
qiān dūn
  • kiloton
千吨 [qiān dūn]
  • (1) [kiloton]

  • (2) 一千吨

  • (3) 同千吨当量

千吨[qiān dūn]
  1. 莱恩哈特拒绝透露更多的财务细节,但是说他的公司每个季度的出货量可以千吨计算,并且已经吸引了2450万美元的投资。

    Mr. Rhinehart declined to share financial details but said his company was shipping at the kiloton scale each quarter and had attracted $ 24.5 million in financing .

  2. 莱恩哈特拒绝透露更多的财务细节,但是说他的公司每个季度的出货量可“以千吨计算”,并且已经吸引了2450万美元的投资。

    Mr. Rhinehart declined to share financial details but said his company was shipping " at the kiloton scale " each quarter and had attracted $ 24.5 million in financing .

  3. 用回收溶剂进行SBS千吨级工业试生产,其引发剂用于聚合体系有害杂质的消耗量、产品合格率和成品物理机械性能均达到较佳水平。

    The quality of the recovered solvent was satisfied for the requirement of SBS trial production , and the obtained product had good mechanical properties .

  4. 千吨级EPDM/PPTPV装置技术经济评估

    Techno-Economic Evaluation of EPDM / PP TPV Plant at Level of Kiloton a Year

  5. 实验室试验、千吨级工业试验及经济分析均表明:添加0.02%的AES在技术上和经济上是可行的。

    Adding 0.02 % AES to TSP is technically and economically feasible through a laboratory test , a 2-thousand ~ ton industrial test and economic analysis .

  6. 超大型岩金矿床的金属储量应大于100t。这类金矿床的储量规模,可进一步划分为百吨级,千吨级和万吨级。

    The metal reserve of a superlarge primary gold deposit must be more than one hundred tons .

  7. 本文以某千吨级单体复合船型为研究对象,利用势流理论方法和RANS方法分别对二维横剖段和三维船体的水动力系数进行了计算。

    The paper takes one 1000 tons hybrid monohull as a object of the research and the paper will use potential method and RANS method to compute the hydrodynamic coefficients of two-dimensional stations and the three-dimensional hull .

  8. 以汕头港广澳港区一期工程沉箱安装为例,介绍200t起重船没水安装近千吨沉箱的一种新工艺。

    Taking caisson installation of Shantou Port Guang ′ ao Port Area Phase I Project as an example , this paper introduces the submerged installation of caisson of nearly 1 000 t with 200 t floating crane .

  9. 采用此工艺的萃取精馏塔理论塔板数可降低至20块以下。该工艺已获中国发明专利(CN1120828C),并已在千吨级生产装置上实际应用。

    When this new technique was applied , the theoretical plate number of the extractive distillation tower can be reduced to less than 20.The technique has been granted a patent of China ( CN1120828C ) and has been applied in 1000 t / a device .

  10. 千吨液压支架试验台监控系统上位组态结构

    Upper-level System Configuration Framework of 10000 kN Hydraulic Power Support Test-bed

  11. 千吨重量或容量的单位,等于1000吨。

    A unit of weight or capacity equal to1000 tons .

  12. 长江中下游千吨驳推船船队模操纵试验研究

    Experimental Study on Manoeuverability of Barge - Push Train Models

  13. 千吨级露天剥离定向抛掷大爆破

    A Thousand-Ton Explosive Charge Directional Throw Open-air Stripping Blasting

  14. 建设宁夏石嘴山千吨级多晶硅产业基地的有利条件及优势研究

    Basic Conditions and Advantages for Ningxia Shizuishan to Build the Silicon Industry Base

  15. 由尿素醇解制碳酸二甲酯新技术千吨级装置经济效益分析

    Economic Benefits Analysis of Technology of Dimethyl Carbonate

  16. 谈我国实现2000年4500千吨棉花的潜力与对策

    Talking about the potentials of achieving cotton 4500 kT in 2000 and its countermeasure

  17. 千吨级桩基静载试验方法桩基静载试验的几种反力装置与应用

    Some Reaction Force Equipments and Their Applications in Static Loading Test of Pile Foundations

  18. 千吨级非晶带材生产线自动控制及计算机管理系统

    The Automatic Control and Computer Management System of One-thousand Ton Level Amorphous Ribbon Production Line

  19. 它可以携带最多为50千吨爆发力单一热核弹头。

    It could carry a single thermonuclear warhead with a maximum explosive force of50 kilotons .

  20. 长江干线千吨级半分节驳船型问题的探讨

    A Study of the Ship Form of the 1000-ton Semi-integrated Barges Operating on the Yangtze River

  21. 黄骅港千吨级煤码头港池内航道演变浅析

    Analysis on Navigation Channel Process inside the Basin of 1000 dwt Coal Terminal in Huanghua Port

  22. 年生产能力千吨以上,产品科技含量高、量一流。

    Above a thousand tons of productivity yearly , the quality is first-class and best price .

  23. 其吨位已经达到千吨级,主臂起升高度达到百米以上,其中超起装置的应用对此发挥了重要作用。

    Tonnage has reached thousand tons , and main boom lifting height reaches more than hundred meters .

  24. 空运、陆运会向大气排入上千吨二氧化碳。

    All that flying and trucking adds thousands of metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere .

  25. 它们可重达上千吨,有的体型堪比一辆校车。

    They reach weights of thousands of tons , and some are the size of school busses .

  26. 一艘满载数万吨粮食的货船从美国抵达北韩港口。此前的一项协议使世界粮食计划署得以扩大对北韩的援助行动。一艘装载著3万7千吨小麦的美国货轮星期天抵达北韩港口南浦。

    The American ship carrying 37000 tons of wheat arrived Sunday in the North Korean port of Nampo .

  27. 以色列曾经表示,会允许再向加沙运送2千吨食品和医疗物资。

    Israel has said it would allow a further 2000 tons of food and medical supplies into Gaza .

  28. 随着跨度的增加,斜拉索的设计吨位已达到了千吨级的水平,使得索塔锚固区的受力越来越大。

    With the increase of span , the anchorage zone on pylon bear more heavy load because of the increase cable force .

  29. 我们不说船的重量为多少千吨,而说船的排水量是多少吨位。

    Instead of saying the ship 's weight is so many thousand tons , we say its displacement is that many tons .

  30. 当1千吨当量的核弹在底下爆炸后,这玩意儿事实上就变成了核能土豆加农炮,井盖瞬间拥有了巨大的能量。

    When the 1-kiloton nuke went off below , the facility effectively became a nuclear potato cannon , giving the cap a gigantic kick .