水线有助于工会组织的形成。

    Assembly-line manufacturing , for instance , was conducive to union organisation .

  5. 作为工业界最典型的装配流水线,汽车总装线具有研究的代表性。

    Automobile general assembly line is the most typical industrial assembly line .

  6. 浅谈装配流水线的生产优化与均衡率提高

    Optimization of Flow Production Line and Improvement of Balance Rate

  7. 基于控制网的装配流水线监控实现

    Monitor Control of Assembly Line Based on Control Net

  8. 多品种混合装配流水线规划的仿真方法

    Simulation of Multiple-Product Assembly Line Planning

  9. 涡轮增压器装配流水线平衡研究

    Turbocharger Assemble Line Balance Study

  10. 并以用于科技馆科普展览教育的虚拟装配流水线为应用背景,给出了具体的实现方案。

    And , an virtual assembling product line system is presented to show how to implement the method .

  11. 本文以收录机装配流水线工作研究为例,讨论了工作研究在流水线上应用的步骤和方法。

    This Paper discusses the general procedure and method of work study on assembly line through a radio recorder assembly line instance .

  12. 正是运用了像装配流水线、劳动分工和生产部件标准化等社会化大生产的生产方式,享利•福特才生产出了他那个时代世界上最便宜的汽车。

    It was by using these methods of mass production the assembly line , division of labor and standardized parts that Henry Ford produced the cheapest cars of his time in the world .

  13. 作为大规模装配流水线生产的快餐替代品,他们靠小规模农艺产品取胜&这需要长时间去准备,食物看起来非常美丽,而且对你大有好处。

    Instead of fast food produced by the assembly lines of giant consortiums , they championed products of small-scale agriculture & time-consuming to prepare , beautiful to behold , very good for you .

  14. 有一位在装配流水线上工作的工人,每天加班加点以确保公司正常运营,而他的老板不是解雇他而是给他更高的薪水。

    I see it in the worker on the assembly line who clocked extra shifts to keep his company open , and the boss who pays him higher wages instead of laying him off .

  15. 随着装配流水线复杂度与功能性的不断提高,需要花费大量人力、物力和较长的时间的手工建模与仿真方法已越来越不能适应仿真的需求。

    As the complexity and functionality of assembly line been continuously improved , the manual modeling and simulation method which costs a lot of money and time can not adapt to the requirements of simulation now .

  16. 本文以装配流水线企业的订单排序、插单等问题为研究对象,重点是对订单的选择排序及排产问题进行研究,寻求将订单分配到各条装配流水线,达到生产资源的最优配置。

    With orders scheduling and inserting adopted by production-line plants as the objects of the study , the problems of orders sorting and production arrangement are studied to discuss how to distribute orders to assembly-line to realize production allocation optimization .

  17. 我们开发的基于条码技术的车间监控管理系统是一个自动识别技术在工业领域的应用实例,其目的是为了保障工厂装配流水线的高效生产。

    This design , the production line monitoring system based on the barcode technology , is an application of automatic identification technology in industry , which aim is to improve the productivity and quality of the assembly line of automobile .

  18. 混合装配的流水线能够更好的适应这种生产方式。

    Mixed assembling line can better adapt to the mode of production .

  19. 这些设备也无法应用到电视工厂装配生产的流水线上。

    And these devices are not suitable to test TVs in factory assembly lines .

  20. 广泛应用于轻工及家电等行业的装配、检测流水线作业。

    Our product is widely applied in the light industry and home appliance industry for assembling and testing lines .

  21. 总装物料配送优化设计思想为汽车装配厂解决生产流水线的高效率和低效、繁杂的物流配送的矛盾提供了新的契机。

    The optimized design for the main assembly materiel logistics provides a new chance for automobile assembly plant to overcome the problem between efficient pipelining and inefficient materiel freight .

  22. 汽车发动机混流装配生产线是对不同型号发动机顺序装配的流水线工艺过程,混流装配生产线规划设计的好坏决定了能否实现生产线负荷、品种、产量的均衡化生产。

    Mixed engine assembly line is the process to assemble a sequence of different models of engine . Whether it can achieve load , variety and yield the balance of production , depending on the assembly line planning and designing .