
qiān kè
  • kg;kilogram;kilo;kilogramme;stathm
千克 [qiān kè]
  • [kilogram] 国际单位制基本单位的质量单位,等于法国塞弗尔(Sevres)所保存的国际千克原器的质量。亦称公斤

千克[qiān kè]
  1. 请给我一千克蒜味香肠。

    A kilogram of garlic sausage , please .

  2. 苹果每千克5美元。

    Apple costs five dollars a kilogram .

  3. 她称出一千克面粉。

    She weighed out a kilo of flour .

  4. 这东西重约76千克。

    It is about 76 kilos in weight .

  5. 这个罐子能盛一千克。

    This jar will hold a kilo .

  6. 它重近27千克(约65磅)。

    It weighs nearly 27 kilos ( about 65 pounds )

  7. 称重显示增加了1.3千克。

    The scales registered a gain of 1.3 kilograms .

  8. 产生这一问题的根本原因在于我们的头部:它们重达4至5千克。我们低头时,就会很难支撑头的重量——这种情况有点儿类似用胳膊拿重物,离身体越远就会显得越重。

    The root of the problem appears to be our heads which , weighing in at 4-5 kilos , are harder to support when we bend over - a little like carrying a weight at arm 's length rather than closer to the body .

  9. 骨粉和草木灰P使用成本分别为5.6和7.3元/千克,可以作为增加堆肥P含量的辅料。

    The P use-costs of bone meal and plant ash is 5.6 and 7.3 ¥ / kg , respectively .

  10. 目前质粒DNA大规模生产已经达到千克级水平,一些产品正在进行临床实验。

    Now these processes routes can be scaled-up to produce kilogram quantities to meet clinical needs .

  11. 这道试验菜是由一家叫做PizzaLittleParty的披萨店发明的,重约1.2千克。

    The experimental dish was created by pizza place Pizza Little Party and weighs in at 1.2kg .

  12. 千克级窄摩尔质量分布PS的合成及其表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution Polystyrene on Kilogram Scale

  13. 21种堆肥原料中菇渣、茶渣、蜜糖渣和酵母渣N素使用成本小于15.0元/千克,是最佳的N调节物料。

    The N use-cost of mushroom residue , tea-leaf , dregs of molasses and yeast are less than 15.0 ¥ / kg .

  14. 南棘蛇通常注入大约40~100毫克的毒液含有0.4毫克~0.5毫克/千克LD。

    They typically inject around 40-100mg of venom with an LD of 0.4mg-0.5mg/kg .

  15. 公吨或MT指的是等于1000千克的一吨。

    " Metric Tonne or MT " means a tonne equivalent to1,000 Kilogram .

  16. 仪器重量轻(包括液晶显示器(LCD)、键盘和电源小于2千克);

    The weight of the Multi-Channel Analyzer is light ( including LCD , keyboard and battery for 2kg );

  17. 在pH值为2~3的酸性废水中连续运行时,铁屑投加量为2千克/每吨废水;

    When the iron powder is added to acid wastewater that PH is 2 to 3 it is added 2 kg per 1 ton wastewater ;

  18. 也就是说如果速度变化量和排气速度的比值为x,那么飞船的质量每增加1千克,我们就需要携带ex千克燃料。

    If that ratio is x , then to launch a kilogram of ship , we need ex kilograms of fuel .

  19. 其重量和第一款iPad一样,约为1.5磅(约合0.7千克)。

    It weighs about 1.5 pounds , which is the same weight as the very first iPad .

  20. 每千克98美元,CIF汉堡。

    It 's US $ 98 per kilo CIF Hamburg .

  21. 乐高积木由ABS塑料制成,在写这篇文章时这种材料的成本约为每千克1美元。

    Lego bricks are made of ABS plastic , which costs about a dollar per kilogram at the time of this writing .

  22. BMI指数(身体质量指数)的测量方式是:体重(千克)/身高(厘米)的平方。

    BMI is calculated by dividing your weight ( in kilograms ) by your height ( in metres ) squared .

  23. 运动时代谢车测量患者呼吸困难指数(DI)和千克体重耗氧量(V·2/kg)的变化;

    Dyspnea index ( DI ) and oxygen consumption ( V · O 2 / kg ) were determined with a metabolic cart during exercise .

  24. 每千克N、P2O5、K2O和有机肥(有机质含量35.2%)可分别增产种子6.10,4.75,1.42,0.03kg。

    Kg of N , P_2O_5 , K_2O and organic fertilizer ( containing 35.2 % of organic matter ) can increase 6.10,4.75 , 1.42 , and 0.03 kg of seed yeild .

  25. BlueMarble董事长KellyOgilvie说,他的公司在两次收获中已经收集了接近4000千克海藻。

    Blue Marble President Kelly Ogilvie says his company has collected almost four thousand kilos of algae in two harvests .

  26. Envy6Sleekbook差不多有15英寸长(约38厘米)、10英寸(约25.4厘米)宽,厚度差一点点就到0.8英寸(约二厘米),重量是4.5磅(约2.04千克)。

    The Envy 6 Sleekbook is almost 15 inches long and 10 inches deep and just under 0.8 inch thick . It weighs 4.5 pounds .

  27. 添加水平达2822毫克/千克,增加肝铜(P0.01)而降低骨灰镁浓度(P0.05或0.01)。

    Over & dose supplementation of 2822 mg / kg Mn increased liver Cu con - centration ( p0.01 ) but reduced bone ash Mg concentration ( p0.05 or 0.01 ) .

  28. 0.03毫克/千克含有LD/50,是莫哈维响尾蛇毒性的10倍,是常见眼镜蛇毒性的50倍以上。

    With an LD / 50 of 0.03mg/kg , it is 10 times as venomous as the Mojave Rattlesnake , and 50 times more than the common Cobra .

  29. 注意,糖浆的密度,是每立方米1千克,和C2的数值很接近-,我刚才提到了。

    Notice that the density of the syrup in terms of kilograms per cubic meter-is very close to C2 & I mentioned that earlier .

  30. (注:stone,英石,重量单位,1英石=6.35千克)但自从那时起,Carole改变了自己的人生,成功减掉了三分之二的体重,体重变为10英石(约60公斤)。

    But since then , Carole , has turned her life around and shed two-thirds of her body weight to tip the scales at 10st .