
  • 网络SUV;Recreational Vehicle
  1. 录像显示,一名中年白人男子在距离这两休旅车半个街区的地方换T恤。

    The video shows a middle-aged white man changing his shirt about half a block from the parked SUV .

  2. 也许五金行的老板永远不会知道王力宏是谁,也不会知道“心中的日月”这首歌,但他会知道,他的善心受人感激,而且深深感动着休旅车上的那两个大男孩。

    The store owner may never know about Wang Leehom , or the song " Shangri-la ", but he will know that his generosity was appreciated and had touched the hearts of two local kids in an SUV .

  3. 奔驰一款柴油C级休旅车和E级轿车将会展出能源节约的停启和制动能源再生系统。

    The carmaker 's new fuel-saving stop-start and brake energy regeneration systems will be showcased in a diesel C-class station wagon and a gasoline-powered E-class sedan .

  4. 那是辆水星,1988年的水星黑貂休旅车

    It 's a Mercury , a 1988 Mercury Sable wagon .

  5. 他们是动物界的休旅车。

    They 're the SUVs of the animal kingdom .

  6. 他和我们的设备在休旅车里。

    He was in a van with the gear .

  7. 鲍伯,你知道休旅车旅行时要住哪?

    Bob , do you know where you stay when you take an RV trip ?

  8. 水星黑貂休旅车,婴儿屎棕色

    Mercury Sable wagon . Baby-poop brown .

  9. 主机体积小。不占空间,休旅车或座椅高的可置于椅下。

    The center unit is small for space-saving , can be placed under the car seat .

  10. 并且决定在休旅车里住一年,就当作是一段长期野营旅行。

    And I decided that living in a van for a year to do this would be like one long camping trip .

  11. Redelfs和他怀孕的妻子在华雷斯美国领事馆工作,他们身中数枪,死在白色的休旅车内。

    Redelfs and his pregnant wife , Lesley , who worked at the US consulate in Juarez , died in their white sport utility vehicle after being shot times .