
huā ní
  • Tweed;fancy suiting
花呢 [huā ní]
  • [fancy suiting;tweed] 表面起条、格、点等花纹的一类毛织品

  1. 他身穿一套粗花呢西服,看上去像是量身定做的。

    He was wearing a tweed suit that looked tailor-made .

  2. 她穿的那件粗花呢夹克已经很旧了。

    The tweed jacket she wore had seen better days .

  3. 他穿着套头毛衣和粗花呢夹克,脚蹬一双飞行靴。

    He was garbed in sweater , tweed jacket , and flying boots .

  4. 粗花呢从不过时,手感很好,结实耐磨。

    Tweed is timeless , tactile and tough .

  5. 我丈夫的旧粗花呢帽子

    my husband 's old tweed cap .

  6. 我穿着我的花呢套装。

    I was wearing my tweed suit .

  7. 她建议我可以开始定期存钱,我说我还不知道钱是不是够花呢。

    She suggested to me that I might like to start regular savings and I said Well , I don 't know whether I can stretch to that .

  8. 在苏格兰人本周末穿上花呢格纹服装,庆祝民族诗人罗伯特•彭斯(RobertBurns)的诞辰之际,他们可能会惊讶地得知,他们不是喜欢这种服装风格的唯一人群。

    As Scots don their clan tartans in celebration of national bard Robert Burns this weekend , they may be surprised to learn they will not be the only ones .

  9. 就在前一阵子,她喜欢上了全身上下穿外套,类似在温莎城堡(WindsorCastle)订婚时自己所穿的那款玛百莉(Mulberry)淡绿色花呢装;

    More recently she has taken to covering up in coats , like the pale green tweed Mulberry number worn for an engagement at Windsor Castle .

  10. 在他的Tumblr账号他将这组照片命名为Gap模特项目,在这些照片中他试穿了各种最新潮的服饰,有桃色的连帽衫、格子花呢上衣以及深色牛仔裤。

    On his Tumblr account - The Gap Mannequin Project - he is seen trying out the latest fashions from peach-colored hoodies to plaid shirts and dark denims .

  11. 在曼哈顿东区的皮埃尔酒店(Pierre),他把照相机对准洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)和范德比尔特(Vanderbilt)这些身穿花呢服装的纽约望族。

    At the Pierre hotel on the East Side of Manhattan , he pointed his camera at tweed-wearing blue-blood New Yorkers with names like Rockefeller and Vanderbilt .

  12. 不仅仅是标准的tux,还有其它种类的晚装:天鹅绒上衣、涡纹花呢和丝绸剪裁的上衣。

    Not only in the standard tux , but in alternative evening wear : velvet jackets , pattern jackets in paisleys and silks .

  13. 定制正装品牌Miller'sOath的老板柯克・米勒(KirkMiller)说,他会选择那些多些“胆识”的面料,比如粗花呢,这种面料在抵御潮湿寒冷的天气方面无可匹敌。

    Kirk Miller , owner of bespoke suitery Miller 's Oath , said he goes for fabric with more ' guts , ' like tweed , which is peerless in keeping out damp cold .

  14. 在伊莎贝尔•玛兰(IsabelMarant)的发布会上,44位朋克摇滚乐手身穿红色闪亮皮装、特型粗花呢大衣以及印有大猫图案的时装走秀;

    At Isabel Marant , 44 early-1980s punk rockers walked out in shiny red leathers , oversized tweed coats and big cat prints ;

  15. 他心目中的英雄大都是20世纪初期的登山家,有乔治·马洛里(GeorgeMallory)、汤姆·隆斯塔夫(TomLongstaff)、弗雷迪·查普曼(FreddieChapman)等人,他们都是仅靠一身花呢上装和一双皮靴就征服了众多世界高峰的人。

    His heroes were the alpinists of the early 20th century , George Mallory , Tom Longstaff , Freddie Chapman and the rest , who had climbed the world 's greatest peaks in tweed jackets and leather boots .

