
xiū xián zhuāng
  • Casual Wear;casual clothing;casual clothes;leisure wear;shell suit
  1. 视频最后提到的国家是伊朗,代表这个国家的女模特穿着休闲装,戴着头巾。

    The last country covered in the clip is Iran - illustrated with a woman in casual clothing and a hijab - where nose jobs are considered a status symbol . '

  2. 如果你很娇小,可以去儿童区看看短裤、紧身裤、休闲运动裤、帆布夹克及T恤等休闲装。

    If you are a thin , petite-sized woman , don 't overlook the children 's department for casual clothing such as shorts , capris , cargo pants , denim jackets and T-shirts .

  3. 我们将着手经营新款式的休闲装。

    We are starting a new line in casual clothes .

  4. 我还买了些周末穿的休闲装。

    I also bought some casual clothes for the weekend .

  5. 他很快穿上休闲装。

    He dressed quickly in casual clothes .

  6. 我不想用时尚词汇中最吓人的一个词——商务休闲装(SmartCasual)。

    I 'm not going to use the most fearful phrase in the style lexicon : smart-casual .

  7. GwynnieBee是一个租赁10码至32码服装的订购服务公司,是休闲装版的RenttheRunway(这家公司从2013年开设了大码服装部门)。

    Gwynnie Bee , a clothing rental subscription service for sizes 10 to 32 , is a more casual version of Rent the Runway ( which began its own plus-size division in 2013 ) .

  8. 像好莱坞管理人士一样,对冲基金业的老板们经常是办公室里穿着最随意的(虽然他们穿的Seven牛仔裤和鳄鱼(Lacostes)休闲装并不比某些套装便宜)。

    Like Hollywood executives , hedge-fund chieftains are often the most casually dressed guys in the room ( though their Seven jeans and untucked Lacostes cost as much as some suits ) .

  9. 罗奇•瑞恩(RyanRoche)称自己设计的针织装是“瘦削型、风格简约、必不可少”,而罗塞塔•盖蒂(RosettaGetty)则把自己的同名品牌定义为“精致、随意搭配的休闲装”。

    Ryan Roche refers to her knitwear as " pared-back and minimal and essential , " while Rosetta Getty defines her eponymous line as " refined and easy to style for effortless dressing . "

  10. 海纳说,今年公司将加强阿迪达斯NEO系列的营销。NEO是以一个青少年为目标人群的休闲装系列,条纹连帽衫价格约为60美元,比阿迪达斯其他品牌便宜四成左右。

    Mr. Hainer said the company this year will boost marketing for the Adidas NEO line , a teen-targeted casual line with striped hooded sweat jackets for about $ 60 , and priced around 40 % less than other Adidas brands .

  11. 凯特王妃穿着孕妇装公司Seraphine生产的枚红色胸前打结的裙子,价值46美元,威廉王子身着休闲装,蓝色衬衫,牛仔裤搭配他最爱的非洲风格皮带。

    Kate is wearing a 46 fuchsia-coloured knot front dress by maternity wear firm Seraphine . William is casually dressed in a blue checked shirt , tucked into jeans , and his favourite African-style belt .

  12. 他穿休闲装看上去挺潇洒&这和他很相配。

    He looks good in casual clothes & they suit him .

  13. 专业制造:制服,休闲装,功能性服装。

    Specialize in : Uniforms , Casual Wear , Functional Garments .

  14. 论中国休闲装的市场现状与发展趋势

    On the Current Market Situation and Developing Trend of Casual Clothes

  15. 恤衫是休闲装的一个主要构成部分。

    The t-shirt is a staple item of the casual wardrobe .

  16. 参加晚会时穿休闲装是不错的。

    It is fine to dress casually at the party .

  17. 上海市场主流品牌休闲装的经营模式研究

    Investigation of the Main Leisure Wear Brand in Shanghai Market

  18. 女式休闲装的理论与实践一例

    An Sample of the Theory and Practice of Women 's Leisure Wears

  19. 答:即使穿休闲装,你也要穿得好看。

    Even if you 're casually dressed , being smartly dressed helps .

  20. 服装服饰,服装,休闲装。

    Looking for all kinds of apparel , garments and fashion clothing .

  21. 周末的时候,我会选择休闲装。

    At the weekend , I will be able to dress more casually .

  22. 对于那些讲究细节的人来说,解决的办法就是买一些商务休闲装。

    For those who care enough , this means buying a third wardrobe .

  23. 周五休闲装!这样我就可以穿牛仔裤和运动鞋了。

    Kara : Casual Fridays ! Then I can wear jeans and sneakers .

  24. 生理舒适下的运动型休闲装功能设计

    The Function Design of Sport-resort Wear under Physical Comfort

  25. 销售部建议,制定一个休闲装的着装要求。

    The Sales Team would like to suggest having a casual dress code .

  26. 现在的年轻人倾向于穿休闲装。

    Young people today lean towards casual clothes .

  27. 军旅元素在休闲装设计中的运用

    Applications of troop element in leisure fashion design

  28. 其平价的休闲装,令其成为中国学生人群中最流行的品牌。

    Its cheap casualwear makes it the most popular brand with China 's students .

  29. 所有的女性都穿着有艺术范儿的休闲装,在创意背景前拍照。

    All women wear casual , arty clothes and are shot against creative backgrounds .

  30. 大包最配休闲装,小的手包最搭晚礼服。

    Large handbags go with casual outfits , while small clutches are suited for eveningwear .