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  • shock therapy/treatment
  1. 金医生就要退休了,即将上任的卡尼医生(DrCarney)正在考虑施用电休克疗法。

    Dr King is retiring and Dr Carney , new to the practice , is considering electroconvulsive therapy .

  2. 阿瑞吉辩称,亚当斯密信仰的是一个市场监管能力足够强大的国家,并且肯定会憎恶上世纪80至90年代的那种“休克疗法”(shocktherapies)。

    He starts with Adam Smith , who , he argues , believed in a state strong enough to regulate the market and would have abhorred the economic " shock therapies " of the 1980s and 1990s .

  3. 约瑟夫。斯坦利斯诺(JosephStanislaw):波兰决定学习玻利维亚的做法,实行休克疗法,削减政府开支,偿试引进市场体制,看它是否能奏效。

    JOSEPH STANISLAW : Poland decided to do what Bolivia did , to introduce shock therapy , cut back on government expenditure and try and introduce a market system and see if it could work .

  4. 服用足够量的卡地阿唑以导致抽搐和昏迷的休克疗法。

    The administration of sufficient Metrazol to induce convulsions and coma .

  5. 萨克斯的休克疗法及其评价

    Jeffrey Sacks ' " Shock Therapy " and Its Evaluation

  6. 但在十九世纪二十年代仅仅是收容所和休克疗法。

    In the nineteen-twenties it was the asylum and the shock treatments .

  7. 只有很少一部分病例才要用电休克疗法处理。

    In only a very small fraction of cases is electroshock prescribed .

  8. 电休克疗法严格说并不算科学的。

    Ect not being the precise science that , say .

  9. 可恶我还希望来个休克疗法

    Damn it . I was really hoping for some shock therapy ,

  10. 休克疗法在俄罗斯出现有其历史必然性;

    It is historical necessity that Shock Therapy was implemented in Russia ;

  11. 城市建设的休克疗法&大连现象解说

    The Shock Therapy of Urban Construction & An Interpretation of Dalian Phenomenon

  12. 但残酷的事实是:欧洲需要休克疗法。

    The harsh truth , though , is that Europe needs shock treatment .

  13. 渐进式与休克疗法式改革的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Progressive and Shock Therapy Reform

  14. 例如,该书反对休克疗法。

    It rejects shock therapy , for example .

  15. 休克疗法真的是一场休克?

    Was shock therapy really a shock ?

  16. 不同剂量瑞芬太尼对无抽搐电休克疗法病人心血管反应的影响

    Effect of different dosage of remifentanil on cardiovascular response induced by modified electric convulsive therapy

  17. 休克疗法与渐进式改革

    The Shock Cure and Gradual Reformation

  18. 你觉得是休克疗法吗

    Are you thinking shock treatment ?

  19. 休克疗法:用药物或电流诱发休克从而治疗某些精神疾病的方法。

    Shock therapy : Method of treating psychiatric disorders by inducing shock through drugs or electric current .

  20. 这可能听起来像是休克疗法,但它好过因缺乏资金而慢慢死亡。

    This may sound like shock therapy , but it is better than a slow death by starvation .

  21. 他不主张向前苏联一样采用所谓的休克疗法,认为那样做不符合中国的国情。

    He does not maintain that the Soviet Union adopts so-called shock treatment equally forward , thinks that does it in that way .

  22. 这种往往令人痛苦的经济休克疗法,为濒临崩溃的经济注入了生机,促使电话、运输、电力和供水之类的服务出现明显改善。

    This often-painful economic shock therapy breathed life into moribund economies and produced dramatic improvements in services such as telephones , transportation , electricity and water .

  23. 1990年早期一个“休克疗法”计划激活了全国,使其成为中欧各国经济最有活力的国家。

    A " shock therapy " program during the early1990s enabled the country to transform its economy into one of the most robust in Central Europe .

  24. 在他生病期间,纳什博士与妻子离婚,搬进搬出医院,忍受包括胰岛素休克疗法在内的危险治疗。

    During his illness , Dr. Nash was divorced from his wife , moved in and out of hospitals and endured dangerous treatments including insulin-coma therapy .

  25. 一些研究人员力图研发出较电休克疗法更好的治疗办法,他们正在对心得安进行试验,这种药物可抑制一种强化巩固记忆的荷尔蒙的活动。

    Some researchers looking to move beyond ECT are now also experimenting with propranolol , which inhibits the actions of a hormone that enhances memory consolidation .

  26. 从俄罗斯国情、规律、政策和理论等多方面多角度透彻而深刻地分析了俄罗斯休克疗法失败的原因;

    This is an incisive , deep-going analysis of factors that caused the failure of the Russian " Shock Treatment " based on the conditions of Russia , economic laws , policy adopted , and economic theories ;

  27. 这么多年以来,电休克疗法已经大幅进步,被认为适合用于某些对其他疗法不起反应的重性抑郁症,以及其他相关的严重情绪状态。

    Electroconvulsive therapy has improved dramatically over the years and is considered appropriate for use against types of major depression that don 't respond to other treatments , as well as other related , severe mood states .

  28. 尽管如此,关于俄罗斯转轨政策仍存有疑问,比如究竟如何评价转轨初期的休克疗法,学界并没有形成共识。

    Nevertheless , questions over the Russian transitional policy still exist , such as how to evaluate the shock therapy at the early stage of the transition , on which the academic circle has not reached a consensus .

  29. 更令人担心的是,这种情况正不断恶化。泰国政府年初时表示,司机在假日期间酒驾,车辆可能被扣押。而上周,泰国政府批准了将酒驾司机送到太平间的“休克疗法”。

    Amid fears the situation might be getting worse , the government , which earlier this year said drink-drivers could have their cars impounded for the duration of the holiday , last week approved the morgue shock treatment plan .

  30. 俄罗斯政府最初选择了英美的自由市场经济模式的发展道路,采取“休克”疗法。

    Russian government initially adopted the free market economy with British-American characteristics and the " shock " therapy .