  16. 在去年的高级定制时装展上,卡尔•拉格菲尔德(KarlLagerfeld)让旗下模特脚穿粗花呢运动鞋行走香奈儿(Chanel)秀场,拉夫•西蒙斯(RafSimons)则推出了迪奥(Dior)水晶网眼混搭式运动鞋。

    It was officially sanctified at couture last year , when Karl Lagerfeld sent his models on to the catwalk in tweed sneakers at Chanel , and Raf Simons offered a crystal-mesh sneaker hybrid at Dior .

  17. 在伦敦萨维尔街,曾是爱德华八世的裁缝的亨斯迈公司(Huntsman)的创意总监RoubiL'Roubi发现,亚洲客户专门到这家伦敦商店订购花呢西装。

    Roubi L'Roubi , creative director of Huntsman of Savile Row - once the tailor to King Edward VIII - has found that customers from Asia are visiting the London shop specifically to order tweed suits .

  18. 她们均在争相效仿法国前第一夫人布吕尼(CarlaBruni-Sarkozy),在怀孕期间身穿常规时装。布吕尼怀孕期间,就穿着白色香奈儿(Chanel)高档花呢连衣裙与黑色短上衣。

    All are following the lead of former French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy , who wore a Chanel haute couture white tweed dress and black jacket while pregnant , in adapting non-maternity wear to their new situation .

  19. 伦敦博物馆还委托一家苏格兰纺织厂特制出一件福尔摩斯纪念款签名花呢大衣,并同时展出了时尚摄影师卡西亚·沃兹尼亚克(KasiaWozniak)用1890年款便携式相机拍摄的作品。

    The museum even commissioned a Scottish textile mill to create a signature tweed in Holmes 's honor , and a concurrent show features fashion photographer Kasia Wozniak 's prints made using a 1890 field camera .

  20. 格拉斯穿了一件红色羊毛衫,外面罩着厚花呢外套。他抿着白葡萄酒,多数时间都在谈论自己,以及作为一名公共知识分子,他的作品对我们的报纸——《时代》周报(DieZeit)——产生了多大的影响。

    Dressed in a red wool sweater and a thick tweed jacket and sipping white wine , Mr. Grass spent most of the time talking about himself , and how much his work as a public intellectual had influenced our paper , Die Zeit .

  21. 大学入校第一天,我穿着苹果绿的OshKosh工装裤,已经勉强算酷了,但那是因为当时一半的女生都穿着花呢和运动服套装。

    On my first day at university I felt passably cool in my apple green OshKosh dungarees – but that was only because half the girls were in tweeds and twinsets .

  22. Eres艺术总监瓦莱丽・德拉福斯(ValerieDelafosse)说:“有一种运动精神回归的趋势。在香奈儿(Chanel)时装秀上,你会看到模特穿着花呢网球鞋和动感十足的工字背心。我们是在把运动和优雅进行混搭。”

    There is a return to the sportif spirit , ' said Eres artistic director Val é rie Delafosse . ' If you look at the Chanel runway show , [ there are ] models with the tennis shoes in tweed , a sporty racerback . We are mixing sporty with refined . '

  23. 单经纬弹混纺花呢的开发

    The Design of Blended Tweed with Single Warp and Elastic Weft

  24. 查理一世在位的时候人们种些什么花呢?

    What flowers grew in the reign of Charles the First ?

  25. 精纺毛花呢低应力性能与省道外观造型的关系

    Relations of Low-stress Mechanical Properties of Worsted Fancy and Dart Molding

  26. 真不知道怎么花呢!

    He did not know how he could spend it all .

  27. 色织仿毛双层粗花呢皮毛粗硬的大型猎犬。

    Large breed of hound with a rough thick coat .

  28. 格子花呢大红杂绿的红毯子。

    It was plaid , mostly red with some green in it .

  29. 我们这些人穿着粗花呢衣服和乡下人穿的结实皮鞋。

    The rest of us wore rough tweeds and brogues .

  30. 但如果旅行可以一分钱不用花呢?

    But what if you could travel and not spend a dime ?